King's Business - 1944-05

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS L IB R A R IE S O F R E L IG IO U S BO O K S A N D S ets purch ased fo r cash. W rite B ak er’s B ookstore, 1019 W ealth y St., Grand R apids 6, M ich. R E V IV A L C L A S S IC S , N E W E D IT IO N JU ST o ff th e press. It con ta in s the ten m ost p op u ­ lar gospel hym n s and gosp el songs in A m er­ ica. So voted in a n a tion -w id e poll taken o v e r N ational B roa d ca stin g C o.’s N etw ork. Just the son gb ook fo r you r revival m eeting, B ib le con feren ce, etc. 20c cop y, $13.50-100, n ot prepaid. B ennard M u sic C om pany, A l­ bion, M ich. C O R R E C T A N D S IN G A B L E MU SIC S E T - tin g fo r you r h ym n -p oem assu res editorial con sideration . M u sic com p osed , arranged, edited and printed. N ew 'booklet. P oetic M etre— E xplain ed, 25c. E st. 1918. R aym ond Iden, (K B ) M ount V ern on , Ohio. C AR TO O N G O S P E L T R A C T S , 31ST M IL - lion. 1000-$1; 4000-$3. A ssorted . Sam ples 10c. E . A . M arshall, 753 F a irview A ve., K a lam a ­ zoo, M ich. L ectu rer on B ib le cu stom s. S E N D Y O U R B E S T N E G A T IV E F O R 8x10 G lossy enlargem en ts, on ly 40c; 5x7 G lossy en largem en ts on ly 25c. B o x 583, M t. H oreb, W is. D istrib u tor o f soul - w in n in g book s, plaques, and cards. A U T H O R S ’ A G E N T , C H R IS T IA N ED ITO R . F orm erly w ith la rge p ublishing hou se in E ast. W ill edit you r m an uscripts fo r 25c p er typ ew ritten page. F ree jou rn a lism coa ch in g given clients. A t present tim e tea ch in g in u n iversity. P a cific S chool o f Journalism , 1311% E . 14th St., L o n g B each 6, C alif. E A R N B E A U T IF U L W H IT E B IB L E OR T estam en t selling S cripture station ery, 25c p acket. Sam ples free. P rov id en ce P ress, 1218 V irgin ia, S iou x C ity 19, Iow a. “ L O R D , I ’M COM ING H OM E ” A N D O T H E R songs in V olum es II and III o f the P ro g re s­ sive C hoir Series. W rite fo r sam ples. U n i­ versa l P u blish in g C o., 4403 Sheridan R oad, C h ica go 40, 111. pEATon C ollege O c » W heatonfilin o li. A Christian preparatory school offering accredited four-year training for

A new kind of cook book! New recipes . . . 240 of them . . . contributed by WMBI Home Hour listeners . . . meat saving tricks, chil­ dren's recipes, foreign dishes. Bright, easy-to- keep-clean cover, plastic binding. Best of a l l . . . selected poems, prose bits. Scripture quotations . . . to keep you looking up while at homemaking tasks. 128 pp., 6x9 in. $ 1 .0 0

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