TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
February, 1940
steal the body and say that He had risen. But a heavy stone and a body of soldiers could not keep the Lord Jesus Christ in the tomb! When His friends came to look for Him, they found the
front to guard it. For Jesus’ enemies had heard Him say that in three days He should rise from the dead. They didn’t believe what He said, but they told the governor that they were afraid that Jesus’ disciples would come and
sunset, and it was “an holy convocation" (Ex. 12:16), it was necessary to dispose of the body before sunset or else leave it on the cross for another twenty-four hours. Although the Romans did not hesitate to leave the bodies of criminals thus for birds of prey to feed on, such a practice was a violation of the Mosaic Law even in the case of criminals (Deut. 21:22, 23). Thus, on the part of the enemies of the Lord, there was no attempt to interfere with the final lov ing ministry of Joseph and NicodemUs in caring for His body. In a Scottish valley, beside a little brook, where there was no kindly soil, a Highlander once planted a tree. Of course it wilted and drooped. But sud denly, to the surprise of every one, it took a new start in life, and bore rich fruit. What was the source of its new life ? An examination revealed the secret. With marvelous vegetable in stinct, it had sent out a shoot which ran along and over a narrow sheep bridge, and rooted itself in the rich loam on the other side of the brook. From this rich loam it drew its new life. Even so the resurrection of Jesus Christ bridges the river of death that flows between earth and heaven, and the souls of men who know this send out the shoot of faith, which, running over the bridge, roots itself in the eter nal realities beyond, and draws spiritual life from the very fullness of God. —David Gregg. Because Jesus Lives M a t t h e w 27:57 to 28:15 MEMORY VERSE: “Because I live, ye shall live also” (John 14:19). APPROACH: After Jesus died on the cross, He was laid in a grave, but His body did not stay there. After three days, He arose, even as He had prom ised His disciples. He came back from the grave to show us that we who be lieve on Him—we too—shall live. LESSON STORY: Golden Text Illustration 1 C orinthians 15:20
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Isaiah, the prophet, h a d s a i d m a n y , many years earlier siah would die, He w o u l d make His grave with the rich (Isa. 53:9). N o w
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usually any one who had been put to death on the cross would have been buried in a public burying place. But this prophecy was to be fulfilled. A good man named Joseph of Arimathea went' in to the governor and asked for the body of Jesus, and he laid it in the tomb which he had had prepared for his own use. Tombs in that country were often hewn out of rock and a stone was rolled in front as a door. Joseph’s tomb was like this, and soldiers were placed in
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