King's Business - 1940-02



The B ible Family Magazine


BIOLA'S OBJECTIVE: "Go. . . and tell them, Thus saith the Lord God; whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear"(Ezek. 3:11).

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February, 1940

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

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February, 1940


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BJOLA BOOK ROOM S60 S. Hope St. Los Angeles, Calif.


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

February, 1940

ROY L. LAURIN, Editor-In-Chief MILDRED M. COOK, Managing Editor W . F. KEMPF, Advertising and Circulation Manager

"I Changed My Mind on Good" We sent some Christmas money to a number of Jewish Christian refugee boys. One of the “thank you” letters was so revealing of the tragic psychology into which some of these suffering Jews are being driven that we think you will want to read at least a few sentences: To make clear my apprecia­ tion concerning the gift, I want to describe in short, a few words,—my Christmas. When Christmas vacation began, the students of my . school apart themselves, many went home, others went to friends, also the poor Russian boys have friends where to go, and to spend their vacation time, in happiness; and the Jewish . . . This made me think . . how is about the Jew­ ish ? Having no family, no friends. So that I have not to expect of somebody any friendly word, because nobody cares about Jews, or maybe Christmas doesn’t belong to me. However I have to spend my time during Christmas vacation in loneli­ ness. And when I opened your letter. . . . And of course I changed my mind on good. “Nobody cares about Jews!” But the dear brother found that he was. wrong, and so he says, “I changed my mind on good!” Somebody did care. You who read these lines, you care, and thou­ sands of others of the Lord’s choicest children, they care, and they send us their heart prayers, and their money, and with their money we come to grips with this terrible condition of Jewish star­ vation, heartache and agony of soul, the world over. So, when you become a partner with us, you are a sharer in that ministry that touches God’s people Israel at the point of their desperate need. And all of this for the purpose of glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ, and making His name known. If the Lord so leads you, we will wel­ come your fellowship in such a worldwide and vitally important ministry for these last days. 81 Throop Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. I do want to help the Jews. Here is $......................... Use it as God directs, to make known the saving power of the Lord Jesus Christ, to Israel. Name ................................................ Address ....................... .................. City.............—___—. State___ .....__ AMERICAN BOARD OF MISSIONS TO THE JEWS

Official Organ of The Bible Institute of Los A n geles, Incorporated

2hetBibleTamii#Sitatine Motto: “ Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood.” — Rex. 1:5.

Number 2

February, 1940

Volum e XXX I

TABLE OF CONTENTS • . Ransom D. Marvin, Staff Artist Cover design: Photograph by Harold M . Lambert; art work by Ransom D . Marvin.

Around the King’s Table— Roy L. Laurin .........|— .—— ---------------......44 Views and Reviews of Current News— Dan Gilbert ........................ ......... 45 Revival in the Home and Nation: Is It Possible?— Charles E. Fuller. ...46 The Time Is Short!— R. A . Torrey ..............................................................48 The Prophets As Men— K . Owen White .......... ....................... .................-49 A New Concept of Life— Roy L. Laurin ............................ ........... .......... -50 Using the Spur of Ambition— Karl D . Hummel ........................... ,...........52 The 'Bible Institute Family Circle,.............................................— ....'...........53 Junior King’s Business— Martha S. Hooker. ................................................ 55. Daily Devotional Readings ......................................... ................................... 57 International Lesson Commentary ........................................ — .................. 59 Notes on Christian Endeavor— Lyman A . Wendt .................................... .73 Our Literature Table .,....................... ............................................................ 77 I N F O R M A T I O N F O R S U B S C R I B E R S THE KING’S BUSINESS is pub­ lished monthly at the rates' below, payable in advance, for either old or new subscribers, in the United States or its possessions. These rates include postage.

REMITTANCE: Should be made by Bank Draft, Express or P. O. Money Order pay­ able to "The King's Business.” Receipts will not be sent for regular subscriptions, but date o f expiration will show plainly each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING: For information, with refer-, ence to advertising in THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS, address the ADVERTISING MAN­ AGER, 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIF., or our eastern represen­ tative, Religious Press Association, 1108-10 Colonial Bldg., 13th and Market Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Entered as Second Class Matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, •under the Act of March 3. 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917. authorized October 1, 1918. MANUSCRIPTS: THE KING’S BUSINESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or dam­ age to manuscripts sent to It for consideration.

