February, 1940
the lynx-eyed Jews would have brought the charge against Him. And the fact that no such charge was raised against Him is the best proof that He did not break the law of the Passover which required its observance “in its appoint ed season” (R. V.). 3. In John 13:27-30 we have abso lute proof that the meal our Lord ate was not the Jewish Passover, for after that meal we find Judas going out into the night and the other disciples sup posing that he was going to “buy those things that we have need of against the feast.” Here the Passover is future. 4. It has been objected that Matthew quotes the Iiord as saying, “I will keep the passover at thy house with my dis ciples” (Matt. 26:18), and that he also says concerning the disciples, “They made ready the passover” (v. 19). But our Lord merely asserts His intention of continuing to keep the Law of God up to the very end of His life. There fore He had 1 the disciples make the pre parations which were necessary even before the lambs were to be killed. In the Luke account He tells His disciples very plainly that He will “not eat It, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God” (Lk. 22:14-16, R. V.). Among my most treasured possessions is a pair of gloves which I gave to my mother on her last birthday. If I take one and breathe into it, immediately it assumes the form of her hand, the hand that was ever stretched forth to serve and soothe. I do not need such aids to recall my mother, but there is nothing which makes me thrill, as if in her very presence, like that glove stamped with the impress of her fingers. And so -it is with the holy sac rament. The simple service is stamped with the impress of the Lord Jesus. In our minds we can reconstruct Him. —Sunday School Chronicle. MEMORY VERSE: “Thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21). APPROACH: The time had come now when the Lord Jesus was to do that thing which He had come to this world to do—to die for sinners. LESSON STORY: It was the spring time of the year and the time when a l l Jewish people were remembering how, on that day long ago, God had delivered them from b e i n g slaves i n Egypt. You remem ber the story of how on that night when the angel of death p a s s e d through out the land, in each home of the child- Golden Text Illustration 1 C orinthians 11:24 The Lord’s Supper M atthew 26:1-30
Points and Problems A careful comparison and study of the Gospel records will show that the meal described here was not the Jewish Passover, the meal when the Passover Lamb was eaten, but rather a meal eaten by the Lord with His disciples at the beginning of the Day of Prepara tion for the Passover. It should be re membered that the Jewish day began “at even” (Ex. 12:18). For several rea sons this meal could not have been the Passover. 1. The Gospel of John especially makes it clear that the Jewish Passover was not eaten until after our Lord had died. For example, John tells us that when Christ. was talfen before Pilate, “it was the preparation of the pass- over, and about the sixth hour” (19:14). And again John tells us that when He was led “into the judgment hall,” the Jews would not enter the place “lest they should be defiled, but that they might eat the passover” (18:28). It is impossible to get anything out of John’s record except that our Lord was tried and put to death on the Day of Prepara tion and that the Passover was eaten after He died. 2. Recognizing the clarity of John’s statements, certain scholars have ar gued that our Lord ate the Jewish Pass- over twenty-four hours earlier than the proper date. But this theory breaks down because it was a violation of the Law to eat the Passover at the wrong time (Num. 9:10-13), and such a law breaker was to be “cut off” from among the people. Surely our Lord would not have thus violated the Law of God. And if He had, it is also certain that
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