Reflet 2024 08 28

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(De gauche à droite) Devant le siège social de la Coopérative d’Embrun sur la rue Notre-Dame et le nouvel emplacement de la succursale d’Embrun de la Bibliothèque publique de Russell, Patrick Therrien, PDG de la Coopérative d’Embrun, Mike Bols, président du conseil d’administration de la Coopérative d’Embrun, Mike Tarnowski, maire de Russell, Laurie Clement, présidente du conseil d’administration de la Bibliothèque publique de Russell, France Séguin-Couture, PDG de la Bibliothèque publique de Russell, et Richard Godin, DGA de la municipalité de Russell. (Photo fournie) Next steps include finalizing a lease agreement and development a layout pro- posal while Embrun Co-op continues with the site plan and building permit process for the new building. catholique d’Embrun. Progress stalled following the 2018 elec- tion and the the COVID-19 pandemic which forced the branch to close along with the school. Other options, such as relocating to the Camille Piché Community Centre, were considered but deemed unfeasbile. Embrun Co-op partnership In early 2024, Embrun Co-op approached the Township with a proposal to construct a new two-storey building on Notre-Dame Street, offering the first floor as a possible location for the library branch. Over the last six months council and the Co-op have held meetings to discuss the relocation before coming to an agreement earlier this week. “We’re thrilled to partner with the Township on this important project,” said Embrun Co-op President Mike Bols. “The new library location represents a shared vision for enhancing community access and connection, and we’re proud to support such a vital resource in Embrun”

The location of the Embrun Branch of the Russell Public Library has finally been confirmed after more than a decade at its temporary location in the Pavillon La Croisée. On Monday, August 26, during the Rus- sell municipal council meeting, the Russell council decided to enter into an agreement with Embrun Co-op for a new library location occupying 5,000 square feet on the first floor of a new two-storey building at the Co-op›s headquarters on Notre-Dame Street. “On behalf of the Township of Russell Public Library Board, we are pleased to support this future partnership where the Embrun Library can be a central gathering place that fosters learning experiences, social connections and a love of reading and writing,” stated Laurie Clement, chair of the Public Library Board. According to the municipality and the Board, the new central location in the villages offers more convenient access for residents as it will be situated near both residential and rural neighbourhoods, and will be more easily accessible to students at the village’s schools during school hours. “As Mayor of our Township, I am proud to see this long-awaited project come to life. A new centrally located, stand-alone Embrun Library Branch has been a priority for our community for many years,” stated Mayor Mike Tarnowski. “The time of this project is ideal, coinciding with the upcoming infrastructure improvements on Notre-Dame Street.” A long-time coming A new location for the Embrun branch of the library has been in the works since 2017 when a subcommittee was created to explore the Public Library’s options after it was temporary placed in the École élémentaire LA PRESSE CANADIENNE Un garçon de cinq ans de Brossard qui avait fait l'objet d'une alerte Amber dans la nuit de mardi a été retrouvé sain et sauf en Ontario plus tard en matinée, a indiqué la Sûreté du Québec (SQ). L'enfant a été retrouvé dans la région de York, au nord de Toronto, tôt mardi matin, quelques heures après l'alerte Amber émise dans tout le Québec. Selon la SQ, le garçon n'a pas été blessé et il sera ramené dans sa famille au Québec. Les autorités interrogent actuellement la femme de 65 ans qui l'aurait enlevé à


Un porte-parole a déclaré mardi que l'enquête était en cours et qu'il était trop tôt pour affirmer si la femme serait accusée. L'alerte initiale, émise vers 4h mardi matin, indiquait que l'enfant avait été enlevé vers 18h lundi soir à Brossard. L'alerte ajoutait que la femme et le garçon voya- geaient dans une voiture Tesla immatriculée en Ontario. La Police provinciale de l'Ontario a été informée de l'alerte Amber dès le début puisque la femme pouvait se diriger vers cette province. L'alerte Amber, qui avait

Fête du Travail/ Labor Day Nos bureaux seront fermés, le lundi 2 septembre en raison du congé de la fête du Travail. Our offices will be closed on Monday, September 2 due to Labor Day holiday.

The Québec provincial police announced on Tuesday, August 27, 2024 that the five-year-old Brossard boy who had been the subject of an Amber Alert overnight was found safe and sound in Ontario in the morning. Many in the region took to social media to inform others of the likelihood that the child and his suspected abductor would be passing through the region.(Ryan Remiorz, The Canadian Press)

également été étendue à l'Ontario, a finale- ment été levée peu après 10h mardi matin. Une alerte Amber est déclenchée

lorsqu'on croit qu’un enfant a été enlevé et qu'il court un grave danger.

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