May,. 1944
187 MULTNOMAH IT1 B I B L E A fast crowing: B ible school Ideally located in the great N orthw est. Capable, devoted fa cu lty; enthusiastic student body. A Bible- Centered curriculum—fully accredited. T u i tion FR E E , expenses low. “Built With Prayer“ W rite fo r C atalog and particulars Interesting tract, ‘ 'T h e Sin o f Trying to Be Good” sent Free to all inquirers. Willard M. Aldrich, Th.D., President B. B. Sutcliffe, D. D. John G. Mitchell. O. D. Chairman of Trustee Board Vice-President 703 N.E. Multnomah St., Portland 12, Ore. Your BEST Advertisement —of meetings, services, etc. for Churches, Classes, Societies, or Personal use. The little Monthly with a lot of power. Four pages of soul-saving experiences and testimonies, articles and poems. Your Announcement' Imprinted—price, ONLY $4.50 a thousand-. Issued monthly. Send for FREE sample, enclosing stamp for mailing. -
four young Hebrews to prosper as they did.. Nevertheless, it is true that a simple life yields lasting benefits. The advantages are felt not only by the participants themselves, but also by all who come in contact with them. There is power in simple living. Points and Problems 1. "But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself" (Dan. 1:8). Daniel could not help that he and his companions were given horrible pagan names, that they were captives in an idolatrous atmos phere, and that the king had appoint ed for them certain food and drink, but one thing he could do was to re fuse to partake of the food and drink set before him. This showed his loy alty to God. Likewise, believers today are not re sponsible for the attitude that men of the world assume toward God nor for the pollution that is in the world, but one thing they are responsible for is that they keep themselves separated from these things. • 2. "Now God had brought Daniel into favor and tender love with the prince of the eunuchs" (v. 9). No sooner had Daniel decided to re nounce the world and walk with God than God began to work in his behalf. He brought him into favor with the prince of the eunuchs, gave him “un derstanding in all visions and dreams” (v. 17), and gave him grace to con tinue throughout the captivity (v. 2 1 ). It is always so. Those who choose to walk with God experience manifesta tions of His guidance and grace. The way of blessing is the way of separa tion. 3. "Thus Melzar took away the por tion of their m ea t...and gave them pulse" (v. 16). Though Daniel and his companions gave up the king’s food, God provided for them. They were given pulse to eat, a kind of a vege table diet (the word literally means “seeds” ) which nourished them until they were “fairer and fatter in flesh than all the children which did eat the portion of the king’s meat” (v. 15). They who turn from the world and its husks are not left to starve. They for ever feed on Christ who perfectly nourishes the soul until it becomes even like unto Himself. Golden Tex' Illustration P A T it r a . 1 -8 During the South African War there was a meeting held for Christian sol diers on the veld. A big highlander said a few words, “Now, look here, chums, tell me why didn’t the lions eat Daniel?” There was a pause. “Well, I’ll tell you,” said the speaker, “it was because Daniel was three parts backbone, and all the rest gris
tle . . . put backbone into your Chris tianity, comrades. Be like Daniel, and God will give you all the needed strength to stand against temptation, and to overcome sin.”—One Thousand Tales Worth Telling.
The Boy Daniel D an iel 1
MEMORY VERSE: “Honor thy father and thy mother; that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord
thy God g i v e t h thee” (Ex. 20:12). AIM: To s h o w how Daniel was a friend of God. A P P R O A C H :
When we are away from home, some times we remem ber better than at other t i m e s the things that our parents and teachers have told us.
THE DOORSTEP EVANGEL Dr. Willard M. Aldrich, Editor
P. O. Box IB
Vancouver, Wash.
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Enlarged and revised with Year II complete. Here is a most unusual, timely book for Summer Bible School, written by an armyofficer andhis wife who have had four years of experience in successfully conducting Troop Schools. It is a complete re cruiting manual for use with children of all ages in Summer Bible Schools. The theme is carried out in minute details in cluding: Enlistment, Orders of the Day, Training Drills, Target Practice, Corps Maneuvers, and Duty Roster. A com plete course of study, true missionary stories, catechism, hand* work, suggestions, etc., included. Only $2.00. SOLDIER’S MANUALS Year I The only workbook required by all pupils. and memory verse. Sixteen pages, lovely coyer, uramu
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Diploma appropriate for Christian Soldiers to be given to each Cadet for faithful attendance and creditable work. Designed to be_ used wherever the military theme is followed in the Summer Bible School. Size 8^x11 inches. 40c dozen. The Christian Soldier A flannelgraph story based on Ephesians 6 :11- 17. Includes cut-outs, story, application and song. Soldier is 16 inches high. 25c complete.
Troop School Enlistment Troop School Enlistment This Enlistment Card is used for enlisting boys and girls in the Troop School and includes space for all in formation needed for the school. 75c per hundred. Write for complete Summer Bible School Catalog CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS, Inc., 1507 N. Third St,. Harrisburg, Pa. tUSfSSZ
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