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THE KING’S BUSINESS 558 South Hope Street ___________________________Los Angeles, California

February, 1940

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S



Around the King s By ROY L . LA U R IN

Two Things W rong There are two things wrong with so­ ciety. These two things are first, our iniquities, and second, our inequities. In the category of the first lie the gross sins of crime and social dissipation. These are those palpable evils that are written on our police blotters and print­ ed in our newspapers. All decent people condemn them with equal candor and emphasis. But in the category of the second lie things that many times wear the cloak of respectability. They have been en­ sconced beneath social prestige. They are protected by many a legal subter­ fuge. But they are nevertheless as gregt a peril in their place as are the iniqui­ ties of society. One of our native poets wrote something about jailing the man who steals a goose from off the city common but condoning the deeds of an­ other man who steals the common from the goose. The social inequities of the day do. not yield to laws of reform as quickly as some of the reformers have hoped they would. There is a better way. Re­ generate the individual and you ulti­ mately reform the community. Both iniquity and inequity must be met and., conquered, not at the place of the crime, but at the source of the crime. The source is in the human heart. Sin’s remedy is in the blood of Christ. Hugh B. Evans— “ with Christ” Early on the morning of January 15, Hugh B- Evans—for many years a val­ ued member of the Board of Trustees of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and a Director of THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS—passed into the presenoe of his Redeemer. Mr. Evans’ extensive business experi­ ence made him a wise counselor, and it was not only in this connection but also as a warm-hearted and generous friend that he served the Bible Institute Of Los Angeles and other Christian groups, because he served first his Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Space in this issue forbids any de­ tailed reference to his life and work, but doubtless even these few lines will cause many readers to “thank . . . God upon every remembrance” of His gifted and devoted servant. And wherever praise to God is given, Hugh B. Evans would be glad.

Birthdays and patriotism This is the month of important birth­ days, those of Washington and Lincoln. They signify to us something more than the natal days of great men. They em­ phasize great principles without which our nation cannot long live in unity or prosperity. We associate with the “Father of His Country” and the “Pre­ server of the' Unión” ‘certain political and religious ideals Which have been the bulwark of our nation. It is quite evi­ dent that divine providence has been the determining factor ip the founding and preservation of this nation. Much can he said of our natural resources. Miich can be said for our native genius. But unless these values are lindergirded by the spiritual elements of a national Christian experience, they may- become a liability rather than an asset. We dare not build a Babylonian civiliza­ tion ip the twentieth century. Mate­ rialism always means destruction. Amer­ ica needs to be bom again. It needs in every heart á birthday of life and faith in both the written Word and the Living Word. Worship As a Therapy The word translated “worshipped” in Acts 17:25 is in the original of such a striking significance as to give us pause in much of our thoughtless Christianity. It is that word from which we get our English word “therapy” or “therapeu­ tics.” “Therapeutics” refers to healing or the art of healing. What importance worship assumes when viewed in this light is immediately apparent. This view gives a new con­ ception of the place of worship in the church. But if worship is to effectually be as a therapy, certain things, must be observed carefully. In healing there of course must be a careful diagnosis. After this step, cura­ tives must be applied. No physician could’ heal his patient by merely telling him what is wrong. It is equally true that the preacher cannot heal the sin­ ner by constantly talking about his wrongs and evils. No physician can heal his patient by telling him What is wrong with other so-called systems of healing. And how futile for the preacher to expect to heal the spiritually sick by preaching a nega­ tive message concerning spurious re­ ligious systems! A dignified warning should be given, but it never should oc­ cupy a major place in the worship pro­ gram. The preacher must apply positive

