King's Business - 1940-02


The Los Angeles Mission is thankful to God that soul­ winning a c c ompan i e s the Mission’s welfare activities. The Mission is grateful also to those faithful stewards who by their means have made it possible to minister to the physical and spiritual needs of a vast army of unfortunate men. God has said . .'. “He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again” (Prov. 19:17).

Los Angeles Mission Auditorium and Dining Boom

A worth - while invest- ment in human lives that pays d i v i d e n d s throughout all eternity. From every section of our coun­ try and every walk of life come these men and hoys to California, peeking by its mild climate to escape the ex­ treme cold of winter.’ Without work, destitute—some in broken health, hungry, and friend­ less—they finally make their way to Los Angeles in their last hope that somehow a job or help might be found. Aimlessly wandering through the streets of this great metropolis, they drop in to the Los Angeles Mission, weak and worn, in need o f food, clothing, and shelter—but most of all in need of a Saviour. The Los Angeles Mission is a ha­ ven of rest to these men and boys in their desperate circumstances, and has saved thousands of them for the Lord; saved untold thousands from going to jail, and thousands of dol­ lars of taxpayers’ money. LOS ANGELES MISSION

Where 112,000 Free Meals were served during 1939.

THINK OF IT ! 2,702 MEN WON FOB CHBIST DUBING 1939 During the year jù'st closed, the total attendance at the Mission was 116,175. 112,000 meals were furnished free to the

Church Groups Assist at Mission Various church groups, 25 in number, assist in the work, each taking one night a month to conduct the entire Mission serv­ ice. The Word of God is preached, and at the close of the meeting the invitation is extended to accept Christ as personal Siav- iour. And in so far as possible, each man is dealt with personally. We want to continue helping needy men and boys—give them a good meal, a warm bed for the night, clean clothing, assist them in finding a job—but we seek upper­ most through sympathetic understanding to minister to their spiritual needs. Will you help to carry on this greatly needed service, by filling in the coupon on this page and addressing it to: I. L. Eldridge, Supt. LOS ANGELES M ISSION 114-116 No. Los Angeles St. Los Angeles, California

hungry; 15,064 nights’ lodg­ ing was g i v e n homeless men and b o y s , without charge, and 2,702 men con­ fessed Christ as their Sav­ iour. A t a total expenditure of $9,912.16, the actual dost a man for Christ— if this can be stated on a dollars and cents basis—was only $3.66. Hundreds of oth­ er men asked to bé remem­ bered in prayer, and ex­ pressed their desire to live a

114-116 No. Los Angeles St., Los Angeles, Calif. I Surely I am interested in this worthy work. I Please send me your literature. Here’s $............... i to help to supply meals, lodging and clothing.

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