May, 1944
testifying, and giving out tracts and flowers in the General Hospital of Los Angeles. In one of the men’s wards the students were told in no uncertain terms that they were not wanted. Then one of the girls stepped to the door of the ward and sang an old hymn containing the full message of salvation. The men listened thought fully until the song ended. How those young people thanked God for the ministry of song which had entered in where the spoken word was refused! Conclusion Let each of us ask himself: Am I using song as a ministry? Does God find true faith, worship, and praise in my heart as I sing? JUNE 18, 1944 HYMNS OF THE NEW DAY P salm 100 j 101:1 By Rosetta Thiesen "He hath put a new song in my . mouth, even p r a i s e unto our God: many shall see ft, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord” (Psa. 40:3). It is wonderful to note how "words of life on the wings of melody” ex press spiritual experiences. They speak of the dawning of a new day for a sin ner who comes to a saving knowledge of Christ. They speak also of the new day of victorious living for the Chris tian. Even more^ wonderful will be that glorious new day when we shall sing the song of Moses and of the Lamb! In the outline that follows we shall see how six songs express these very things. For Those Who Hare Topics I. THE NEW DAY OF REDEMPTION. 1. "Jesus Set the Music Ringing in my Heart"—George 0. Webster, C. Aus tin Miles. The world knows nothing of the song within the Christian’s heart, be cause it knows not Him who is the Author of. that song. But when Jesus saves us from sin, we cannot keep from singing (Psa. 71:23; 95:1, 2). 2. "Singing All the Time"—E. P. Hammond, George C. Stebbins. The author, E. P. Hammond, tells how he wrote the hymn: “One day, while explaining how Jesus loved us and gave Himself for us, I noticed a bright-looking girl in tears. She remained at the inquiry m e e t i n g , and was soon happy in Christ. “Next day she handed me a letter of which this is a part: T have found
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secration meeting, when members an swered the roll call by repeating Scripture texts, she failed to respond, I spoke of what a sad thing it would be, when our names are called from the Lamb’s book of life, if one of us should be absent; and prayed, ‘O God, when my own name is called up yon der, may I be there to respond!” ’.This experience resulted in the writing of this much-used hymn (Lk. 10:20; Rev. 3:5; 21:27). Turn in your Bibles to Revelation 5:9; 15:3, and you will find a descrip tion of the new song to be sung in the new day of eternity.
the dear Jesus, and I do not see how I could have rejected Him so long. I can $ing with the rest of those who have found Him, Jesus is mine. The first; time I came to the meetings I cried, but now I feel like singing all the time.’ “This prompted me to write the hymn” (Psa. 9:1. 2; 47:6, 7). H. THE NEW DAY OF VICTORIOUS LIVING. 1. "Is Your Ail on the Altar?"— Elisha A. Huffman. Many a life has been yielded to God for service as a result of hearing this song (Rom. 12:1, 2). 2. "An Evening Prayer"—C. M. Bat- tersby, Chas. H. Gabriel. Though we fail our Saviour often, He is ever ready and willing to for give, and to flood our hearts with joy anew if we but come to Him in hum ble confession (1 John 1:9). III. THE NEW DAY OF ETERNAL BLISS. 1. "Jesus Is Coming Again”—N. B. Vandall. When the Lord comes, we shall see that glorious dawning of the new day of eternity (John 14:3; 1 Thess. 4:17; T it 2:13). . 2. "When the Roll is Called Up Yon der"—J. M. Black. “While a teacher in a Sunday-school and president o f a young people’s so ciety,” says the author of this hymn, “I met a girl, fourteen years old, poorly clad, the child of a drunkard. She ac cepted my invitation to attend Sun day-school, and joined the young people’s society. One evening at a con Will You . . . ? 1. Adm it... "there is NONE r i g h t e o u s , no, not one” (Rom. 3:10). 2. Accept. . . “the L a m b of God, w n i c h taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). 3. Acknowledge. . . “with t h y
JUNE 25,1944 HOBBIES CAN BE PROFITABLE E cclesiastes 9 :1 0 ; 11:9 By Dorothy Bryan Nutt
What could be a better hobby than giving out God’s Word in printed form (Eccl. 11:6)? According to the parable in Matthew 13, we have a right to expect that at least one-fourth of the seed sown will be fruitful. There was seed that fell by the" wayside, on stony ground, among thorns, and into good ground. “But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it: which also beareth fruit” (Matt. 13:23). For Those Wbo Have Topics I. GOSPEL BOMBS (Rom. 1:16). The word “power” in the Scripture means dynamite1. Experience has shown that one of the most powerful ways of distributing the seed of the Word is by means of the “gospel bomb.” Tracts and return cards are rolled together tightly in brightly col ored cellophane. As a person travels in his car, he may throw the “bombs” out to those walking along the high way. A few years ago, a business man was driving from Chicago to Seattle. A cowboy to whom he gave one of the gospel bombs evidently rode fifty miles back in the hills, and after reading it, tossed it away. It lay in a sand blowout all winter. Eight months later, it was found by a man who wrote a letter asking: “I’d like to know, would I have a chance if I straightened up and cut out my mean-
mouth the Lord Jesus, and . . . believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from tlje dead . . . THOU SHALT BE SAVED” (Rom. 10:9).
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