King's Business - 1940-02

February, 1940


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Bible Institute FAMILY CIRCLE Greetings , Biola Alumni!

Mennonite Board. They have a two- year-old son. Verne J. (’26) and Mrs. Swanson (Mayreld Ramquist, ’33) have been sta­ tioned since October 1, at Hydaburg, Alaska, where Mr. Swanson is pastor of the native church. Mr. and Mrs. Swan­ son serve under the Board of National Missions of the Presbyterian Church. Don (’38) and Mrs. Kenney, P. O. Box 262, Elberton, Wash., have been serving two churches of which. Mr. Kenney is pastor, one at Elberton and a little mis­ sion church in a town thirteen miles distant. William (’25) and Mrs. Brieher, Ha- zen, N. Dak., have been serving the Hazen, Beulah, Springbrook, and Strip- man Evangelical Churches, of which Mr. Brieher has been pastor. They have three daughters, ages 10, 7, and 4 years. Arthur W. English, ’38, was licensed as a minister of the gospel by the Im­ manuel Baptist Church, Pasadena, Calif., and has been serving as pastor of the Magalia Union Church, Magalia, Calif. (See page 54.) QUIILITV ATTRACTS In preaching or archi­ tecture y ou recog­ nize the d r a w i n g power of quality and c h a r a c t e r . In the same way “The Ser­ vice Hymnal” h a s power to advance the work of your church and school. It is a book of quality—in materials, manufac­ ture and binding as well as in musical contents, Scripture readings and spirit­ ual force. First classified hymnal to be completely orchestrated. Lacquered cloth binding, tarnish - proof gold embossing, tinted edges, 480 pages, only $60.00 per 100, not prepaid. Round and shaped notés, 288 pagres; 310 hym n s. L a cqu ered , ta rn ish -p ro o f clo th b i n d i n g . $40.00 p er 100; B ristol, $25.00, n ot prepaid. R ou n d and shaped notes. M ail C oupon tod ay fo r sam ple . cop ies and fre e “ F in a n ce .Plans” fold er. h o p i P diuishing onfythe bestitrsomjbook, ^ 5729-B, West Lake St., Chicago, Ulinois Gentlemen: Please send FREE folder of “ Fi­ nance Plans” and returnable sample copy o f : [ ] Devotional Hymns £ ] The Service Hymnal Name ............................................................ *•• Address .............................. ................... Church and Denom ...................................................... Membership 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , * DEVOTIONAL HYMNS is a sm a ller a ll-p u rp o se b o o k fo r ch u rch and ch u rch sch ool. A lso a q u a lity hym nal. O rchestrated.

• We are grateful to the staff of THE KING’S BUSINESS for dedicat­ ing this issue to the Biola Alumni, and we are happy to respond with a word of greeting. In greeting you Biola warriors in the foreign field and in the homeland, we would urge that you go on to new victories in the name of Our Saviour. Remember, “Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.” It is our hope that this Alumni Number of THE KING’S BUSINESS will reach each graduate, and that all of you who are not now subscribing for the magazine will da so immedU ately, and make it truly the mag# zine of the Biola family. From time to time we hope to bring a personal message, and more “family” news of alumni and former students than be­ fore. Will you not send in a news item, or testimony, making it per­ sonal and definite, though of course brief. We wish that all of you could have planned to attend the Alumni Home­ coming held January 19 in conjunc­ tion with the Torrey Memorial Bible Conference. Those of you who were here will testify with me that a gath- Mr. Bauman B., Th. B., to the. teaching staff of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles h a s been' announced by Kenneth M. Monroe, Dean. Mr. Bauman expects to begin his service as Professor of Archaeology and Christian Philosophy at' the beginning of the second semes­ ter, January 29. Mr. Bauman was graduated from the University of Southern California in 1930. During the years 1931, ’32, ’33, he completed his work for the Master’s de­ gree, with the exception of his thesis. He was granted a teaching fellowship in the field of biology at the university in 1931. In 1932 he entered the Ashland Theological Seminary, Ashland, Ohio, and was graduated there in 1934. For the past five years, Mr. Bauman has been pastor of the Second Brethren Church of Los Angeles. He is active not only in this capacity, but also as a member of conservative religious Announcement o f New Faculty Member i HE addition of P a u l R. Bauman, A.

ering of this kind revives our love for Biola. To see the large student body of over four hundred students, together with the consecrated faculty that is carrying on this splendid work of preparing young men and women to be faithful witnesses for Christ, is a great inspiration to Bible- believing Christians. Last but not least are thé great blessings received in hearing the testimonies of the alumni who have come from far and near, and in listening to the great spiritual messages of G


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