King's Business - 1944-05

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


L i t e r a t u r e Ta b l e

Ward Ayer: "Christ’s Disciples and the Crisis of Calvary” ; (2) James B. Chapman: “Christ and the Bible” ; (3) Clovis G. Chappell: “A New Song"; (4) David M. Dawson; “The Double Portion of the Holy Spirit” ; (5) R. E. Golladay: “Spiritual Gifts, Transient and Permanent” ; C 6 ) E. D. Head: “The Adequacy of Christ” ; (71 T. C. Innes: “The Great Restorer” ; ( 8 ) Harry A. Ironside: “Samson, the Castaway” ; (9) Albert G. Johnson: “The Man at God’s Right Hand” ; (10) Robert G. Lee: “The Only Begotten of the Father” ;. (11) Clarence Edward Macartney: “Repentance” ; (12) Clar­ ence E. Mason, Jr.: “If Thou Hadst Known.” 234 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $2.00.

Israel’s Inalienable Possessions By David Baron Based on the ninth chapter of Romans, and other relative Old and New Testament Scriptures, this study is a sane, dignified plea for sympathy and love toward the Jews. The seven major irrevocable gif s of God to His chosen people, Israel, cbtnprise the points for the argument. This is not a profound writing; but it is timely and convincing, with an appeal for the non-Christian as well as the Christian. 55 pages. American Board of Missions to the Jews, Inc., Brooklyn, N. Y. Art paper. Price 50 cents.

From Science to Souls By Peter W . Stoner, M.S:

Yes, a professor of mathematics and astronomy can write a readable book; this Is one. Scientific facts and Bibli­ cal accounts are here presented as overwhelming proof of the, inspiration of the Bible. Prophecy is approached from the a n g l e of probability. Throughout the book, there is much to strengthen the faith of wavering high-school and college students and others. 116 pages. Moody Press, Chi­ cago 10, 111. Cloth. Price $1.00. Writing of the exquisiteness of na­ ture, the author of this book shows a true poet’s soul and a believer’s heart. The chapters are messages delivered at' sunrise and vesper services at a youth camp sponsored by the Wom­ an’s Missionary Union of New Mex­ ico. They have beauty and spiritual power. 200 pages. Broadman Press, Nashville, Tenn. Cloth. Price $1.75. Robes of Splendor By Harold E. Dye

The Adequacy of Christ By Clarence E. Mason, Jr.

Great Sermons by Great American Preachers Compiled by Theodore W . Engstrom Representing many different de­ nominations and geographical fields of labor, the writers of these heart­ warming sermons are: (1) William For these days of separation and sorrow, the Christian will find strength in the truths emphasized in this mas­ terful, heart-warming message from the pen of one who is ministering to thousands of servicemen. The message appeals to the unsaved. 26 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Paper. Price 25 cents each. 25 copies for $5.00. Three New Books by Dan Gilbert WHO IS THE COMING WORLD DICTATOR? WHAT REALLY WENT WRONG AT PEARL HARBOR?

A beh ind - the - scenes r ep o rt on the naval disaster w h ich p lu n g ed A m e r ic a in to w a r. W h p w e re the Jap s’ a llie s? W h a t was their secret w e a p o n ? Facts that a ll Am e rican s sh ou ld kn ow .

A p o rtion o f this b o o k was reprin ted in t h e Congressional Record. . I t w a s h ig h ly pra ised b y tw o m em bers o f the U n ite d States H ou s e o f Representatives. T e n thousand c op ie s w e re so ld b e fo r e the b o o k was o f f the press.

UN-AMERICANISM INHIGH SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS A th o rou gh rep o rt on ou r tax -supp orted h igh schools. Show s h ow ghdless and u n p a trio tic p rop a gand a is b e in g spread th rough edu ca tion a l institutions. A l l the statements m ad e are buttressed With c om p le te and c o n v in c in g p r o o f. Each of the above books: 35c (plus 3c for postage) All three of these books: $1 (plus 3c for postage)

order from : GENE LAMBERT, Agent D A N I E L L E P U B L I S H E R S

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