BIOLA ALUMNI NUMBER It will be observed that many of the contributions in this issue are furnished by writers who haye been former students of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, or who have been otherwise closely con­ nected with Institute life. (Besides this page, please see pages 46, 48, 49 to 55, and 73.) ■ Prayer is earnestly requested for the Lord’s provision for the work at the home base, where there are at present over 400 students enrolled, as well as for blessing upon the outreach of the Institute’s influence which ex­ tends, by the grace of God, to the ends of the earth. The church has indeed a ministry of healing. This ourative ministry lies in its worship. Both message and music should blend the meditation of God’s house into a therapy of blessing to those who seek its sanctuary on thé Lord’s Day. No sin-sick sinner, no worry-sick soul should ever seek God’s house and he sent away disappointed. If there is a genuine therapy in our sanctuaries, we think the world will seek them more numerously and consistently. Perfect* Rest ” Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him“ (Psa. 3 7 :7). By IONE LOWMAN * Biola '22 Ip yieldedness is quietness; In quietness is strength. And I do pray for willingness To seek His will; And as I seek I surely find— A Saviour’s love, abiding, kind, < My hungry soul tp fill. I find in Him a resting-place; I find in Him a quiet peace; I find in Him a daily strength, A satisfaction real and sweet to fill this longing deep and strong. “ He knows, He loves, He cares,” And He will never fail. I do not know bow long the test, I do not know how hard the blow, Bût this it is that I do know: In Jesus Christ is perfect rest. affirmations, for he cannot heal by nega­ tive condemnations.

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


February, 1940

Views and Reviews of Current News By DAN G IL B E R T Washington, D. G ; arid San Diego, California


nim to believe that any possibility of an early end to the war is now past. Any hope of a peace to be achieved by ne­ gotiation rather than by a fight to the finish, seems now blasted and dispelled. Hitler may make some such offer as that outlined above, but the Allies would necessarily regard it as a trap, which it well might be. Hitler has forfeited all respect for his word. Only his death would give assurance that he would not subsequently return to power. No assur­ ance that he might give, or that his associates might give, could close the door to his assumption of dictatorial power and, his pursuit of aggression at some later date. British qpinion seems reconciled to a long-drawn-out “finish” fight. However much peace lovers might wish it could be otherwise, there seems no sound rea­ son for longer indulging the hope for an early peace. THE CAUSE AND CURE OF WAR: The secular writers and thinkers know as little about the cause of war as they do about its cure. They dream dreams and see visions; but they do not under­ stand that war will end only with the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. They continue to talk about a “federated Eu­ rope” or some other fantasy for the in­ surance of a lasting peace. They fail to recognize that only the Prince of Peace can bring the reign of peace. In exploring into the cause of war, they are equally ignorant. Every theory regarding the cause of war, which was held seriously a few years ago, is now completely exploded. The “liberal” school of thought was united a few years ago in believing that wars are the result of “commercial ri­ valry” among nations. Their theory was that "capitalism breeds wars.” So long as nations adhere to the capitalistic sys- .em, so long will they be imperialistic and militaristic. That was the theory. Many of these “experts" actually be­ lieved that the abolition of capitalism would mean the abolition of war. They claimed that, because of her Communis­ tic economy, Soviet Russia would be committed permanently to a “policy of peace.” But Germany abolished capitalism in favor of a collectivist economy, and plunged into wars of aggression imme­ diately —or into acts of aggression which ultimately made war unavoidable. So­ viet Russia abolished capitalism, and

