King's Business - 1944-05


May, 1944

Do Jews Control America? Swiftly the tide of Jew hate rises in America. The wildest and most fantastic falsehoods are be­ ing propagated even to the ob­ scurest corners of America. What shall the righteous do? Shall we sit idly by and allow a helpless people to be defamed, to be brutally persecuted? Or, shall we take up the gauntlet and do battle for those “of whom as c o n c e r n i n g the flesh Christ came” ? To meet this crisis hour, we have been led of God to prepare a series of tracts, each one show­ ing in. a kindly way the falsehood of the attacks. Here are the titles: 1. Do Jews control America? 2. Justice to the Jew. 3. To the Conscience of America. 4. Have You Ever Seen a Jew Do a Hard Day’s Work? 5. Why Blame Israel? 6 . Anti-Semitism—Is It of God or of Satan? 7. Just How Bad Are the Jews? 8 . How Near is Armageddon? The combination is yours for 10 c, which is less than even the cost of printing. Examine these leaflets prayerfully, then Send us your orders by the hundreds and by the thousands; scatter them over this country like the. leaves of autumn. Make yourself one of the watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem, for this is the su­ preme call of the hour to the true child of God. God has given us the answer to this Satanic Jew hating pro­ paganda in America, and we now place it at your disposal. Dear Friends: I enclose 10c for your "Anti­ dote to Jew Hate” package. I also enclose ................... as my fellowship with you in your world-wide ministry of the gospel to Israel. Name ---------------------- --------------- Street ——------------------------------- City.——----........ State—™...____.... AMERICAN BOARD OF M ISSIO N S TO THE JEWS, Inc. 31 Throop Avenue, Brooklyn 6, N. Y. * 39 King William Street Hamilton, Ontario Canada

The Official Organ of THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc. "Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins tn his own blood” (Rev, 1:5), THE KING'S BUSINESS VoLxr Cover Photograph by Harold M . Lambert. Family Prayer— That Works \— William F. McDermott ............................ ...162 Current Business — Editorial _____ __ __________ ________ .......... ........ 163 Behind the News —Dan Gilbert __...__________ ______________ ______________..163 Led by a Little Child— A Student Story __ ......____........................___ ..........164 When God Saved the Brewer’s Boy, Part V —Louis T . Talbot as told to Mildred M . Cook ___......_____ ____ ____________ __________ 166 Dr. Talbot’s Question Box________ ____________.______ _____ ____ ______ ,____168 More About the Bible and Science— 0 . E. Sanden ___ ________ __________ 170 Junior King’s Business —Martha S. Hooker ......________________ ______ ____ 171 Christian Endeavor —Marguerite Johnson, Kathryn Smithers Lee, Rosetta Thiesen, Dorothy Bryan Nutt ___ ...........................................173 B iola. Family.___________ __________________________________________________ 176 International Lesson Commentary._______ ____ _____ __________________ _____ 178 Daily Devotional Readings...__ ....______ ....._______ _____ ._________ ___ ____190 Literature Table___ ____________ .-____ ______________________________________192 . SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION— “ T he K ing's B usiness“ is published m onthly: $1.50, -one y r .; $2.00, tw o yrs.; 75 cents, six m onths; 20 cents, single copy. Clubs o f three or m ore at special rates. W rite for details. Canadian and for­ eign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address 'to becom e effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCE —Payable in advance, should be m ade by bank draft, express, or post office m oney order payable to “ The K in g’s B usiness.” D ate o f expiration will show plainly on outside wrapper or cover o f m agazine. ADVERTISING — F or inform ation, address the A dvertising Manager, 558 South H ope S treet,, L os Angeles 13, C alif., or' our eastern representative, Religious P ress A ssociation, 51 N o. 52nd St., Philadelphia 39, Pa. MANUSCRIPTS — “ The K ing's B usiness” cannot accept responsibility for loss or dam age to m anuscripts sent in for consideration. Entered as second-class m atter N ovem ber 7, 1938, at the P ost O ffice at Los A ngeles, C alifornia, under the A ct o f March 3, 1879. A cceptance for m ailing at special rate o f postage provided for in the A ct o f February 28, 1925, em bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P. L*. and R., authorized O ctober 1, 1918, and N ovem ber 13. 1938. ADDRESS: The K in g’s Business, 558 So. H ope. St., Los Angeles 13, Calif. Lbuis T. TALBOT. Editor-In-Chief MILDRED M. COOK, Managing Editor RAN SOM D. MARVIN, Staff Artist.

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