February, 1940
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Val Cloud, ’27, and Mercedese Ramona Foreman, Dec. 7, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Maxwell H. Brenneman, ’36, and Olive Briggs, December 2, San Gabriel, Calif. B orn To John R. and Mrs. Hawthorne, a daughter, Sharon Faith, Dec. 15, Los Angeles, Calif. To William G. (Th. B. ’36) and Mrs. Crouch (Edith C. Granlund, ’36), a daughter, Marjorie Louise, Sept. 27, Nigeria, W. Africa. To Jacob C. (’31) and Mrs. Eitzen, a daughter, Ruth Lenore, Oct. 11, Kano, Nigeria, W. Africa. To Elden C. (’24) and Mrs. Whipple (’29), a daughter, Julia Nettie, Aug. 28, Bellingham, Wash. . W ith the L ord Winifred Cook, a student at Biola in 1925-27, welit to be with Christ on De cember 17, following an illness of sev eral months. Prior to her illness she had served in Sunday-school and Christian Endeavor work in the First Brethren Church of Long Beach. Miss Cook had been living at 1504 Locust Ave., Long Beach, Calif. Cabled word has come from Frederick B. and Mrs. Whale (Grace E. Feldges, *28), Jos, Nigera, Africa, that on Christ mas Day their little five-year-old son, Gordon Frederick, wa 3 taken to be with the Lord Jesus. As mail service is greatly delayed, it will be some time be fore fuller particulars can be known about his death. Mr. and Mrs. Whale have a little fifteen-months-old daugh ter, Marjorie Linda. the study of the Word of God, begin the real study of the Word of God to night. If you have not already begun to lay up for yourself treasures in heaven, begin to lay up treasures in heaven to night. If you have not already begun to make a thorough preparation for eternity, begin to make a thorough prep aration for eternity tonight. If you have not already begun to save souls, begin tonight. “The time is short!” Do you not hear God thundering it down the aisles of this auditorium? “The time is short!” Do you not hear God thundering it down the corridors of your own sleeping soul? “The time is short!” Up, man, and at it, and keep at it until the Lord comes, or until you can say with the Apostle Paul, “I have foughf the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith: henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of ’ghteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give to e at that day: and not to me only, but also to all them that have loved his appearing” (2 Tim. 4:7, 8 , R.V.). THE TIME IS SHORT ! [ Continued, from Page 48]
Orie C. (’24) and Mrs. Landrum (Genevieve McDonald, ’26), Hazelwood, N. C., have been for more than ten years in the Presbyterian Church of Hazelwood, where Mr. Landrum is pas tor. A new building program has been carried forward with definite blessing. Mrs. Landrum has been active in Sun day-school and Vacation Bible School work of the church, as well as in the women's work of the Asheville Pres bytery. Mr. and Mrs. Landrum have three children, Elizabeth, 11; Edward, 9, and Genevieve, 4. Van V. (’13) and Mrs. Eddings, Apartado 578, Carupano, Venezuela, S. A., were visiting on the Island of Mar garita when they . celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary on November 26. They were the first resi dent missionaries there more than twenty years ago. They have returned to Carupano, where Mr. Eddings is General Director of the Orinoco River Mission. Mabel W. Jones, ’28 E. S., "Aldby,” Holway Road, Sheringham, Norfolk, England, wrote in the fall that she was being detained in England for medical treatment instead of returning to her field in Gafsa, Tunisia, N. Africa, where her coworker, Ethel Brookes, ’28 E. S., has been carrying on the work alone. Mrs. Elden C. Whipple, ’29, has been seriously ill for several months. She and the members of her family will value prayer in this time of proving the Lord’s grace in trial. Letters can be addressed to 139 Cable St., Bellingham, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Whipple are mem bers of the China Inland Mission. Henry A. (’23) and Mrs. Senff, Africa Inland Mission, Maitulu, Watsa, Congo Beige, Africa, via Egypt, Sudan and Aba, sailed late in 1939 from New York to go to their station by way of Por tugal. Cutler B. (’25) and Mrs. Whitwell (’26) and Don Allen have been holding evangelistic services under the auspices of the Gospel Broadcasting Association. Their recent and future schedule in cludes the following appointments: Jan. 7 to 12—Westminster Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Pa.; Jan. 14 to 28 —First Methodist Church, Luzerne, Pa.; Feb. 4 to 18—OIney First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Pa.; Feb. 19 to 25 —Maryland Avenue Baptist, Washing ton, D. C.; March 3 to 17—Edgewater Baptist Church, Rock Island, 111.; March 18 to 31—Mission Church, Sioux City, S. Dak.; Apr. 7 to 21—Berean Funda mental Church, Denver, Colo., and Apr. 28 to May 12—First Baptist Church, Strathmore, Calif. The Whitwell Evan gelistic Party may be addressed in care of the Sunday School Times, 323 N. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Married Don Milligan and Beryl Beatrice Bas sett, Dec. 14, Boulder City, Nev.
Mrs. Harwood L. Hall (Elizabeth Paul, ’32), Rose Crest Farms, Perris, Calif., has been serving in a little church that meets in a school house at Val Verde. She has been Young People’s Superintendent in the California State Christian Endeavor Union, and Mr. Hall has served as County Christian En deavor President. Eva Doerksen, ’21, has been at home since November at Denair, Calif., on furlough from service in Africa under the Sudan Interior Mission. The trip from Africa to England, made in a British vessel, involved considerable danger, and the serious attitude of the passengers gave many opportunities for witnessing for Christ. O. E. (’21) and Mrs. Osterberg, 5600 N. W. 12th Ave., ■Miami, Fla., have been serving for five years in the Beth any Covenant Church of Miami, where Mr. Osterberg has been pastor. Previ ously he worked for eight years in a field in Baldwin County,, Ala., opening home mission centers by founding chap els and Sunday-schools. Otis L. (’25) and Mrs. Priddy, 103 N. First St., Pleasantville, N. J., have been serving in the First B% p t i s t Church of Pleasantville, of which Mr. Priddy has been pastor for five and a half years. Mr. Priddy was graduated from Wheaton College in 1933 and from the Eastern Baptist Theological Sem inary in 1939. Mr. and Mrs. Priddy have two boys and a girl.
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