February, 1940
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
America’s Lowest Priced (44-Page) True-to-the-Bible Family Magazine THE KING'S BUSINESS Has a Vital Christian Message for EVERY Member of the FAMILY and should be in EVERY Christian HOME.
God’s Word and the Christians faith are being as sailed on every side in these days of apostasy. Christians should know the Word and be able to give a reason for the hope that is in them. For thirty years TH E K IN G ’ S BUSINESS has earn estly contended for and defended “ the faith,” the Bible and its Christ, and this magazine’s stabiliz ing spiritual influence should be in every home.
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The BUNDLE PLAN is be i ng us ed to spread God's Word by Pastors, Teach ers, Personal Work ers, and Evangelists.
An easy way to earn a book for your church library or for yourself. The mere act of showing THE KING’S BUSINESS usually sells it because of the many interest ing articles and the helpful material and other features that have proved essential to Christian workers. All can afford it now at this extremely low price, 59 cents per year in U S. Sample copies of THE KING’S BUSINESS will be sent to your prospects if you will send in the list. Start today-—don’t delay.
Because THE KING’S BUSINESS carries the Inter national Sunday School Lesson Helps and also Christian Endeavor Notes, it is being profitably used in the Sunday School. Why not send for a trial Bundle NOW? See page 42 for schedule of prices. One Dollar will bring a Trial Bundle of 25 copies. In larger quantities as low as 2 %c each.
558 South Hope St. • Los Angeles, Calif.
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