King's Business - 1949-05

under his care of the pitfalls which await those who disregard God’s will. In so doing there would be established in the minds of the youth a definite standard by which to gauge courtship and marriage. More than that, this prin­ ciple of Christian life would also be passed down into the lives of the chil­ dren which were born into such a home, and the weight of woe which comes from the disregard of God’s law might be entirely eliminated. A few years ago it was the United Nations Organization. Starry-eyed ideal­ ists over all the land were telling us that at last we had an organization that would safeguard the world’s future. No longer would it be possible to have war, for had not nearly all the nations of the world affixed signatures to the articles of agreement? But now, in spite of all that has been said before, we are wit­ nessing the establishment of a new mili­ tary defense alliance. Under the leader­ ship of the United States of America, nations fronting on the Atlantic Ocean have united in a pact of mutual military assistance. But do not misunderstand us. Perhaps this is the very best thing to do under the troublous circumstances of today. If it seems best, then by all means let us unite against aggressors. But we would point out that this exemplifies this fact: there can never be any per­ manent peace by world organizations or by defense alliances, and Christian people should not expect it. War stems from hearts that are wrong, and there can never be true harmony among men while man is at enmity with God. Some day peace will most surely come, but it will be in the form of a Person, even God’s own dear Son. We should amend the above by one statement. Under the leadership of anti­ christ there is to be a brief time of peace. Probably it will be uncertain, but it will be cessation from war, and backed by Satan’s power. However, there is a brighter side, for when we see this tem­ porary peace in force, it can only be a short step until God’s permanent peace comes. Mount Hermon Vacation Again this year the Bible Institute of Los' Angeles is sponsoring a glorious week of spiritual inspiration and physi­ cal relaxation at beautiful Mount Her­ mon Conference Grounds in Central Cali­ fornia. The time is August 14th to 21st. Dr. William W. Orr, Vice President of the Bible Institute, will direct the Con­ ference. The speakers will be Dr. Louis T. Talbot, Dr. J. Vernon McGee and Dr. Charles L. Feinberg. Inquiries regarding reservations should be addressed to Mount Hermon Confer­ ence Association, Mount Hermon, Cali­ fornia. T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S Now the North Atlantic Defense Pact

further application: those who look for these things are to be diligent in their Christian lives, that they may be found of Christ without spot and blameless. God’s plan regarding prophetic teach­ ing is not only to acquaint us with these events which will most surely come, but to bring about that conformity of life to the plan and purposes for which He has called us. Let students of prophecy beware lest being carried away with a mere academic knowledge of eschatologi­ cal teachings, they fail to give diligence to make their daily lives adorn the doc­ trine of Christ. Divorce Problems It falls to the lot of the editors to answer many questions about the Bible and daily life sent in response to a net­ work radio broadcast. While many un­ usual questions are asked, most of them fall into several general categories. One of these pertains to the intricate and vexing problem of divorce and remar­ riage. Quite a few people are deeply troubled as to God’s attitude regarding their marital status. Many letters come tell­ ing of pitiful home situations, and seek­ ing recommendations as to the best course to pursue, and yet not offend God. To most of these inquirers we suggest that rather than receive advice by mail, the very best thing for them to do is to seek a personal interview with some lo­ cal man of God, and talk the entire mat­ ter out over an open Bible. One cannot read these letters without being struck by the fact that in very many of the cases little or no counsel was ever given regarding God’s interest in their marriage. Too often the court­ ship was conducted and the ceremony solemnized without a thought as to the teaching of the Word of God. Believers have blissfully married unbelievers, many of them totally ignorant of the fact that God has expressly forbidden such a union. The result has been a harvest of evil years and broken lives. There is a definite need on the part of Christian leaders and pastors to stress more than ever the Scriptural princi­ ple of separation. Sermons should be preached on the subject, and the pastor should take the opportunity to earnestly and definitely warn the young people

The Personal Application o f Prophetic Truth It has been said that when anyone desires a large audience he should speak on prophetic subjects, as a sermon about the horrors of the time of the coming antichrist will always bring out more people than a sermon on the loveliness of Christ. Sometimes this seems to be true, and in Christian circles the coun­ try over we find a certain type of Chris­ tian who seems to drift from one pro­ phetic conference to another, always seeking some new angle to the unfold­ ing picture of the future. More than occasionally it seems that this type of Christian fails to have his life measure up consistently with an accompanying appropriation of prophetic truth. The Second Letter by the apostle Peter first warns solemnly against false teach­ ers, and then gives a strikingly vivid picture of the end of the world, possibly through the force of atomic power. In the tenth verse of Second Peter 3, the Day of the Lord is described as coming as a thief in the night in which both the heavens and the earth are to pass away with a great noise. This is evi­ dently to be brought about by an atomic explosion of such unheard-of proportions that the heat generated will melt even the elements of which our world con­ sists. The Apostle, however, does not leave the subject there but adds reassur­ ingly, in verse 13, that we look for new heavens and a new earth wherein right­ eousness will certainly abide. This is startling prophecy to be sure, and a minute examination of words, syntax, and emphases opens up a tre­ mendous vista for our prophetic imag­ ination. Prom this passage we can viv­ idly picture the cataclysmic end of the universe with all its sinful connections, and the amazing emergence of an abso­ lutely new universe wherein forever and ever righteousness will dwell. It is a picture both awe-inspiring and delight­ ful to the inquiring mind. However, the apostle Peter reveals, this astounding fact to Christians as an incentive to a more holy life. In verse 11, notice the application as Peter says, “ Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness?” And in verse 14 note a Page Four

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