King's Business - 1940-02


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

February, 1940

Ulus. Isa. 6:8 (Note that God did not speak directly to Isaiah, but Isaiah was standing so close to God that he could hear), m . How we may recognize the still small voice of God. A. God speaks to US through His Word (2 Tim. 3:16). There is no need to seek advice from man when the issue has al­ ready been settled by God (1 Cor. 10:31; Col. 3:17). B. God speaks to us by the con­ victions of our higher judg­ ment. With a new mind “in Christ Jesus,’’ there are many things which common sense will set­ tle. Illus. Acts 5:29. C. God speaks to us by providen­ tial circumstances (but never in a revelation contrary to His Word). Ulus. Gen. 45:7, 8 . D. God speaks to us by Inward im­ pressions. Here is an opportunity to pre­ sent the truth of the indwelling Holy Spirit—the “Christ in you’’ life (Col. 1:27; Gal. 2:20). Then our decisic and choices are right because they are His, For the Leader 1. Choose hymns or chcruses of deep devotional nature on the subject at hand, such as: "When He Calls Me I Will Answer,” and “Where He Leads Me I Will Follow.” 2. Give oppor' jnity for testimonies as to unusual ways in which “the still small voice” has come to individuals. MARCH 17, 1940 INTRODUCE YOUR FRIENDS TO CHRIST J o h n 1 :35-46 For Those Who Have Topics I.- To “introduce our friends to Christ,” we must first “behold” Him for ourselves (v. 36). A. What we will see when we be­ hold Him. 1. Ourselves, in need of a Sa­ viour (Rom. 3:23; Isa. 53:6). Ulus. Isaiah (Note Isa. 6:1, 5). 2. Christ, sufficient for our need (John 1:29; 14:6; Acts 4:12; Heb. 7:25). B. If we are to be influential, a personal experience of salvation is essential. 1. When confronted with such ah experience, opposition is speechless. Ulus. Man born blind—John 9 (Note “I know” in v. 25). 2. Because of such an exper­ ience, the testimony becomes effective. Ulus. Woman of Samaria—John 4 (Note v. 39).

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Here Is Your Opportunity People often say that they would like to do some kind of mis­ sionary work for the Lord. Here’s an opportunity to help in a worthy and needy work. The call comes from consecrat­ ed workers in prisons— jails—hos­ pitals— institutions, and mountain districts, for free subscriptions to T H E K IN G ’S BUSINESS, be­ cause our magazine has a real mes­ sage of salvation, and is helpful to those in need of the true W ord of God. You can help by sending in funds for this much-needed minis­ try. W e know of no better place or way to spend a portion of the Lord’s money. Send in Your Gifts to the FREE FUND THE K ING ’S BUSINESS 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Cal. n . To “introduce our friends tq Christ,” -we must “abide” with Him (vs. 37-39), A. Devotion «makes us desire the companionship of those we love. B. Conscious of our lack of wis­ dom, we seek the Source of help (Jas. 1:5). . C. Abiding with Him makes a pro­ found impression ,pn us, hence on others. Ulus. Peter and John (Acts 4:13), Illus. 2 Cor. 3:18. As Mirror Lake, Yosemite, reflects beauty of Half Dome, so our lives when clear, clean, unruffled, and “in the proper location,” reflect His beauty. HI. To “introduce our friends to Christ” we must bring them to Jesus (vs. 41, 42, 45). A. Two places where we may In­ troduce Him. 1, In the home!—Like Andrew (vs. 41, 42); cf. Matt. 5:15, “in the house.” Illus. Home life is the acid test. 2. In the world!—Like Philip (v. 45); cf. Matt. 5:6, “be­ fore men.” . For Discussion 1. What steps of Christian experience are revealed in these verses? Example —hearing of Jesus and following Jesus (v. 37). 2. What connection is to be found be­ tween John 1:36 and John 3:30? (Point out the importance of keeping self in background.)

Mrs. Charles E. Cowman’s great trio of devotional books: Streams in the Desert Consolation Springs in the Valley $1.50 each postpaid liberal Commission ORIENTAL MISSIONARY SOCIETY, PUBLISHERS 900 N. Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.

Is Your Heart open for The Russians? T HERE is not a single nation In the whole world so neglected and forgotten by most of the North American Christians as the Russians are. Thousands of Rus­ sian Believers are passing through eco­ nomic hardships because of their faith. Millions of that great nation are sitting in spiritual darkness and only a small number of North American Christians are realising tbeir responsibility in helping the suffering Russian Believers and in giving out the Gospel to the unsaved ones. The Russian Christian Relief Society under the leadership of the Holy Spirit was organized for this purpose; to ad­ minister material relief to the suffering Believers abroad and to Evangelize mil­ lions of Russians living in spiritual dark­ ness in Europe, Asia, United States and Canada. We are urging all God’s dear children to help us in this great work of the Lord* All communications and gifts sent to: Russian Christian Relief Society 690 Eighth Ave., Boom 506K New York, N Y. Bev. Peter Pleshko, Gen. Director

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