the thinking of your wife and chil dren in the direction of God’s right eousness. You must be the leader! Too many men leave spiritual things to their wives. This is a gross mis take. These are times when construc tive and helpful criticism is neces sary. The need of example is much greater than mere words. While many parents want their children to grow up and become Christians, they fail to set the proper example. It’s “Do as I say, not do as I do.” Many of the children getting into trouble today have seen nothing of real righteousness in their own homes, even in some so-called Christian homes. Yes, the Word of God must be pre-eminent in the home. The counterpart of the passage in Deuteronomy is that found in Ephe sians 5:20-25. Instructions are given to fathers, mothers and children. Only Christianity has such an ex alted view of marriage and the sanc tity of the home. Whenever I see a Christian girl, definitely bom - again, marrying a non-Christian, I know she is in for years of heartbreak, no matter how much she argues against it. The Bible forbids such unions. The Christian wife is to submit to the leadership of her own husband, even as she submits to the Lord (Eph. 5:22, 23). This doesn’t reduce her to a position of slavery. She sim ply takes her place in the home as ordained by the Lord (I Cor. 11:3, Col. 3:18; I Peter 3:1-6). Husbands are to love their wives even as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it. This love is sac rificial, undying, unbounded, selfless, and patient. Nothing less will meet God’s demands. There’s no place in God’s plan for a dictator or a tyrant in the home. Both husband and wife must work together. This type of husband who does not obey the Word is ill spiritually and perhaps men tally. What woman would not gladly
submit to a Christ-like headship which is governed by love! Children are to be obedient with in the circle of the will of God. Honor to parents is going to rule out all contentious references. A young per son can’t be right with God and ut terly wrong with parents who are right with God. God will bless those who honor their mothers and fathers. In discipline there is not to be un fairness, injustice, intolerance, or ty rannical atttiudes on the part of the father. This causes alienation, some times forever. A child must know how to act and think correctly. Par ents seek lovingly to correct and help him. Love and wisdom must always be uppermost. This is true parental responsibility. Homes like these are rare in such days. Henry Ward Beecher declared, “You can’t teach a child to take care of himself unless you let him take care of himself. He will make mis takes but you’re to guide him. Out of these mistakes will come his wis dom.” J. Edgar Hoover has reported that 80% of all criminals in the United States come from homes where there was harshness and bla tant violation of law on the part of the parents. How is it with your home? C hapter F ifteen A s believers , each of us has a very real spiritual need. We must come apart and rest in the presence of the Lord Himself. One of the most blessed passages on this sub ject is Psalm 23, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit by David. This is a chapter of six ma jestic mountain peaks whose snow- covered tops appear to kiss the heav ens. We want to look at it as well as several verses from the Gospels. You know, mountain climbers will study the heights from every side before they ever attempt the ascent. This is the way we must approach the Scriptures. 21
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