King's Business - 1940-02


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

February, 1940

and compare Rom. 4:24, 25; Heb. 7:25; 1 John 2:1; Acta 2:32, 33; Col. 2:12, 13. 3. What effect should the facta of salvation have on us? (2 Pet. 3:11; 1 John 3:13; John 15:13 with 1 John 4:19). For the Leader 1. Set aside a few minutes in which the group may individually discover some of the “many infallible” proofs of the resurrection erf Christ. List them, e. g.: Cl) Eye witnesses: Mary (J 6 hn 20: (11-18), Thomas (John 20:26-29), 500 (1 Cor. 15:6), etc.; (2) Circumstan­ tial Evidence: Empty tomb, disciples, continuance of Easter, Lord’s Supper, baptism, etc., and (3) Direct Evi­ dence: Growth of Christianity, church, redeemed men, etc. 2. Make every effort to tie these "realities” into the everyday life of young people. 3. Watch current evangelical maga­ zines for “fresh” poems and illustra­ tions of the glorious resurrection. 4. Take advantage of this meeting to sing such songs as “ One Day,” “He Lives,” “Glad Day,” etc. MARCH 31, 1940 H OW THE BIBLE INFLUENCES THE WORLD J ohn 5:39-47; 2 T imothy 3:14-17 Introduction The Bible has so vitally contributed to our civilization that even the man who, perhaps, never opens the covers of God’s Word nevertheless is dally affected by its Influence and even reads its words and phrases in newspapers, magazines, and books. For Those Who Have Topics I. How the Bible has influenced the nations of the world. A. By Its widespread translation and circulation. Watch religious magazines for in­ formation and send to American Bible Society for statistics. B. By influencing the literature of the world. 1. Ulus. Shake s pe a r e , Mil ton, Dante, et al. 2. The truth on all moral and spiritual subjects by writers of all ages, has its foundation in the Bible. (Refer briefly to limitations of moral views in Bible-less ages, e.g., Confucius’, negative “Golden Rule” : “What you do not wish done to your­ self, do not to others” (cf. positive statement in Matthew 7:12). 3. Scriptural hymns are popular in church and on civic and radio programs. C. By influencing the art of the world. Public librarian will assist you in locating a collection of good art in a form which can be borrowed. The predominance of Biblical sub­ jects will be noted.

D. By guiding the statesmen of the world. 1. American B i b l e Society will provide statements of eminent men (Bryan, Gladstone, Wilson, Roosevelt, etc.) on the Bible. 2. Note Bible influence in early history ( Pur i t ans, Quakers) and establishing of Govern­ ment of our own country. 3. A Toronto judge states, "The Bible is the basis of every good law in our country.” E. By causing great world-wide move­ ments. Examples: Protestantism, revivals, faith mission societies, abolition of slavery, hospitals, universities, Y. M. C. A., W. C. T. U., Red Cross, Salvation Army, etc. H. How the Bible has influenced the homes of the world. A. It has been a source of comfort to the sick, distressed, and sor­ rowing. Examples: Psa. 23, John 14, Matt. 11:28, Phil. 4:19, etc. B. It has united and preserved home life. Ulus. Contrast the home of past years centered around the old fam­ ily Bible with the modern home where the Bible has been replaced by the radio, a pack of cigarettes, ’ a deck of cards. C. It has been the basis for the “fam­ ily altar.” (Note Deut. 6:7). Here is a fine opportunity to urge Christian young people to take the initiative of establishing family altar in their own homes (cf. 2 Tim. 3:14-17). III. How the Bible has influenced indi­ vidual lives of the world. A. By bringing salvation (Note topic texts: John 5:39; 2 Tim. 3:15). B. By transforming lives (Psa. 119: 9, 11; cf. 2 Cor. 5:17). C. By promoting spiritual growth. Note 2 Tim. 3:16, 17; 2:15, John 17:17, etc. FV>r the Leader 1. If time permits, let the group sug­ gest and discuss some of hundreds of Biblical expressions which have become common in modem conversation, such as “salt of th$ earth,” “widow’s mite.” 2. The American Bible Society (Bible House, New York, N. Y. or 224 Mc­ Allister St., San Francisco, Calif.), send free of charge a set of cards to show the great variety and extent of Scrip­ ture translation. Get other material as suggested under “topics.” 3. Have, the members bring “old” and “odd” Bibles to this meeting, also foreign translations, unique “f a m i l y Bibles,” etc. 4. Get cooperation of your pastor and make this a great Bible Sunday in all departments. 5. fling such songs as “Take It Wherever You Go,” “The lg-1-B-L-E,” “Standing on the Promises, etc.

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