T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
February, 1940
Daily Manna Calendar for 1940 On white cardboard (9”xl4” ), printed with green ink and ' illustrated with a beautiful snow-and-deer scene, a pad of daily readings (4” x 5%” ) is mounted. The comments-—each one based pn a Sicripture verse—rhave been furnished by outstanding spiritual writers. There is one page for each day. The calendar is excellent for gift giving. Zondervan Pub. House. Price 75 cents. “ A MAN ON THE RTJN” By Douglas M. White A volume of truly expository mes sages to believers. Introduction by Vance Havner, Jerome’s Stationery Printing—Office Supplies. Books 632 West 6th St., Los Angeles MAdison 3015 A Whole Year 'for $1.00 THE ILLUSTRATOR makes Sunday-school teaching a pleasure! . Write for .Samples and Special Introductory Prices for Sunday Schools [ THE ILLUSTRATOR, Myferstowp, Pa* V ISUAL EVANGELS Gospel Object Lessons with a surprise climax. EVANGELISTIC .Anyone"can jise. Nothing to make; Everything supplied. Free sample. ARNOLD CARL WESTFIfAL “The Children’s Shepherd” Michigan. City, Indiana Listen In . , to Ethel Hubler ¿Afationof Voice TEMPERANCE BROADCAST Every Sun. 5 :1 5 to 5 :3 0 P.M. over the following stations: Los Angeles, KMTR, 570 kc. Bakersfield, KERN, 1370 kc. Stockton, KWG, 1200 kc. Sacramento, KFBK, 1490 kc. San Francisco, KSAN, 1420 kc. .Christians Should Support Ethel Hubler’s Broadcast Send fo r a F R E E Sam ple C op y o f this 7 0-y ea r-old T em p era n ce weekly THE NATIONAL VOICE 126 W. 3rd St., Los Angeles, Calif. Name ..... —............—... Address ........................................— He says: “These s e r m o n s a r e sound, searching and S c r i p t u r a l . They should have a wide reading/’ . . . Order direct from the author at Box 9 3 , Clarkesville, Ga.
tion of the low estate to which some' sections of higher education in America have fallen. One wonders whether the sacrifices of parents to send their chil dren to college are worth while when such situations as this can prevail.
VIEWS and REVIEWS [ Continued from Page 45] teeted. The “ghost” writers of the syn dicate undertake to write in the indi vidual style of the student himself. This seems to be just another indica-
Our Literature Table International Standard Bible
Blood, Bread and Fire By VANCE HAVNER
Encyclopaedia (A Correction)
In ithese twelve trenchant messages the author presents, ip his inimitable style, ^‘the Christian’s threefold experience.” The book is largely a collection of ar ticles which formerly have been published in various Christian magazines and which have gained warm approval there. Who ever ha? read Vance Havner’s devotional books. By Still Waters, Consider Him, and Secret of Christian Joy, will wish to add this new volume to that soul-stirring collection. 119 pages. Zondervan Pub. House. Cloth. Price $1.00. Worth-While Small Booklets Each of the following publications, un less otherwise indicated, is paper bound, issued by Zondervan Pub; House, and sold for 35 cents each. § “THE TREASURES OF THE SNOW” by Robert G. Lee. In this gripping message, picturesque ^phrases, * allitération, and deep spiritual truth are commingled. 24 pages. “ONE PLUS GOD” by Robert G. Lee, Natural weaknesses of the believer are here seen in beautiful relation to the Lord’s almighty power. 26 pages. “THE GLORIOUS REVIVAL UNDER KING HEZEKIAH” by Wilbur §M. Smith. Against the background of an Old Testa ment scene of Revival, the author presents the heed for revival today. 54 pages. Price 35 cents. “THE EVIDENCE OF THE UNSEEN” by James R. Graham, Jr, This booklet contains àn answer to three Questions: is the Bible to be trusted? Is God a worthy object of worship? Can one be a Chris tian and deny the Virgin Birth of Christ? 26 pages. ' “IT TAKES FAITH TO WALK WITH GOD” by William Hazer Wrighton. Two messages are included in this booklet, the first, an exposition of thejfaith, of Enoch, and the second, “Have xou a Spiritual History?” 27 pages. “LAST CALL MESSAGES—A MEMO RIAL” by.-P. B. Chenault* . posthumously published, four powerful messages deal ing with the sin question are here com bined as a memorial to the gifted yqung pastor who was their author. 72 pages* “SEARCHING SERMONS” by Walter Hughes. Here are six evangelistic mes sages, of the kind that both hold atten tion and bring conviction. 41 pages. “THE BOOK OF LIFE” by Clifton L. Fowler. In this study of the Scripture passages in which “the book of life” oc curs, there is' material for deep contem plation. 28 pages. Maranatha Press, Den ver, Colo. Paper. True to its title, this little vest-pocket commentary on the International Sunday School Lessons and the Improved Uniform Series is an excellent teaching aid in that proper stress is laid upon thè vital parts of the lesson. Thè outlines are practical for effective presentation and the accom panying analytical and expository notes are highly usable. In addition, there is a discussion of the Golden Text, a list of daily readings, and department titles for the whole Sunday-school. 194 pages with maps. Baptist Sunday School Board, Fab- rikoid. Price 35 cents. Points for Emphasis By HIGHT C. MOORE
We apologize for the fact that the price of this valuable set of books wa? incor rectly stated in our December, 1939, is sue. From the publishers, the Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Qrand Rapids, Mich., this correction has come: ‘‘We are ?orry to note that yqur review of the In ternational Standard Bible Encyclopaedia in your December issue erroneously car ried the prices on this set at $39.50 and $4^50, instead of the correct figures of $29.5-0 and $39.50. The prices which you gav? were the prices on th? set befqr? we took it over.” - The Prophet St. Paul By ARNO CLEMENS GAEBELEIN Again this voluminous author has sunk another shaft and found gold. With a unique grasp on the treasures of both Testaments, he brings forth from the writings of Paul the Apostle “things new and old.” Repeatedly, the reader is warn ed against departure from the theology of Paul or acceptance of any’ religious vagary. The Bible is to be accepted as it is, “inspired of God and profitable for doctrine.” .Present analysis and future destiny of both; Israel and the church are clearly presented' in the exposition of such por** tions of Scripture as Romans 9 and 10. We predict that the volume will meet the approval of nil old-time friends, and that it will make many new ones. 18l pages. Publication Office “Our Jlope,” 456 Fourth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Cloth. Price $ 1 . 00 . Centenary Translation of the New Testament Ry .HELEN BARRETT MONTGOMERY So readable is this new translation that one is reluctant to lay it aside. The book is not intended as a substitute for the more generally accepted versions. In it is found an evidence of thoroughness ■of scholarship combiiied with simplicity and dignity o f style. Foremost of its distin guishing .features is the fact that it does pot change one of the age-old truths, Mrs. Montgomery has chosen a different manner of presentation than is custom arily used, and the result is refreshing and stimulating. Chapter headings and division.? that are original will be helpful to earnest students of the Word* 724 pages. The Aiperican Baptist Publication Society. Price, cloth $1.00; leather $2.50. By FRANCIS SHUNK DOWNS The great doctrines of Inspiration, In carnation, Atonement and Regeneration are here expounded in readable and at tractive form. Dr. Downs, as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Berke ley, Calif., has had opportunity fo r ' con tact with numberless university students, and has' helped many a young person to a plane of assurance and joy in Christ. The manuscript of the present volume is one of several chosen by the American Tract- Society in a one-thousand-dollar prize contest ‘‘for the best treatise on one or more essential evangelical
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