February, 1940
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Around the King s By ROY L . LA U R IN
Two Things W rong There are two things wrong with so ciety. These two things are first, our iniquities, and second, our inequities. In the category of the first lie the gross sins of crime and social dissipation. These are those palpable evils that are written on our police blotters and print ed in our newspapers. All decent people condemn them with equal candor and emphasis. But in the category of the second lie things that many times wear the cloak of respectability. They have been en sconced beneath social prestige. They are protected by many a legal subter fuge. But they are nevertheless as gregt a peril in their place as are the iniqui ties of society. One of our native poets wrote something about jailing the man who steals a goose from off the city common but condoning the deeds of an other man who steals the common from the goose. The social inequities of the day do. not yield to laws of reform as quickly as some of the reformers have hoped they would. There is a better way. Re generate the individual and you ulti mately reform the community. Both iniquity and inequity must be met and., conquered, not at the place of the crime, but at the source of the crime. The source is in the human heart. Sin’s remedy is in the blood of Christ. Hugh B. Evans— “ with Christ” Early on the morning of January 15, Hugh B- Evans—for many years a val ued member of the Board of Trustees of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and a Director of THE KING’S BUSI NESS—passed into the presenoe of his Redeemer. Mr. Evans’ extensive business experi ence made him a wise counselor, and it was not only in this connection but also as a warm-hearted and generous friend that he served the Bible Institute Of Los Angeles and other Christian groups, because he served first his Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Space in this issue forbids any de tailed reference to his life and work, but doubtless even these few lines will cause many readers to “thank . . . God upon every remembrance” of His gifted and devoted servant. And wherever praise to God is given, Hugh B. Evans would be glad.
Birthdays and patriotism This is the month of important birth days, those of Washington and Lincoln. They signify to us something more than the natal days of great men. They em phasize great principles without which our nation cannot long live in unity or prosperity. We associate with the “Father of His Country” and the “Pre server of the' Unión” ‘certain political and religious ideals Which have been the bulwark of our nation. It is quite evi dent that divine providence has been the determining factor ip the founding and preservation of this nation. Much can he said of our natural resources. Miich can be said for our native genius. But unless these values are lindergirded by the spiritual elements of a national Christian experience, they may- become a liability rather than an asset. We dare not build a Babylonian civiliza tion ip the twentieth century. Mate rialism always means destruction. Amer ica needs to be bom again. It needs in every heart á birthday of life and faith in both the written Word and the Living Word. Worship As a Therapy The word translated “worshipped” in Acts 17:25 is in the original of such a striking significance as to give us pause in much of our thoughtless Christianity. It is that word from which we get our English word “therapy” or “therapeu tics.” “Therapeutics” refers to healing or the art of healing. What importance worship assumes when viewed in this light is immediately apparent. This view gives a new con ception of the place of worship in the church. But if worship is to effectually be as a therapy, certain things, must be observed carefully. In healing there of course must be a careful diagnosis. After this step, cura tives must be applied. No physician could’ heal his patient by merely telling him what is wrong. It is equally true that the preacher cannot heal the sin ner by constantly talking about his wrongs and evils. No physician can heal his patient by telling him What is wrong with other so-called systems of healing. And how futile for the preacher to expect to heal the spiritually sick by preaching a nega tive message concerning spurious re ligious systems! A dignified warning should be given, but it never should oc cupy a major place in the worship pro gram. The preacher must apply positive
BIOLA ALUMNI NUMBER It will be observed that many of the contributions in this issue are furnished by writers who haye been former students of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, or who have been otherwise closely con nected with Institute life. (Besides this page, please see pages 46, 48, 49 to 55, and 73.) ■ Prayer is earnestly requested for the Lord’s provision for the work at the home base, where there are at present over 400 students enrolled, as well as for blessing upon the outreach of the Institute’s influence which ex tends, by the grace of God, to the ends of the earth. The church has indeed a ministry of healing. This ourative ministry lies in its worship. Both message and music should blend the meditation of God’s house into a therapy of blessing to those who seek its sanctuary on thé Lord’s Day. No sin-sick sinner, no worry-sick soul should ever seek God’s house and he sent away disappointed. If there is a genuine therapy in our sanctuaries, we think the world will seek them more numerously and consistently. Perfect* Rest ” Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him“ (Psa. 3 7 :7). By IONE LOWMAN * Biola '22 Ip yieldedness is quietness; In quietness is strength. And I do pray for willingness To seek His will; And as I seek I surely find— A Saviour’s love, abiding, kind, < My hungry soul tp fill. I find in Him a resting-place; I find in Him a quiet peace; I find in Him a daily strength, A satisfaction real and sweet to fill this longing deep and strong. “ He knows, He loves, He cares,” And He will never fail. I do not know bow long the test, I do not know how hard the blow, Bût this it is that I do know: In Jesus Christ is perfect rest. affirmations, for he cannot heal by nega tive condemnations.
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