February, 1940
m INSURANCE SS MINES, MacKEIGAN & HILKER PERSHING SQUARE BUILDING Los Angeles, California 448 South Hill St. Phone VA. 7102 W AN T ED to sell Bibles, Testaments, good books, Scripture calendars, beautiful n ew KRYSTAL Flax and velvet Scripture mottoes, Scripture Greeting C a r d s . Good commission. Send for free cata log and price Ust. GEORGE W. NOBLE, Publisher Dept. 7-C Motion Bldg. Chicago, 111. S pare T ime W ork ForW o m e n No Experience Needed E ven b u sy h ou sew iv es and em ployed w om en can earn E x tra M oney se llin g p re tty G ro o v e r A p ron s to frien d s, etc. Y ou do not d eliv er the a p ron s n or co lle ct fo r them . L ib era l com m ission . F R E E s e ll in g k it. W rite fo r in fo rm a tio n— N o o b li g a tion w h atever. J. Groover Co., 1507 Cass Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 5000 W ORKERS*
There was a "garden” In the place (John 19:41), and in this garden there was a new and unused tomb which was the property of Joseph of Arimathea (Matt. 27:57-60). Calvary must have been somewhat elevated, since it was visible from afar (Mk. 15:40; Lk. 23:49). But why was the place named “The Skull” ? Three main reasons are given by various scholars: First, the place is thought by some to have been a place of execution for criminals, with skulls lying about on the ground in an cient days. This cannot be true because we can hardly suppose that a man like Joseph would choose such a spot for a garden tomb. Second, some think that the crucifixion took place on a hill which was skull shaped, a view popu larized by General Gordon and Colonel Conder. Third, others regard the name as the remnant of a pre-Christian tra dition that the skull of Adam was found here. This view was mentioned first by Origen (A. D. 185-253), who lived in Jerusalem for twenty year#. This seems to be the most ancient theory, and even though the tradition is absurd, it might easily account for the name. After all, the important thing to know is that Christ died in our stead. 2. "THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS” (v. 37). Many devout stu dents of the Word have been troubled by the fact that in the four Gospel accounts of the superscription, each one gives a slightly different version of the words. And critics have used this as an argument against the doctrine of Verbal Inspiration. The accounts follow: Now it is easy to see that these ac counts are not contradictory but sup plementary. Even if there had been but one superscription, there would be no contradictions. But actually there were three *superscriptions, "written in He brew, and Greek, and Latin” (John 19:20). This would account for the dif ferences in Matthew, Luke and John. And as for Mark, he only claims to give “his accusation,” which was "THE KING OF THE JEWS” (15:26). And all four writers have this exactly alike. Golden Text Illustration I s a ia h 53:3 When the people in Central Africa speak of the death of Christ, they al ways say, “The victory of Golgotha.” Before leaving Africa I said to one man: “Now, before I go to England, just tell me what that means. I cannot understand it. When the very God be came Man and died the death of a felon, I cannot see how your people see any thing bnt defeat in it.” , And then that man said something that made me proud that my days had
been spent in Africa. First of all, he took a little bit of stick and held it up and said: "Here is the cross.” Then he took another bit and laid it across the first one and said, "Just here at the cross when Satan did his very, very worst, just then God did His very, very best. A t the cross the very worst and the very best met.”—Dan Crawford. Because He Loves Us “M atthew 26:57 to 27:56 MEMORY VERSE: “God so loved the world that .he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).- APPROACH: When the Lord Jesus had finished praying in the garden, .He went out to face thé soldiers and the
angry crowds and His own disciple, Judas, who had be trayed Him. The day had come'when He should suffer as no one on this earth had ever suffered. LESSON STORY: First He was taken before the Jewish
court and was tried there. He was con demned by them even before they ques tioned Him as to what He had done. Next, His own beloved disciple, Peter, denied that he knew Him. This was the same Peter who, only a few hours be fore, had said so bravely that even if every one else deserted Jesus, he would not. After this, Jesus was tried before
Y o u r ch urch , sch o o l or la d ies’ . s o cie ty can m ake m on ey w ith ou r p a rish p a p er plan. S tim u lates all ch u rch a ctiv ities. F i l l s em p ty p ew s Sam ples and p a rticu la rs fre e National Religious Press Grand Rapids, Mich.
READER, are you interested enough in Biola to patronize King’s Business advertisers? Hooker's ElectricShop w ill g iv e 10% d iscou n t on e le ctrica l m er ch an d ise and supplies. Gall, Write or Phone TUcker 9976 700 W. Sixth St. Los Angeles, Calif. ¿ w L I L L E N A S ^ Just Out! “ New 8acred Solos and Duets.' Ideal tor singing evangelists, gospel singers, choirs, etc. 60c per copy: 2 copies, $1.00. Send for our free Music Catalogue. LFLLENAS PUBLISHING COMPANY “ The Best In Gospel Music’" ?923 Troost Ave., Dept. KB, Kansas City, Mo.
Matthew—"THIS IS JESUS.............. ...»............... THE KING OF THE JEWS,” Mark —".................................. ............................ ..THE KING OF THE JEWS” Luke —“THIS IS....................... ....................;.... THE KING OF THE JEWS” John — .................. JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS”
the Roman governor. The governor found nothing wrong in Jesus, but, be cause he wanted to please the crowds, he condemned Him to death. The Lord Jesus was mocked and mistreated by the soldiers, and He was put to death on the cross. Did Jesus have to suffer all of this? He was God’s own Son and was equal with God. He could have escaped from the Roman soldiers and the angry peo ple even as He had escaped from them many times before, but He did not do it now because His time had come when He should obey the will of the Father who had sent Hind to do this very thing. Shall we say our memory verse to gether ? Object Lesson P ulled T wo W ays OBJECTS: A small globe of the world; a capital "I” twelve inches high, cut from veneer, painted ’black on one side and white on the other; a cross eighteen inches high, cut from veneer, painted red; a capital “I” thirteen inches high and slightly wider than the
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W A N T E D : Manuscripts New York book publisher respectfully solicits worth while manuscripts for publication. FORTUNY’ S, Publishers 67 W* 44th St., New York, N. Y.
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