PRO-SOVIETISM: The Nazi-Soviet pact demonstrated that Nazism and Soviet­ ism are equally evil, equally subversive, equally destructive. Russia’s invasion of Finland showed that Stalin is capable of matching the cruel aggressions of Hitler. Despite the evidence of the historical record, there are certain so-called lib­ erals who insist on excusing the bru­ talities of Communism, instead of con­ demning them equally and impartially with the atrocities of Nazism. Observers in Washington, D. C., are inquiring as to whether or not the Ad­ ministration has a double standard—a rigid one to be applied alone to Nazi Germany, but a flexible one to be ap­ plied with singular gentleness to Soviet Russia. Many months ago, our ambassador to Germany was called home, apparently as a rebuke to Hitler’s aggressions. For all practical purposes, diplomatic rela­ tions have been terminated with the Hit­ ler government. It was generally pre­ sumed that, following Russia’s invasion of Finland, a like procedure would be applied to Soviet Russia. Despite ur­ gent requests from American leaders of all political^parties, the ambassador to Soviet Russia has not been called home. The excuse has been that no good purpose would be served by severing re­ lations with Russia at this time. How­ ever, the argument loses force because of its lack of consistency. Either we should maintain full diplomatic relations with aggressor nations, or we should not. Either we should have an ambassa­ dor in both Berlin and Moscow, or we should have an ambassador in neither. Between equal evils, there can be no choice. It would clarify the thought and policy of America if our nation firmly decided to treat these twin isms equally. FIGHT TO THE FINISH: Day after day, the press headlines new “hopes” and “plans” for peace. They all seem to be variations of the same theme song: Hitler is going to “step down,” retire from office, give back a large share of Czechoslovakia and Poland, and permit a “conservative” regime to be estab­ lished in Germany. This writer receives many requests for an appraisal of the possibility that such a peace plan might be offered by Hitler and accepted by the Allies. Nat­ urally, this commentator’s opinion is only an opinion; but all evidence leads

Cartoon by Bruce Russell, . Courtesy, The Los Angeles Times America, Beware!

Uncle Sam, be careful! Babies, even baby bears, have a way of growing. The cruel, grisly bear of Russia is pro­ lific in her evil offspring. One of her unholy brood has been dumped on Amer­ ica’s knees. College professors, preach­ ers, politicians have the baby all dressed up in fancy frills. Beware, America! See that Communism, that child of hell, does not eat at your vitals. —HERBERT LOCKYER plunged into one of the most unprovoked wars of conquest in all history. Soviet spokesmen used to say, “Rus­ sia has all the land she can use and all the natural wealth she wants. Why should she go to war?” The answer is, greed. Nations, as well as men, will steal from others, not because they themselves are in need, but because of the depravities of human beings in control of national destinies. The Biblical explanation of. the cause of war still stands. Wars are produced by lusts and greed raging within the unregenerate hearts of men. There can be no hope for peace according to the plans and formulas of men. God’s Word alone supplies a key to the understand­ ing of the cause and cure of war. MAIL-ORDER CHEATING: A current magazine carries an account of a mail order “cribbing syndicate” operating from New York City. Some six hun­ dred university students from all parts of the nation are said to “subscribe” to the service. The syndicate undertakes, for a fixed fee, to write anything from a book report to a Ph. D. thesis for the “subscribing” student. The syndicate systematically solicits clients from universities throughout the land. So clever are the syndicate writ­ ers that, so far, it is claimed there has never developed a case which was de- \Continued on Page 77]


February, 1940

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


A Biola

Graduate , Who Speaks Weekly to

An Estimated

Audience o f

Twenty Millions,

Arrow Studio, Los Angeles • Charles E. Fuller, Director o f the Gospel Broadcasting Association, Los Angeles, Calif., whose Sunday evening “ Old Fashioned Revival Hour” is released over 152 radio stations. On the basis o f letters received, the Mutual Broadcasting System estimates the weekly audience at twenty m illion listeners. Mr. Fuller was graduated from the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles in the Class o f 1921. Revival in the Home and Nation:


Is It Possible? By CH A R LES E. FU L L ER that man of sin be revealed, the son of •perdition.” This latter passage, I be­ lieve, refers to the great apostasy—the falling away from the faith—which is clearly foretold in the Word. Both Peter and Jude speak of the many apostate teachers who will arise in the closing days before the Lord comes for His church (cf. 2 Pet. 2; Jude). But the following passages from the Word of God cause me to believe that we have Scriptural ground for expect­ ing and working for a great' revival. There is the great declaration in Hebrews 13:8: “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” We have also the great fact stated in He­ brews 4:12: “For the word of God is quick [‘living’], and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discemer of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” And we read in Ephesians 3:20 that God “is able to do exceeding abundantly

above all that we ask or think, accord­ ing to the power that worketh in us.” Yes, God is the same powerful God of the past; the Word is still powerful; God still works and does “exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think” in answer to our prayers. As we pray and trust and faithfully sow the Word, He works mightily, as in times past. We should pray for greater faith, and we should not have the “grasshop­ per” view. When the twelve spies went over to Canaan to spy out the land, they came back and said they saw giants and great walled cities. As a result of this observation the ten be­ came as grasshoppers and viewed the. conditions as a grasshopper would, from a very low, earthly viewpoint. Everything seemed tremendous and dif­ ficult to overcome. Caleb and Joshua saw giants, too, and great walled cities, but over and above al) they saw God, and they trusted in His strength. They were men of faith. Their names go

