Onesimus told Paul of his unfaithful ness to his master—how instead of bringing his master profit, he had caused him a loss. He was “UNPROF ITABLE” to his master. Paul was wise in that he gave the young man the gospel of Christ as a solution to his problem. Onesimus humbled him self, just as this “I” bends forward, and he received Christ as his Saviour. You now see that the word “ONESI MUS” is behind the cross. We will turn the cross around and look at the back. It now reads “PROFITABLE.” What a wonderful change! This is why Paul could write to P h i l e m o n and say of Onesimus, “Which in time past was to thee un profitable, but now profitable to thee and to me” (Philem. 1 1 ). Perhaps some of you are "UNPROF ITABLE” to your parents and friends. If you will receive Christ, you, too, will be changed. When a boy or a girl receives the Lord Jesus Christ into his heart as Saviour, he becomes a new creature. Things which he used to do no longer please him. He ‘is changed, just like Onesimus. Let us turn in our Bibles and read 2 Corinthians 5:17, which will tell us how it all happens.
Onesimus was now a "new creature In Christ Jesus,” just ,as Philemon was, and just as Paul was. They should all love each other in the same Way. Object Lesson ' N ew and T rue OBJECTS: A capital "I." (Cut from stiff construction paper. It should be 14 inches high, the stem 1 inch wide, and the top and bottom bars 4 inches wide and 1 inch high. Crease 2Vn inches from the top, permitting the top to fold forward when desired. Make another crease 5 -inches from the bottom. When the top is folded down and the bottom up, the two bars wfll come together, making a cross. On the front, between the top and bottom folds, print the word “ONESI MUS.” On the back, print the word “UNPROFITABLE,” with the first two letters above the top fold, and the rest of the, word between the top and bottom folds.) LESSON: It is not difficult to de cide who this tall “I” represents, for it has "ONESIMUS” printed on it. He was a slave who had escaped from his master, Philemon, a man who lived at Colosse. He had, quite probably, taken some of Philemon’s belongings. Onesimus did not want his master to catch him, so he fled to Rome, where he met the Apostle Paul. This meeting may have been in the Roman prison. Boys whd get into trouble at home, usually get into trouble every place they go. Paul soon told this run away boy about sin’s slavery, and how he could be free from sin in Christ. On the back of this “I” we see the word “UNPROFITABLE.” Doubtless, 2 T im othy 2:1 Thou therefore, m y son, be strong In the grace th at*Is In Christ Jesus. 2 And the things that thou hast heard o f me am ong m any witnesses, the sam e com mit thou to faithful m en, w ho shall be able to teach others also. 3 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier o f Jesus Christ. 4 No that warreth entangleth hjm - self with the affairs of* this life; that he m ay please him w ho hath chosen him to be a soldier. 8 Rem em ber that Jesus Christ o f the seed o f David yvas raised from the dead, a c cording to m y gospel: 9 W herein I ^suffer trouble, as an evil- doer, even unto bonds; but the word o f God Is not bound. 10 Therefore I endure all things for the elect’s sake, that they m ay also obtain the salvation w hich Is in Christ Jesus w ith eter nal glory. 11 It Is a faithful saying: For if w e be dead w ith him , w e shall also live with him : 12 If w e su ffer, w e shall also reign with him : if w e deny him , he also will deny us. 4:5 But w atch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the w ork o f an evangelist, make full proof o f thy m inistry. 6 For I am now ready to be offered , and the tim e o f m y departure Is at hand.
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7 1 have fought a good figh t, I have fin ished m y course, I have kept the faith: 8 H enceforth there is laid up for me a crown o f righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give me at that day: and not to m e only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. LESSON T E X T : 2 Tim . 2:1-4, 8-12; 4:5-8. GOLDEN TEXT.: “ Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier o f Jesus C hrist” (2 Tim . 2:3). D EVOTION A L READ ING : H eb. 11:32 to 12 : 2 . --------* Outline and Exposition I. T he E xhortation (2 :1 -4 ) P AUL, as an old man about to strong, or to be strengthened, in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, in order that the things the young man had learned from Paul might be passed on to "faithful men” who should be able
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leave this world, addressed Tim othy as “my son,” or “my child” (v. 1, R. V.)v. He exhorted him to be
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