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T H E K I N O ’ S B U S I N E S S
One day Tiny became 111. Late at night, while he was very sick, he whispered, "Mother, please sing “The Song.’ ” Tiny’s mother did not know the Lord Jesus as her Saviour. She answered, “What song, darling?” •* “Why, about .‘Jesus loves me,’ ” he replied. “Dear, I don’t know it,” his mother answered. “Mrs. Thomas does. Tell her to come and sing it,” Tiny pleaded. “But it is too late to do that. We couldn’t ask Mrs. Thomas to come way out here now.” “I'll sing it, then,” Tiny answered. He sang the“song through. When he came to the words, “ If I love Him when I die, He will take me home on high,” he reached both his hands up to his father and mother and said, “Mummie, Daddy, meet me in heaven, won’t you?" Tiny’s mother and father had not been thinking very much about heaven, or about getting ready to go there. Now Tiny had shown them what they needed to do, and that was to love the Lord Jesus with all their hearts. “The Song” had helped. M emory Verse "He hath put a new song In my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see It, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord” (Psa. 40:3). How to Join the K. Y. B. Gub To become a member of the Know Your Bible Club, read through the Gospel accord ing to John, using either your own Bible or a Gospel of John which will be sent upon request. When the Gospel has been read and a statement to this effect, signed by parent or Sunday-school teacher, has been sent to the Editor of the Junior King’s Business, a K. Y. B. C. pin will be mailed. Sunday- school classes or clubs desiring to order ten or more Gospels or pins may wish to share the cost of these supplies, as the Lord di rects: Gospels, postpaid five cents each— In quantity, three cents; pins, without postage, two cents each. However, no one Is to do without a Gospel or pin because of lack of money. Address: Junior King’s Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, Calif. New K. Y. B. C Members D A LLA S, O K E .: E ldora B uhler (M rs. A. M. Buhler, parent). L E N N O X , SO. D A K .: Iva and Jenola H arm s, Lila. Jean Javers, D elores and Gladys M attheis, iroyce Skie (M rs. H . H . K ing, leader). N EW LONDON , M INN .: B everly N ord strom (A nnie D ahlberg, leader). PA SA D E N A , , C A L IF .: M arjie Clinton, G lynna Feem ster, Darlene Goldcby, Marilyn H ovelm an (G lynna Feem ster, secretary.) SOMERTON , A R IZ .: Tomm ie Bann, Gracie and R oy B ilbrey, A urelia B ojornez, E sther, Joe E d, M axine and Tomm ie Chadwell, Jer ry Chapm an, R ichard H avens, A lvin K izer, B onnie Lee, H arold M asters, Frank and M elba Jean M inter, Bella, Cellia, H erbert, and Joe Ram on, A lton R aulsten (R oy L. M cK aughan, leader). W A SH IN G TON , D. C .: Joan E. Conger,. M ary A nn Fr&nkhouser, E. A lison G riffith (E thel V ance, leader).
Bible Quiz This is Station KYBC, the Know Your Bible Club. In,honor of our Mothers, the answers to our Bible Quiz this month will be the names of some of the Mothers of the Bible. If you give the correct answer upon the first suggestion, you will earn 25 points; on the second 20 points; on the third 10 points; and on the remaining ones 5 points each. Check your an swers by the ones given elsewhere on this page. Keep your score, and see how many points you make. A. (1) “A daughter of Levi” and the wife of Amram. (2) She lived in the land of Egypt. (3) She nursed her own baby boy for Pharaoh’s daugh ter. (4) She was a woman of faith, and trusted in the true God. (5) Mir iam and Aaron were the names of two of her children. B. (1) The wife of Elkanah. (2) She and her husband lived at Ramah, hut went up yearly to "sacrifice unto the Lord of h o s t s in Shiloh." (3) For many years she had no children, and this made her very unhappy. (4) •She prayed unto the Lord, and asked him for a son. She promised that if the prayer were answered, the son should be given to the Lord for service. (5) God answered and sent her a son whom she named Samuel. “ Because I have asked him of the Lord,” she said. C. (1) She left Bethlehem and went down into Moab in the time of famine. (2) Her husband and two sons died while she was in the land of Moab. (3) She and her daughter- in-law returned to Bethlehem at the “beginning of barley harvest” (4) She became the nurse to her grand son, Obed. Answers to K.Y.B.C. Quiz A. Jochebed, the Mother of Moses (Ex. 2:1, 8 , 9; 6:20; 1 Chron. 6:3). B. Hannah (1 Sam. 1:1-3,10,11, 20). C. Naomi (Ruth 1:1, 3, 5, 22; 4:16).
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