King's Business - 1944-05



'Mental Hypnotics — and “Sod-Power” L E T "P R O P H E C Y M O N TH L Y " for MAY put you w ise to subtle teachings being slyly Introduced Into evangelical churches through youth lessons. Other tim ely them es: • ROME Dons the Garb o f D em ocracy • B ritish-Israelites Claim H oly Land • Does Palestine Belong In A rab D om ain? O Deafening N oises Foretold Prophecy M any other m ost illum inating discus­ sions along w ith the regular helpful features o f this officia l m onthly o f Am erican Frophetio League. F R E E COPY o f valuable B ible study book, “ The R ap­ ture” b y Drs. M acArthur, Stuart, B rooks and R oss IF you send TH IS A D w ith $1 fo r a full yea r o f P R O - L, PH E CY . , A fou r m onths spécial trial 'o ffe r 25c; single copy, lOe. Be sure to ask for BOOK BULLETIN o f the . AM ER ICAN PROPHETIC LEAGUE, Inc. R ev. Fred H. W ight, Exec. Sec’y 'B o x BB, Sta. Eagle R ock, Los A ngeles 41, Calif, .


' for every Christian to be strong. Lit­ erally, the thought of the text Is, “ be invested with power.” In other words, “be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18). The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of power, and He wants to empower every be­ liever for service and testimony. 2. "Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead" (v. 8 , R. V.). Every­ thing about the person and ministry of Christ is worthy of remembrance, but In the resurrection of Christ we have a fact which crystallizes or makes meaningful everything else about Him. The cross, for instance, is of value only as it finds its completion at the open tomb. The consciousness, therefore, of the presence of a living Lord in his ministry was young Tim­ othy’s greatest need. It is the greatest need of every servant of the Lord. 3. "The word of God is not bound" (v. 9). What encouragement to Chris­ tian workers limited by decrees of men, by conditions of war, by the prejudices of unbelief, by educational deficiencies, or by bodily weakness! God’s Word cannot be chained nor its power diminished. i Before missionaries were' permitted to labor in Korea, the New Testament had been carried into that country by colporteurs and distributed. When mis­ sionaries at last came into that field they found whole communities al­ ready professing Christianity, and the foundations werethUs laid for a re­ markable work of God’s grace. Let every minister ana xeacner oe over­ whelmed with the dynamic power of God’s Word!

4. "The time of my departure Is at hand" (4:6). The word for “ depar­ ture” is a combination of two words in the Greek meaning literally “ a loosing upward.” As Paul puts it in Philippians 1:23, It is a loosing upward to be with Christ. There is ,no soul- sleeping in such a revelation. It is the soul reposing in the presence of Christ 5. "I have fought . . . finished . . . kept. . . henceforth" (vs. 7, 8 ). Here we have a panorama of the life of the true servant of God. It sets forth what he has been in the timé that is passed, what he is at the very close of life, and what he will be in the future. It is God’s ideal for every servant of His —faithfulness in the highest sense of the term all through life with the promise of glorious reward in the fu­ ture. Major Miller was leading his battal­ ion' in the front line of the American advance through the Argonne Forest After two days of intense physical and mental strain; it was his duty to lead his men against a strong enemy posi­ tion south of Gesnes. He was almost exhausted from the efforts 6 f preced­ ing days, but he reorganized his bat­ talion with his usual energy and or­ dered an attack. The German fire . . , was very heavy, and when our troops reached open ground, they began tp waver. Major Miller was wounded in the right leg, but staggered on. Short­ ly afterward, he was shot in the right arm, but he continued the charge, cheering his men onward. Just before the objective was reached, he received a wound in the stomach which forced him to the ground, but he ordered his men to push on to the next ridge and to leave him where he lay. This gal­ lant officer died of his wounds a few days later.-—Gen. Pershing’s One Hun­ dred Heroes, in t h e Ladies’ Home Journal. Paul's Friend Timothy . . 2 T i m o t h y • MEMORY VERSE: "A friend loveth at all times” (Prov. 17:17). AIM: To show that if we have the Lord Jesus, we love other people, too. A P P R O A C H : Golden Text Illustration 2 T imothy 2:3

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Paul had no chil­ dren of his own, b u t Timothy w a s so dear to him that he seemed like his own son. Paul had helped Timothy to love the Lord Jesus,

and now the young man was a minis­ ter, telling others about the Saviour, just as Paul did. To encourage him 5 -Division

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