HE FAMILY of God seems to be divided into two great camps A regarding whether we may ex­ pect a revival in these last days. No doubt every reader of this article is familiar, more or less, with the argu­ ments brought forth. Some who believe that we cannot look for a revival be­ fore Christ’s return quote 2 Timothy 3:1-5: “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, un­ holy, without natural affection, truce- breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof; from such turn away.” They cite also 2 Thessalonians 2:3: “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

February, 1940

the automobile and the radio—have had much to do with revolutionizing the whole picture of our lives. The bounda­ ries pf our activities and interests have been greatly enlarged, and today every­ one is in a hurry, rushing to and fro, doing things of really little importance if viewed in the light of eternity. Soon after the automobile was in general use, the radio came along, car­ rying into our homes and even into our cars, blaring noises and many undesir­ able things along with the beautiful and desirable. People have been wearied by rushing about, and they have been glad also to sit by their radios and listen. Christian ministers have taken advan­ tage of this opportunity, and now religious programs are carried over the ether waves all over the country at nearly every hour of the day. Many of these programs present the gospel which is “the power of God unto salva­ tion.” More and more people are turning away from the usual popular programs and are listening to the Word of God and gospel music as it is carried into their homes. over the radio. I believe the radio is being used of God to help bring the revival which is to come in the last days. Personal Preparation fo r Revival Now, in closing, may I give a word to those who long for a revival in their own hearts? Many long for some help, some instruction, which if followed will bring them individually into a plaee of closer fellowship with our Lord, so that they may be used in helping to bring in a revival in these last days. In the First Epistle of John, the Holy [Continued on Page 79]

evangelists, who work so faithfully, to­ gether with the few deeply spiritual members of the various churches, do keep the flickering revival fires burn­ ing. But, sad to say, in these days a large percentage of the churches do not welcome the evangelist—do not believe in or approve of evangelistic campaigns. How Can Revival Come in Our Day? Can we again look for great revival campaigns carried on as those were in the days of Spurgeon, Moody, Torrey, Sunday, Chapman, and others? I think not, for while I firmly believe that there will be a great ,revival before Christ’s return, I believe it will come partly in a new way, because times have changed. Let us look back a few years, and offer a personal illustration. I grew up in a Christian home, and lived on an orange grove in California. Our family then belonged to a certain church in that community, and when J was a boy, it was a warm, spiritual church where revival fires burned. About once a year we had revival services, and for weeks of preparation there were cot­ tage prayer meetings. Christians all attended and worked hard to get the unsaved there. It took our family two hours to drive to and from the meetings with a horse and buggy, but we Would not have missed them for anything. The altars were often filled; sinners were saved, and believers were warmed and built up spiritually. But the great change has come since those days. Many factors contribute to the change, but I think two inventions—

