King's Business - 1944-05

May, 1944


The prayer also asks that believers may be able to know the love of Christ that passes human knowledge. The word “know” means “getting to know,” ever increasing in the knowledge. There always will be more to know, because the subject—the love of Christ —is infinite. We never will come to the utmost limits of that love. Points and Problems 1. "Disputing and persuading the things concerning the kingdom of God" (Acts 19:8). Here we have presented the two elements of all good gospel teaching and preaching. First, a foun­ dation is laid for faith. Then, a plea is made for building upon that founda­ tion. The word “disputing” does not carry with it the idea of strife or con­ tention as might appear on the sur­ face. It literally means the bringing together in a logical manner the ele­ ments of salvation, comparing Scrip­ ture with Scripture, and reasoning from the Word of God the things per­ taining to the gospel. 2. "So that all they which dwelt ip Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus" (v.10). This is one of the windows of Scripture which offers the reader just a little glimpse into the magnitude of these early missionary efforts. Why is not more information given us? Doubt­ less, because the Spirit of God saw that it was not necessary. John says of the ministry of Jesus, “And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written” (John 21:25). We have contained in the Word of God only what is necessary for salvation and godliness—no more lest the mind of man become confused. 3. "In Christ Jesus" (Eph. 2:6). Note this and similar phrases in the Ephesian Epistle. This letter has often been called the Epistle o f “inness.” The phrases “in Christ Jesus,” “ in him,” “in Christ,” “in whom,” etc., occur thirty-two times. Paul recognizes that every blessing possesed by the child of God results from his position “in Christ Jesus.” 4. "Created in Christ Jesus unto good works . . . walk in them" (v. 10). The Apostle here emphasizes the fact that the saved man works. He formerly had emphasized the fact that he is saved by grace through faith (vs. 8 , 9). In stressing the impotence of good works as the means of obtain­ ing salvation, we dare not overlook their value in providing evidence that a person is truly saved. God’s purpose for the saved man is that he should walk in good works. Golden Text Illustration E p h e s ia n s .2:10 During a period of rainy/weather, a London missionary became discour-

lemon drops. He held two pennies in each hand. The storekeeper surprised him by saying, “Two plus two are four—that means that if you give me the two pennies in your left hand and the two pennies in your right hand, I can give you four big lemon drops.” "Oh,” said Harold, “that’s just a rule in a book.” Then he thought again. “But it works to give you something nice, doesn’t it?” He had learned a new lesson, and the friends of Paul, about whom we shall talk today, learned' one, too—a different kind of lesson. Do you know what GOD’S WORD teaches concerning: • Christ’s Atoning Work Salvation The Believer’s Position The Christian and Sin Prayer The Spirit-filled Life The Correspondence School of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles , offers two Doctrinal Courses. BIBLE BEGINNERS’ Co«rM4 12 Topics —6 Examinations....$ 2.00 FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY Course 2 40 Topics —1 1 Examinations-$5.00 ENROLL NOW N am « .............................................. .................. .. Address ........................................... As a Christian What DoYou Believe?


aged through inclemency of the weath­ er and the hardheartedness of the people. One evening while wandering through his district in a very despond­ ent mood, he stepped into a hallway to rest and to gain shelter from the rain. Through an open doorway he saw a seamstress at her work by candlelight. So busy was she that he had trouble following the fast-flying needle with his eye. She stopped a moment to'rest, but then, casting a look at her candle, she murmured, “I must hasten, for my candle is burning low and I have no other.” And she industriously applied herself to her work. The missionary says: “These words entered my heart as a warning from above. In a moment my despondency was gone and I said, ‘I, too, must ■hasten and work while It is day; the night comes apace when no man can work.’ ” Do you feel discouraged? Work on! “Labor is not in vain in the Lord." You cannot know how long your light will shine, so do not hide it even for a moment, but let every ray count in an effort to dispel the darkness of sin. God will take notice and bless you for it.'—A Thousand and One Illustra­ tions for Pulpit and Platform. A Friendly Schoolteacher A c t s 19:1-20 MEMORY VERSE: “The earth is full of the g o o d n e s s of the Lord” (Psa. 33:5). AIM: To show that a true friend helps others to love the Lord Jesus. APPROACH: Harold was not old enough to go to school, but he heard his brothers talking about their arith­ metic. They said, “One plus one are two; two plus two are four.” One day, Harold went to the comer store to buy Topics for Children’s Division In the Children’s Division for this month, there are four lessons that follow the general theme: Being Friends. June 4—A Friend Helps Others. June 11—A Friend Forgives Oth­ ers. June 18—A Friend Loves Others. June 25—A Friend of God.

Age .........W hen converted ... D enom ination ................................. Am ount e n c lo s e d ...........'.Course

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