King's Business - 1944-05

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


LESSON STORY: Daniel was away from home, in a strange land. A king who did not love God had come to Daniel’s home country, and he had had his own way about almost every­ thing. When he said he would take back with him, to his own land, some of thè people of Judah, they had to go. Daniel and three of his friends were among the ones who went. Then the king said something like this: “I want you young men for im­ portant work in the palace.” He said they would have to be strong for this work; they were to be given the rich food and wine that were servéd at the king’s table. Daniel and his friends had been taught that wine and rich food are not good for anybody. They knew, too, that these things probably had been offered first to idols of wood or stone, and that if they would re­ ceive this food, they would really be worshiping idols," instead of God. Daniel and his friends wanted to show the king that there is only one God to be worshiped—the living heavenly Father—and that He will help all who trust Him. "Just give us-plain vegetable food, and water to drink,” they said, “ and after ten days, see whether we are not stronger than the others.” That is just what happened. Not only were the Lord’s friends healthier than the others, but God made them wise, too. “The king . . . found them ten times better” than the wisest lead­ ers in his kingdom. God was with them, and they learned how good it Stories are direct quotations from the Bibl* with location references for further reading. Large Size Pages 9x12 inches These pictures are made in two forms: 1. In a book with the story opposite the picture. Ideal for gifts to children, both individualljuand as rewards for various Sunday school attain­ ments. 2. 20 loose sheets in a good envelope particularly suited for coloring in primary classes in Sunday schools, Daily Vacation Bible schools, etc. Stories are on the back of each sheet Price 25c each—$2.50 Per Dozen Be sure to specify in ordering whether OLD or NEW Testament pictures are wanted. If you wish to receive our circular on religious literature, plaques, novelties, etc. from time to time send us your name and address. N E W ! RELIGIOUS COLORINGBOOK OF NEW TESTAMENT CHARACTERS WITHSTORIES

is to obey the words of our Memory Verse.

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Object Lesson C o u n t in g t h e C o st

OBJECTS: A picture of a whisky bottle cut from a magazine, a picture of a home, a picture of a college cap, a blank check, and a piece of paper on which the word “HEALTH” is writ­ ten. (Make a black pocket on the back of the whisky bottle. Tear each of the other pictures almost in two and place in the black pocket. Mark with a crayon on the whisky bottle, “PRICE $1.98, INCLUDING TAX.” ) LESSON: When you are considering buying anything, you naturally ask what it will cost. Can you tell what a bottle of whisky would cost by look­ ing at this picture? « “It says, ‘$i.98, including tax.' ” Did you know that when people buy whisky, they have not paid all the cost? In back of this whisky bottle there is a black envelope. Let’s see what we find in it. Here is a broken home. [Finish tearing in two.] In many cases, a broken home must be added to the price of the whisky. Next, we find a torn college cap.: ih is reminds me of the boy who did not get to finish his education because of drink. The lack of an education must in some eases be charged to whisky. Here is a blank check. Had it not been for drinking, this might have been a pay check. Many fathers have lost their jobs because of drinking. To the price of the whisky must be added the value of the job which was lost. We now find a piece of paper with “HEALTH” written on it. It is tdm and ruined. Many people should add to the price of the whisky they buy, the value of good health, for their health has been lost because of drink. As we have been thinking of the entire cost of drinking, I am reminded of what the Bible says about Daniel: “But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the king’s dainties, nor with the wine which he drank” (Dan. 1:8, R. V.). Daniel was wise in that he refused the king’s wine. He had counted the whole cost, and had found that it did not oay

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