down In the eleventh chapter of He­ brews — the Westminster Gallery of men and women who believed God and took God at His word. In these days we need strong faith in God as Caleb and Joshua had. When in the old days men like Isaiah, David, Gideon and many others obeyed God, revival came. God used a left- handed man, Ehud, for His glory in one of the darkest periods of Israel’s history, and today He still can use men that are “left-handed,” figurative­ ly speaking, men of faith. He has promised: “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble them­ selves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chron. 7:14). God will hear and answer today, as then, if we are obedient. And how comforting it is to know that God can use the weak things of this world for His glory! This is a great comfort to me in my ministry, for if ever there was a “left-handed” preacher, I am one. Present Conditions in America In the past three years I have been privileged to hold evangelistic meetings in some of the large cities in the United States and Canada—in Chicago, Detroit, Bpston, New York, Washing­ ton, D. C., Omaha, Seattle, and iii Van­ couver and Victoria in B r i t i s h Columbia. In all of these meetings I have been impressed by three things: First, there is the indifference, care­ lessness, even godlessness, of the world at large. Truly it does seem that we are living in a time comparable to the days of Noah; the world is becoming more indifferent and wicked. Second, I have seen on the part of the average church member a tendency to smugness, self-satisfaction, being neither hot nor cold—feeling rich and in need of noth­ ing, as prophesied in the letter to the Laodicean Church in Revelation 3:14-19. Third, I have rejoiced to see on the part of the true church a deep spiritu­ ality. In the real born-again Christians I have seen great love for God, a deep heart desire to win souls, a great power in intercession. Yes, wherever we have been permitted to hold meetings, I have been gladdened to see the large number in each church or group who have not yet bowed the knee to Baal. In this group who love the Word and the souls of men there is a continual revival fire burning. Now there are also faithful evangel­ ists in these days, who go to the various churches, wherever they are called, to hold meetings of from two to four weeks’ duration. These men often leave their families and homes for months at a time, and preach night after night—warning sinners of the wrath to come, and pointing them to Christ. Their work is harder in these days than ever before, but there is always fruit, and often the altar rails are full. These

America's Most Extensive Single Broadcast By the grace of God, simple gospel programs under the direction of Charles E. Fuller have won the fore­ most rank among all single releases in American radio broadcasting. R. H. Alber, the head of the Alber Com­ pany, has charge of contacting and making contracts with the networks and single radio stations involved in the Gospel Broadcasting Associa­ tion’s nation-wide programs. In writ­ ing to Mr. Fuller shortly before Oc­ tober 1, 1939, the fifth anniversary of the Old Fashioned Revival Hour, Mr. Alber stated: cial releases as Amos ’n’ Andy, Tex­ aco Corporation, Ford Symphony Hour, and other top-notch commer­ cial broadcasts. Ib is is truly a tes­ timony to God’s work, and He is certainly blessing the Old Fash­ ioned Revival Hour in a wonderful way.”

Charles G. Trumbull, Editor of the Sunday School Times, writes con­ cerning this broadcast: “Its full hour in the heart of every Sunday evening, twelve months of the year, is entirely on paid-for time . . . Sure­ ly we should all pray, persistently and importunately, that God will keep this Gospel ministry on the air in spite of the tremendous difficulties and obstacles that inevitably confront such a work, and in spite of what must be the fierce opposition of Satan himself, ‘the prince of the power of the air’ (Eph. 2:2), who hates God and Christ and the Blood Gospel and the Blood-bought Church,”

“Beginning with the first Sun­ day night in October, the Old Fash­ ioned Revival Hour will be using the facilities of 162 radio stations, which means that the Gospel Broad­ casting Association will have the largest single release of any radio broadcast in America. This means that the Old Fashioned Revival Hour has now topped such commer­

February, 1940

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


“Where is the harm,” some one asks, “in the private card party?” “Where is the harm in the theater?” “Where is the harm in the private dance ?” If that is the best you can say in favor of these highly esteemed occupations, that “there is no harm in them,” that of itself is condemnation, enough, to any one who realizes that “the time is short.” Let me ask you a question, Where is there any possible good in them ? An innocent use of time is not enough; it must be a positively good and useful use of time. And a good use of time is not enough; it must be the best use of. time, just the very best use possible, all things con­ sidered, of every moment of our time. “The time is short.” There is not a sin­ gle minute to waste on innocent or use­ less things, nor on good things; every moment must be sacredly kept for the highest and best things. • Then again we waste time lamenting the wasted opportunities of the past. Men spend hours and '’ ays and years in brooding over and lamenting the wasted past. And this time you squan­ der in lamenting a wasted past might be improved by carving out a better future. If the past has been in a meas­ ure as altogether wasted, do not waste any more time in brooding over it. Turn your back resolutely upon it now and make the' future different. Learn wis­ dom from the Apostle Paul who had a sadly wasted past but who cried, “One thing I do, forgetting the things which are behind, and stretching forward to the things which are before, I press on toward the goal unto the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:13, 14, R.V.). Do not let the precious safety vaults of memory be pre-empted with vain regrets over the things that you might have done but that you did not do. But let your will be stirred to its utmost capacity with resolution to make the future that is still yours what it ought to be. In the fifth place, if we are to make the most of the brief time that is at our disposal, we must be intensely and constantly active. Begin at once and keep everlastingly at it. The type of men and women who are the- surest never to get anywhere are those who are al­ ways about to do something. They are just about to accept Christ, just about to become men of prayer, just about to begin the earnest daily study of the Bible, just about to lay up'treasures in heaven, just about to build up a Christ- like character, just about to begin to ’lead others to Christ, but who never actually do it. Listen, man, the time is short! Up and at it! Do not be an “about-to-doer,” but be a “doer” at once. Be at it at once and be everlastingly at it. If you have not already taken Jesus Christ, take Him just now. If you have not already begun the prayer life, begin the life of prayer at once. If you have not already begun [ Continued on Page 54]

