A. Yes, it is. The views we give on this point don’t necessarily represent Biola. Frankly, we are not in favor of all of the free money which is given out to those who are increas ingly lazy, lethargic, and indolent. The world doesn’t owe them a living at all. There are some underprivi leged who certainly need help if they can do nothing for themselves. It would seem more important in the long run to spend time creating im portant and necessary jobs for these underprivileged people. It will do far more for them and everyone else involved thereby. Q. Venice, Calif. — “How do you exe- gete the statement in Hebrews con cerning Melchizedek that ‘without all contradiction the lesser is blessed of the greater ’ in light of the fact that he also blessed God?” A. You are referring to Hebrews 7 :7. This goes back to Genesis 14 when Abraham returned from the slaughter of the kings in which Lot was taken away to the North. When he came back, a priest of the Most High God met him at Jerusalem. Abraham gave him a tenth of all the spoil and received a blessing. This placed Melchizedek on a h igh e r plane. Out of Abraham’s loins came Levi and the Aaronic priesthood. So, since Abraham ties to Melchizedek, it means that the Aaronic priesthood pays recognition and honor to the Melchizedek type. This shows that Christ is greater than any Aaronic priesthood. In this way the Messian ic or the Christian faith is greater than the Mosaic revelation. All this is seen in the light of the fact that he also blessed God. Certainly he couldn’t be greater than God. Bless ing therefore can mean praise or bestowal.
ed up to heaven. But in Genesis 5: 2h we see that Enoch was taken up there by God, without his having to die. How do we reconcile this fact?” A. Read on in John 3:13, “except He that came down from heaven.” Our Lord is talking about heavenly things (v. 12). No man ascended up to heaven and came back to tell us heavenly things except the Son of Man.
Picturedabove is Miss LaVerne Rutledge, busi nessmanager and office manager at the Arizona Bible Colege. Below is Mrs. Electa Oitrog e, librarian,and Mrs. Linda Unruh (right),asistant librarian.
Q. Santa Monica, Calif. — “In John 3:13 it says that no man has ascend
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