February, 1940
LESSON: “Yes” is often a very diffi cult word tO say. It is easy to say, it when Father or Mother wants you to do something you like to do, but it is hard to say when they ask you to .mow the lawn or dry the dishes. ! We should remember always that Jesus said “Yes” to His Father even-at times when that answer would-mean the doing of something very difficult. In the garden of Gethsemane He said, “Not as I will, bùt as thou Wilt.” •. We are reminded of Ecclesiastes 12;1: “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth.” This verse means that we should remember to do. God’s will. And receiving Christ as Savipur is the first thing God wants each one to do. Could you boys make something out of this straight stick, if you had tools with which to work ? Yes, it is dean and straight, and could be shaped into something beautiful. God wants boys and girls in their youth to accept Christ as Saviour, and to allow their lives to be shaped in accordance with His will. What is the matter with this stick? “It is burned and crooked.” . Yes, there is little or nothing that could be made of it. It was once clean and straight, but now it is warped' and burned. Sin burns, and twists the life. This is the reason God wants us to re member Him in the days of our youth. Could you- make a piece of furniture out of these ashes? No. the fire has burned too far. It is wonderfùl to know that God does accept the ashes of a wasted life if that person truly takes Christ as Saviour, but how much better it is to accept Him in the days of youth than it is to wait until thè life has been reduced to ashes by sin! Let us say “Yes” to Him now. $>IO-40
“Seldom, I f Ever 99
Dear Mrs. McClusky : During thè last week-ènd I had ah opportunity to read the hook, “ His Outstretched Arm” and must say tildi l have seldom, if ever, read any modern writing that was so inspirational. Sincerely yours, Raymond L. Hanson. Mr. Hanson is art attorney in San FranciSOO. You, too, wili thank God for this latest book by Evelyn M. McClusky, which has called for 1 re-orders so promptly. It contains 21 true Stories, sells for $1.00. Order today (6 for $5.00) from MIRACLE BOOK CLUB, Inc., 131—-15th St., Richmond, Cal.,U.S.A.
Dr. Frank H. Guernsey Optometrist 604 WEST SIXTH STREET, NEAR GRAND —NEW LOCATION—
VAndike 1928
Log Angeles
HELP US LEAD THE CHILDREN TO THE CHILDREN’ S FRIEND A letter this summer from a child read: “ Three weeks have passed since we said goodbye and left the blessed camp. O, how I wish I Could go back there right away. Of course I can’t, but I’ll never forget the blessed times we had together, especially the meetings. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you have done for me. It was through the Sunday School Mission I accepted Christ as my personal Saviour. O, that I might be a light for Him; that will be my aim.” To reach for Christ the otherwise unreached, especially the children, is our aim. The above letter tells of just one of thousands of like blessed tesults. Let us tell you about our ministry. A post card will bring information. ■ CANADIAN SUNDAY SCHOOL MISSION, INC. Room 8 , 108 Furby Street, Winnipeg, Canada Pray for ns. • Write to ns. Give thronsh ns.
2,000,000 JEWS atherdd in New York make it the largest ewish M ission field in the w orld. The New York Jewish Evangelization Society, Inc „ founded in 1908 by the sainted Dr. Thos. M. Chalmers, is striving zealously to reach them. Its m anifold m inistry includes the care o f Hebrew-Christian refugees from Europe. This faith w ork is dependent upon your coopera tion b y gift and prayer. Subscribe for our m onthly, “ Jewish Missionary Magazine” $1.00 per annum. Sample copy, 10 cents. Write FREDERICK A. ASTON, Director New York Jewish Evangelization Society 56 Second Avenue, New York, N. Y.
to Him and had received the strength which He so much needed. We can go to this same One, God our Father, when we need help. He has promised to come near to help us when we ask Him.
Object Lesson S aying "Y es "
OBJECTS: A straight stick, a crooked stick burned at both' ends, and a glass of ashes.
MARCH 17, 1940 CALVARY: TRIUMPH THROUGH SACRIFICE M atthew 26:57 to 2 7 :56
SISTER AB IGA IL Biography of Abigail Townsend Luffe with Addenda telling of her sickness and death, together with 50 tracts, sent postpaid for $1.10. New Booklet containing Sunday School Times article. Sketch and ph6t6 of Her successors* etc!- 10c. Other “ Sister Abigail" books and tracts—¿-Little Is Much When God Is In. It; by Mrs. Cyril Bird/ 25c.
Matthew 27:33 And when they1 were come unto a place called Golgotha, that is to say, a place of a skull, 34 Tl^ey gave him vinegar to drink mingled with gall: and when he had tasted thereof, he would not drink. . 35 And they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting lots: that It might he fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, They parted my garments among them, rtnd upon my vesture did they east lots* • 36 And sitting down they watched him there; 37 And set np over his head his accil- sation written, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS. Then were there two thieves cruci-
fied with him; one on the right hand, and another on the left. 39 Aild they that passed by réviled him, wagging their heads, 40 And saying, Thou that destroyest the teinple, and buildést It in three' days, save thyself. If thou be the Son of God» come down from the cross. 41 Likewise also the chief priests mocking him, with the scribes and elders, said, 42 He saved others; himself he can not save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and wé will believe him. 43 He trusted in God; let him deliver him now. If he will have him: for he said, I am the Son of God. 44 The thieves also, which were cruci fied with him, cast the same in his-teëth.
Adventuring w ith. Sister Abigail, by; Grace Swanger, 25c. Does God Answer Prayer? Sister Abigail says “ Yes," by Mrs. Abigail Luffe', 15c. Tracts: I Am Not Going to a Christless Grave; Are You? She Was Going to Heaven; Are You? Both uniform in. size and price, 25c per 100; $2.00 per ,1000. Quantity prices much less. SWORD & SHIELD BOOK STORE Pept. S 40 W. Huron St* Buffalo« New York j
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