Is Short!

The Time By R. A . S INCE we know from the Word of God that “the time is short” (1 Cor. 7:29), how shall we make the most of the brief time at our dis­ posal? We see that there are, many things of infinite importance tq be accom­ plished and that there is but a brief space in which tq accomplish them. “The time is short.” In the first place, in order to make the most of the brief time that is at our disposal, we must accept Jesus Christ at once. There is nothing else that we can do that is really worth while, there is nothing else that we can do that will count for eternity, until we first of all have accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour, and have sur­ rendered to Him as our Lord and Mas­ ter, and have confessed Him as such before the world. That is the point at which all real accomplishment for God and eternity begins. Until we have done that, no matter how strenuously we may exert ourselves, we cannot do any­ thing that really counts for time or for eternity. That is in every case the first step. So I put to each one of you the question, Have you really accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour, have you really surrendered unreservedly to Him as your Lord and King, have you confessed Him before the world as your Lord, and are you confessing Him each day as you have opportunity? If not, do it now. “The time is short,” and you cannot do one thing that will really count for time or for eternity until you have done that. In the second place, If we are to make the most of the brief time that is at our disposal, we must get right with God in every respect. No matter how active you may be, no matter how full you may fill every moment of the brief time allotted you with labor, you will waste your precious time if you are not right with God. Only the man who is right with God can accomplish anything of real worth for God, for himself, or for anybody else. Only the man who has gone alone with God for God to deal with him, who has asked God to search him and know his heart and try him and know his thoughts (Psa. 139:23, 24), only the man who has asked God to bring to light everything in his heart and life that is displeasing in His sight, and who has put out of his life all that God has shown him to be displeasing to Him, and who has put himself in unre­ served and unconditional surrender into


• This message is especially ap­ propriate for the alumni edition of THE KING’ S BUSINESS, because of the great influence exerted up­ on Biola students by the late Dr. Torrey. From 1912 to 1924 he served as Dean of the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles. Another dis­ cussion of this same general theme appeared in last month’s maga­ zine under the title of “The Most Dangerous Shortage of the Pres­ ent Day.” the hands of God for Him to do as He will with him, only that man can make the most of the short time that we have at our disposal. Every day you hold back from getting right with God is time wasted and gone forever. In the third place, if we are to make the most of the brief time that is at our disposal, we must seek and obtain all the fullness of power for service . that God has for us. The time is too short to tolerate weak working and weak praying, when we might do mighty working and mighty praying. There is a fullness of power for every child of God. The time is too short for you to drudge along for a single day in the “poor, weak way” that is natural to you. You can have fullness of power; and you cannot afford t : go a single day without it. If the time is short, and we know it is, I must have the utmost power possible for that short time and have it at once. Oh, when I think of how brief my ministry will be at the longest, how I grudge those years that I wrought without knowing the fullness of the Holy Spirit’s power! In the fourth place, if. we are to make the most of the brief time that is at our disposal, we must waste no time. *We have not one single minute to waste. And yet how much we do waste! How much we waste in reading the useless and contradictory tittle-tattle of the daily paper! How much we waste in reading about divorce suits and sui­ cides and murder trials that do not con­ cern us at all and to know of which Cannot by any possibility help us in any way! How much time we waste in read­ ing novels tv at may be innocent enough and skillfully written, but that are use­ less! How much tim- î waste in amusements that add nothing whatever to our intellectual or physical power, to say nothing of our spiritual power to work for man!


