February, 1940
stone rolled away and an angel there to tell them, “He is not here: for he is risen.” And then, most wonderful of all, they saw Him themselves, the risen Lord, the same who said that He would not only rise, but He should come again and receive His own. If you belong to Jesus, you are one of His own. Object Lesson S weet H earts OBJECTS: A two-pound coffee can, two tumblers, enough small candy hearts to fill one tumbler, a black cloth, and a white cloth. (Cover the can with green paper. About three inches from the bottom, on the inside, glue with water glass a cardboard shelf, reaching two-thirds across the can. Put a lip on each side of the shelf to keep the candy hearts from sliding off too easily.) LESSON: When thinking of the resurrection of Christ, we should think of the day when He will return to earth and will call forth from the graves the bodies of those who have accepted Him in life, and will take from the earth the Christians who have not yet died. We are told about this in 1 Thessalon- ians 4. These candy hearts remind us of in dividuals who die and are buried. This can, covered with green paper, will represent the ground in which bodies are burled. I will pour the candy into the can. When Jesus first returns, only those who In life have accepted Him as Saviour will be resurrected. I will pour Matthew 23:16 Then the eleven dis ciples went away Into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesns had appointed them. 17 And when they saw him, they wor shipped him: bat some donbted. 18 And Jesns came and spake nnto them, saying;, All power is given nnto me in heaven and in earth. 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all na tions, baptizing; them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and, lo, I am with you alway, even nnto the end of the world. Amen. GOLDEN TEXT* “Ye shall he witnesses nnto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and nnto the ut termost part of the earth” (Acts 1:8). DEVOTIONAE READING: Psa. 116:1-9. Outline and Exposition I. M eeting with the L ord (16, 17) HE disciples had the joy of meet ing the risen Saviour when they obeyed the instructions given by the Lord and the angel (cf. 26:32; 28:7). Obedience is the royal path to all heart satisfaction and rest. When the disciples beheld Him, they worshiped, even though some of them were in doubt. Faith will always wor ship; the man of faith may not under
“ OBJECT TALKS” 20 bright talks (0 boys and girls illus trated by familiar objects. ^ “ TALKS ON TEXTS” \ 20 children’s Sermons. Illuminated fascinating illustrations. “ Paper Tearing Talks” 15 Gospel talks. 'Paper is folded, then, torn and the object is unfolded. In teresting to old and young. Full di rections. One Pastor writes: "Tour talks are the best I have ever used or have been able to find." Each set $1.00 All Three $2.00 55 talks—whole year with the Children, Over 47,000 in use. Haddon Service, Box 164B, Fairfield, Conn. A Book You Should Have “A STUDY OF THE REVELATION OF. JESUS CHRIST” This is a book you will really enjoy and find profitable. Non-sectarian. Carefully and rev erently written. Concise and systematic, but written in a clear, -understandable style. Many have found it most helpful. Strictly Scrip tural. In view o f present world events, it is most timely. Recommended by outstanding; Funda mental Ministers. Price 50c. For your copy write today to the author, F. E. Cameron, Address-—Box 143, North Hollywood, California. Something New Genuine Myrtlewood Collection Plates Bowl f,nd Brim Styles 9 to 12 inch sises $2.25 to $5.00 Write for descriptive circular. THE BETTER BOOK AND BIBLE HOUSE 420 S. W. Washington Street Portland, Oregon SONGS IN THE DESERT Singing Ronnd the World 50 New Gospel Songs and Choruses Beantifnl Leather- Satisfaction Guaran teed. Circular Free. CLARENCE E. RANCH 817 No. Harvard Blvd.. t o . Angeles, Calif. ette Cover— 50c Postpaid B e s t W i s h e s from W. A. BROWN
the candy out. (Only those on the top of the shelf will come out.) The glass Is only about half full. Not all the bodies of the dead will come out of their graves at the first resurrection. In Revelation 20:5 we read, “But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished.” This re fers to the unsaved people. We will pour out the candy hearts representing the unsaved into tills other glass. (Tilt the can In the opposite direction, and the hearts below the shelf will Come through the opening into the glass. Put the glasses on opposite ends of the table, and it will seem natural to tilt the can in opposite directions.) We will cover the first glass with a white cloth, reminding us of the white robes of the redeemed or saved people. The other glass we will cover with a black cloth, representing those who will be cast out into outer darkness. This should be a warning to all who have not accepted Christ, that they should do so at once, in order that they may be included In the first resurrec tion. stand fully, but he knows God—His person and His power—and, knowing that, he is'led to worship Him. Unbelief demands proof before it worships the true God, but is ever ready to bow ignorantly before any god of man’s making. n . A uthority in the L ord (18) Christ’s authority is acknowledged by all In heaven, but not by all upon the earth. All in heaven are blessed; they revel in glory; they continually offer true worship. But on earth there is misery and gloom and warfare—and the reason is obvious. But one day, all upon the earth will acknowledge our Lord’s B LACKBOARD LESSON
MARCH 31, 1940 THE CONTINUING TASK M atthew 28:16-20
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