King's Business - 1940-02

February, 1940



authority. Every knee will bow and every tongue shall confess that He is Lord (cf. Phil. 2:5-11). In that day the sound of war will be stilled, national hatreds will be forgotten, creation’s groans will be hushed, and the golden age of this world will be ushered in. m. S ervice for the L ord (19, 20) The service described here is three­ fold: making disciples among all na­ tions, baptizing all who believe, and teaching what the Lord Jesus taught. While something may be said In favor of the view that this commission be­ longs to the Old Testament program, nevertheless it contains a strong re­ minder of the Christian’s responsibility. The missionary enterprise is promi­ nent in each of the four Gospels, and The Acts begins with the same mission­ ary emphasis. It was the missionary pas­ sion which so stirred the Apostle Paul and his companions that the report went out that the world was “turned upside down” through their preaching. They made disciples of all nations; they baptized those that believed, and they taught what the Lord Jesus had taught. rv. P resence of the L ord (20) To the disciples, the Lord gave promise concerning His presence with them and His power available for them. But the enjoyment of His presence is quite another matter. There are con­ ditions attached to the appropriation and enjoyment. The promise to Abra­ ham, Isaac, and Jacob concerning the prosperity of the Jewish race is an un­ conditional promise, but it is not now being enjoyed. Likewise, the uncondi­ tional promise to David concerning the throne and the kingdom Is not now being enjoyed. How, then, can there be a realization of this promise that Christ will ever be with His disciples ? In obedience there is the key to the ques­ tion. An illustration is found in the meeting in Galilee (vs. 10, 16, 17). The disciples simply did what the Lord com­ manded, and they found what He said to be true. Emphasizing the different words of this verse will bring out its truth and beauty. There is confidence for fearful disciples: “Lo, I am with you alway.” There is personalized comfort for sor­ rowing disciples: “Lo, I am with you alWay.” And there is assurance of con­ tinuity of both the confidence and com­ fort: “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” He is the One whose strength is sufficient for all burdens, whose wisdom can solve all problems, and whose grace can assuage all grief. What more could a disciple desire ? Points and Problems 1. “ They worshipped him” (v. 17). In this expression we may find the clearest kind of recognition of Jesus’ diety, for it is not to be forgotten that these

eleven men were not pagans, but Jews, men who by virtue of tradition and training had a horror of idolatry. To worship a mere man, to any Jew, was the very abomination of desolation . 2. “But some doubted” (v. 17). The reference here is probably not to His diety, but to the fact of His resurrec­ tion. They had worshiped Him before (Matt. 14:33). But now they are face to face with the astounding miracle of His resurrection, and they find it hard to believe. The record of the disciples’ doubt is one evidence of the truth of the resurrection. It shows that these men were honest and hard-headed, not easily imposed upon, and that they had not agreed in advance to affirm some­ thing which had not taken place, but were only convinced by the evidence of their senses that a resurrection had actually come to pass. 3. “All power is given unto me in

heaven and In earth” (v. 18). The Greek word, is better rendered “authority” in­ stead of “power,” although the latter idea is undoubtedly present. Authority is of no value without the requisite power to enforce it. But why does He say that this is “ given” to Him? Does not all authority and power reside in Him eternally and irrevocably as the Son of God? The answer to such ques­ tions can only be read in the light of His incarnation. We must not forget that the eternal Son became man, and now at the end of His earthly ministry He is invested with all authority as Man. Thus as Man He receives what belonged to Him as God. How blessed to know that the God who sits upon the throne of the universe is also a Man! Only in the hands of such a Man is it safe to commit all authority. 4. “ Go ye therefore” (v. 19). This is the first command o f the risen Lord in

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