February, 1940

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

The Prophets as Men By K . OWEN W H IT E \ A tlan ta , Georgia

D NE of the rich experiences of my life, and one for which I shall always be thankful, was the graduate study in seminary, majoring in Old Testament Prophecy. For two solid years I spent every available min­ ute with the prophets of the Old Testa­ ment, endeavoring to understand the world of their day, trying to visualize the men themselves, studying the dis­ tinctive message of each man, living with them in the stirring days in which they lived. Thank God for the prophets! They are in a class by themselves. In all history there is nothing to compare with them. Briefly let me state some convictions concerning these men which have to do with three distinct realms of life. I. The Prophets and the State. It has been thought by some that the prophets were oblivious to the events of their own day and were concerned only with predictions relating to future ages. Nothing could be further from the truth. Though there was the predictive element in their message, they were deeply concerned over the condition of their own nation in their own day. They were statesmen, not politicians. There is a world of difference in the two terms. It is not surprising to find modem statesmen turning again and again to the pages of the Old Testament and quoting from the words of the prophets. The prophets were not iden­ tified with factions or parties; hence [D r. White, a graduate of the Bible Institute of Los A ngeles in the Class of 1922, later attended the Southern Bap­ tist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky., receiving there his Th. M . and Ph. D . degrees. H e is pastor of the Kirk­ wood Baptist Church, A tlanta, Ga. Mrs. Wh ite (Pearl Woodworth) was a member of the Class of 1925 at Biola. — E ditor .]

mighty stream” (5:24, R. V.). Surely there is need for modem prophets who will be the -“Tearless and outspoken champions of orthodoxy, of spirituality, and of justice and equality! , III. The Prophets and Personal Life. What manner of men were they? They were not all alike. Elijah was fiery and passionate; Elisha was mild and compassionate. Amos was a rough countryman; Isaiah was a cultured city- dweller. They differed in background and in characteristics, but in one re­ spect they were all alike—they were men of like passions with us. They made no claim to perfection, and no such claim is made by us for them. They wrestled with the same tempta­ tions that assail us and were subject to the same weaknesses, passions, and mis­ takes. But they believed in God. They believed that God had spoken to them, [Continued on Page 78]

they were not popular. They were al­ ways in the minority; frequently they stood alone. Princes, prophets (false), priests, and people rejected and opposed them. But of one thing you could be assured: No matter where others stood, the prophets of Jehovah were always on His side. They were statesmen; they loved their country and people, they prayed for their rulers, they rebuked them when they went wrong, and they encouraged them when they did right. Many a king depended more upon God’s prophet than upon all his military coun­ selors and aides. II. The Prophets and Religion. ' This was their supreme interest. No matter how grave the military situa­ tion, no matter how hopeless the eco­ nomic picture, no matter how involved the social affairs, the prophets were never so wrapped up in these matters that they forgot that their chief busi­ ness was spiritual. In the presence of false teaching and unbelief, they were the champions of orthodoxy. They kept the fires of faith burning; they refused to allow the great doctrines of the faith to be lost; they passed on the torch to others. They were the champions of spiritual­ ity. In the midst of formalism, and ritualism, and idolatry, they kept bpfore the people the ideals of personal and spiritual religion. Isaiah and Amos, Micah and Malachi, all declared fearr lessly the utter futility of altars and sacrifices, offerings and ceremonies, un­ less the motive of the heart was right. They were also the champions of justice and equality. It was the voice of the prophets of Jehovah that was raised in protest against the oppression of the poor, against the wanton cruelty of the mighty, against the flagrant injustice of the courts. It was Amos the fiery preacher of the retributive justice of God who cried out, “Let justice roll down as waters, and righteousness as a

privilege of enjoying two years of

GOSPEL TRUTH FROM A PROPHET'S UPS * "Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon (Isa» 55.6, /)# Illustration bv Ransom 0 . Marvin

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