King's Business - 1944-05


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm. GOLDEN TEXT: “ But Daniel purposed In his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank" (Dan. 1:8). DEVOTIONAL READING: Psa. 128. Outline and Exposition I. D a n ie l ' s P u r p o s e ( v s . 8-10) D ANIEL symbolizes the faithful God’s overruling providence, and ex­ alted at’ last to a position over those who had been persecutors. Daniel "purposed in his heart,” or “he set his heart” not to defile him­ self. His was not a mere intellectual decision, but the purpose of his in­ most heart, controlling the whole being. His purpose gave him courage. He was ready to explain why he could not eat the king’s meat nor drink his wine. He refused these things, not because they were evil in themselves, but be­ cause they had been offered first to idols. Defilement of the flesh and of the spirit results when convictions are overthrown. Daniel was not of Babylon though he was in Babylqn; he had been mastered by the Lord, and therefore he was master of him­ self, and courageous enough to let the eunuch know his convictions: His purpose gave him also great courtesy in dealing with the eunuch. This officer likely would not have been moved to any consideration of the request if Daniel had acted in a surly or disrespectful manner. There is no need for one to be discourteous in order to maintain one’s convictions. But even though he was favorably inclined toward Daniel, the eunuch was not quite ready to accede to his request. II.’ D a n i e l ’ s P e r s is t e n c e ( v s . 11-16) Daniel was not one of those who state their beliefs-^but do nothing


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remnant at the time of the end: witnessing for God, suf­ fering for the testimony, protected by

more about the matter. Too many in­ dividuals, having declared themselves as being against a certain matter, nevertheless proceed to eat the for­ bidden meat and drink the wine against their own convictions. Daniel persisted by suggesting a plan to the eunuch (vs. 11-13). It was a fair prop­ osition. He said: “ Let them give us pulse [or herbs] to eat, and water to drink” for ten days. He believed this experiment would prove the validity of his claim'. To this plan the eunuch consented (v. 14). He must have been moved by God to make this decision, for it in­ volved, from the natural viewpoint, the possible loss of his own life. God was taking care of him, as truly as He was caring for Daniel and his com­ panions. At the end of ten days, it was seen that these men were “fairer and fat­ ter in flesh” than those who took the king’s meat and wine. Accordingly the eunuch “took away the portion of their meat . . . and gave them pulse,” and Daniel’s purpose was maintained, his faith answered, and his God hon­ ored in the midst of heathenism, III. D a n ie l ’ s P r o m o t io n ( vs . 19, 20) Daniel was, blessed physically (v. 15), mentally (v. 17), and in matters of discernment (v. 20). He and his three friends who had stood with him in his purpose were brought before the king. This ruler had been attract­ ed by their knowledge and grace, and “therefore stood they before the king,” which means they were counted as be­ ing of the king’s household with posi­ tions of trust. This was an honor— God’s reward to them for a long period of faithfulness. The king was one of those who, in those days, sought answers to ‘ his problems by using magicians, en­ chanters, or soothsayers. Among all the company of the king’s magicians there was none who had the under­ standing and wisdom of these four young men who had dared to main­ tain their testimony for their God in the midst of a heathen world. They illustrate the truth that “them that honor me I will honor,” as God de­ clares. It was God's will, rather than the men’s simple diet, that caused these

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