edge of the Scriptures. All of us could afford some time for Bible study if we were so inclined. It real ly comes down to this. Are we really willing to give ourselves to the study of the Word? The answer to this will be an indication of the spiritual temperature of our hearts. We can’t be at our spiritual best, and at the same time fail to study the sacred page. One of the first steps is to set aside some specific area of time for our study. It may be in the morning or at night. Personal schedules will vary with the responsibilities of the day. Your study ought not to be limited to one area of the Bible alone. At one time it may be a book study, as we have sought to do on these programs. Another approach would be the great doctrines of the Bible. Survey both Testaments, touching upon the message of each wonderful book. “Study” here has the idea of mak ing a strenuous effort. This is what merits God’s divine approval. To “rightly divide,” means to cut some thing very straight. It suggests the stone mason who takes his tools to cut the hard surface straight. His purpose is to fit beautifully his ef forts into something of lasting value. The term also suggests plowing a straight course across a field. As a tent-maker, Paul was familiar with this word, relating itself to cutting a straight line through a piece of cloth. Then we’re to avoid error (v. 16). Error is a tragic thing. We are to be ministers of the Lord in patience (v. 24-26). Who is the servant of the Lord but the one who is willing to be used of Him for His glory? This is true of anyone who really loves Christ. It’s our privilege to be able to teach others. This has always been God's principle (I Peter 3:15). The Word of God is the standard of all truth. We are promised that evil seducers are going to wax worse and
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