King's Business - 1940-02

February, 1940

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


the price beside something that he desires. The moment the merchant lifts the price, the sale is made. The act is an indication that the price lifted has been accepted. At the cross, Christ laid down His life. On the third day, God lifted the price. Thus it is that we can say in the words of an­ other, “When Christ was crucified, the law was magnified, justice was satisfied, sin was nullified, God was glorified, and the sinner was justi­ fied.”—Selected. HI. Christ’s resurrection is the “basis of our confession” (Rom. 10:9). Illus. A very learned man once said to a

3. Suggest that there is something greater even than introducing our friends to Christ—introducing Christ to our friends! Discuss Christ’s indwelling of the Christian, using Gal. 2:20; 2 Cor. 6:16, etc. For the Leader 1. In addition to being prepared to lead discussion of above points, have the members of the group underscore in their Bibles the steps of Christian ex­ perience as they are .revealed. 2. As point of emphasis, ask to see how many in group were “ introduced to Christ” by relatives or close friends. If time allows, permit a few to recount their experiences. 3. Use such choruses as: ‘‘Lead Me to Some Soul Today” and ‘‘Lord, Lay Some Soul Upon My Heart.” MARCH 24, 1940 EASTER : LOVE INVINCIBLE L uke 24:46, 47; M atthew 28:1-10 Introduction There is no other historical fact which so influences humanity as does the resurrection of Jesus Christ. There is no experimental fact which so in­ fluences Christian character as the fact of the consciousness and recognition of His resurrection. The love of God was unmistakably manifest when He delivered up Christ (Acts 2:23). Such love (John 3:16) is unknown and unfathomable apart from God (Rom. 5:8 and context). But as Christ went to the tomb, His love seemed to have been in vain. Death appeared to have won the day. As the resurrection morning dawned, however," and the universe came forth singing “He Lives,” it became apparent that Christ’s “wonderful love which rescued me” was not only perfect in its purpose (man’s redemption), but also perfect in its fulfillment. Not only had love conquered sin and death, but in the resurrection it had become un­ conquerable! “Love invincible” ! Meditation on the glorious truth of a living Saviour should bring a response of love from our trusting hearts. For Those Who Have Topics* I. Christ’s resurrection is the “proof of God’s satisfaction” (Phil. 2:9-11; note Acts 2:32, 36). God has made Jesus Christ “Lord” by raising Him up into glory. Application: We must make Him “Lord” by raising Him up in our lives (John 3:30). n . Christ’s ,resurrection is the “ evidence of our justification” (cf. Rom. 4:25). Illus. In the market squares of the Orient, merchants display their arti­ cles for sale. The purchaser lays down *Main points in outline for this week, together with illustration under III, from the Sunday School Times, April 2, 1938, p. 251.

little girl who believed in the Lord Jesus: “My poor little girl, you don’t know whom you believe. There have been many Christs. In which of them do you believe?” “I know which one I believe in,” replied the child. “I believe in the Christ who rose from the dead.” For Discussion 1. What part does the death of Christ have in our personal salvation? Note Rom. 5:10a. 2. What part does the resurrection (present life) of Christ have in our per­ sonal salvation? (Rom. 5:10b). Note

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