February, 1940
meet Him on a certain mountain In Galilee, which they did, obeying Him. LESSON STORY: First, He said, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” Next He said to His disciples, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” How surprised the disciples must have been to hear these words! How could they go about through foreign countries with this message? They had no money to go and who would listen to them! But you remember Jesus had already given them a promise, “All power is given unto me.” If they be lieved that, they would have faith to go. And He added one more important thing, “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” If they believed, they would go. Since this day thousands of Jesus’ followers have done this very thing—they have gone as mis sionaries with His message.
what has bean called the Great Com mission. The other commands, to bap tize and teach, are important but they are not first. The outstanding charac teristic of the apostolic church was its mobility. It was constantly on the move. It was a missionary church. This is the point at which the modem church has failed most miserably. Instead of going to a lost world, It has settled down and Is concerning itself largely with institutionalism and sacerdotalism. And this is to be expected in the mod em church. For having discarded the gospel of God’s grace through the cross of. Christ, the church has lost the only sufficient motive for going to a lost world. An ignorant jinriksha coolie named Ode San, sixty-seven years of age, was converted, and returned from the main land of Korea to his native island vil lage to preach, as he said. Since he could not write, could read the Bible only by spelling out each word, and spoke most crudely, Captain Bickel was somewhat dismayed at having him the first representative of Christianity in his town. But three months after Ode’s conversion, the Captain received a card from him, saying, “Come preach.” He went, and found an audience of four hundred waiting for him. How had Ode aroused their interest? He had gone to a house where a sick man lay and had offered to help the wife in any way he could. He had drawn water and carried wood until the man was well. He had visited all the sick of the town and had offered help in the same way, preaching by his kindly acts and simple words. When he announced a meeting, four hundred of his townspeople responded. He had spoken personally to 58,000 people and had opened up four islands since his conversion. —little White Ship of the Inland Sea. Golden Text Illustration A cts 1 :8 MEMORY VERSE: “I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world” (Matt. 28:20). APPROACH: for forty days the Lord Jesus remained where He could show Himself to His friends and His disciples. He wanted them all to know that what He had promised had come true—He had risen from the dead, and because He had risen, they, too, should arise. He showed them, too, that He was going The Best Story to Tell M atthew 28:16-20
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Object Lesson L isten I n a n d S peak O ut
OBJECTS: A pair of earphones and a loudspeaker. (These can be borrowed from a radio repair shop.) LESSON: These earphones and this loudspeaker have different uses. The earphones are used for listening, and the loudspeaker for speaking. Both re mind us of what Christ said to His disciples. They were told to meet Him In Galilee. He had something He wanted to tell them, and He wanted them to listen. The earphones remind us of their listening to Him. Christ told them that He had “all power . . . in heaven and in earth.” This was a very important fact for them to know. It is important for each one of us to know that Christ has all power. After the disciples had listened to what Christ had to say, they were told to go to tell others. This loudspeaker reminds us of His command to tell others. It was not enough that the disciples should listen to His wonderful words. If they were to be obedient to Him, they must speak to others. This they did, and they had the joy of knowing that the Lord JesUs was with them always, for He closed His message to them with these wonderful words: “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” •
back to heaven to be with God, the place where all of those who believed on Him should go, also. But Jesus had an Important mes sage to give His disciples before He left, so He told His eleven disciples to
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