May, 1944
Dorothy Bryan Null
Hosella Thlesen
Kathryn Smlthers Leo
Marguerite Johnson
C h r is t ia n Endeavor
God’s Word and in prayer (Psa. 32:8; Isa. 30:21). 3. ' Remember, God uses us, not for what we are, but for what we are not When we are willing to lay down our strength and weakness before the Lord, He can use us (1 Cor. 1:26-29). 4. We must follow Him. We cannot
For Those Who Have Topics QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE • SOUL-WINNER. 1. Before we can win others, we must be sure that we are saved. Can you say, “I know” (John 9:251? 2. We must spend time in reading I.
TO CHRIST J o h n 1:35-42 By Marguerite Johnson
It Is reported that at a revival meet ing one day, the minister turned to Mr. Heinz, of the “57” Varieties, and said, “You are a Christian man; why aren’t you up and at it?” Mr. Heinz went home in anger, went to bed, and after a sleepless night he prayed that God would make him a power. At the meet ing of the bank presidents the next day, he turned to the man next to him and spoke of thp Christian life. His friend looked at him In amazement and said, “I’ve wondered many times why you never spoke to me about it if you really believed in Christ.” That man was the first of more than two hundred that Mr. Heinz won to Christ. Young people, let’s be up and at iti Do you suppose some friend of yours has wondered why you have not spo ken about your Lord to him? We 40 not hear much about Andrew, but one of the most far-reaching acts of which we have any record was done by him. He invited another man to meet Jesus. The invitation was accept ed, and the man he brought was Peter who became one of the greatest preachers the world has known. We cannot all preach, or hold important offices, but we all can introduce our friends to Christ. Would not you count it a great privilege if you could be an other Andrew and bring a Peter to know the Lord Jesus Christ?
Miss Johnson (B. Chr. Ed. ’43 at Biola) was elected to member- - ship in the Institute’s chapter of Phi Alpha Chi Honor Society. • She is teaching Éuodia and Eteri clubs in Kern County, Calif., under the auspices of the Bible Women’s Department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles.
Mrs. Lee (B. Sac. Mus. ’43 at Biola) is working with her husband among the shipyard workers of Richmond, Calif. They are re- • sponsible for the spiritual welfare of one of the housing centers in this district. Mrs. Lee has had wide experience with young people in Sunday-school work and choral groups. Miss Thiesen is a graduate of Fresno State College and of the Biola Summer School of Sacred Music. SJie has served at nu- • merous young people’s conferences. At present she is teaching In an elementary school in Traver, Calif. There she conducts a mid-week Bible group, a Sunday.-school class, •and a young people’s worship service.
Mrs. Null (Biola ’34) is active in evangelistic work and radio ministry, traveling with her husband, Carleton E. Null, Director • of Highway Evangelism. They also have the Bible Book Store of Oakland, Calif., emphasizing a ministry to servicemen.
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