King's Business - 1940-02

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


February, 1940

Views and Reviews of Current News By DAN G IL B E R T Washington, D. G ; arid San Diego, California


nim to believe that any possibility of an early end to the war is now past. Any hope of a peace to be achieved by ne­ gotiation rather than by a fight to the finish, seems now blasted and dispelled. Hitler may make some such offer as that outlined above, but the Allies would necessarily regard it as a trap, which it well might be. Hitler has forfeited all respect for his word. Only his death would give assurance that he would not subsequently return to power. No assur­ ance that he might give, or that his associates might give, could close the door to his assumption of dictatorial power and, his pursuit of aggression at some later date. British qpinion seems reconciled to a long-drawn-out “finish” fight. However much peace lovers might wish it could be otherwise, there seems no sound rea­ son for longer indulging the hope for an early peace. THE CAUSE AND CURE OF WAR: The secular writers and thinkers know as little about the cause of war as they do about its cure. They dream dreams and see visions; but they do not under­ stand that war will end only with the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. They continue to talk about a “federated Eu­ rope” or some other fantasy for the in­ surance of a lasting peace. They fail to recognize that only the Prince of Peace can bring the reign of peace. In exploring into the cause of war, they are equally ignorant. Every theory regarding the cause of war, which was held seriously a few years ago, is now completely exploded. The “liberal” school of thought was united a few years ago in believing that wars are the result of “commercial ri­ valry” among nations. Their theory was that "capitalism breeds wars.” So long as nations adhere to the capitalistic sys- .em, so long will they be imperialistic and militaristic. That was the theory. Many of these “experts" actually be­ lieved that the abolition of capitalism would mean the abolition of war. They claimed that, because of her Communis­ tic economy, Soviet Russia would be committed permanently to a “policy of peace.” But Germany abolished capitalism in favor of a collectivist economy, and plunged into wars of aggression imme­ diately —or into acts of aggression which ultimately made war unavoidable. So­ viet Russia abolished capitalism, and

PRO-SOVIETISM: The Nazi-Soviet pact demonstrated that Nazism and Soviet­ ism are equally evil, equally subversive, equally destructive. Russia’s invasion of Finland showed that Stalin is capable of matching the cruel aggressions of Hitler. Despite the evidence of the historical record, there are certain so-called lib­ erals who insist on excusing the bru­ talities of Communism, instead of con­ demning them equally and impartially with the atrocities of Nazism. Observers in Washington, D. C., are inquiring as to whether or not the Ad­ ministration has a double standard—a rigid one to be applied alone to Nazi Germany, but a flexible one to be ap­ plied with singular gentleness to Soviet Russia. Many months ago, our ambassador to Germany was called home, apparently as a rebuke to Hitler’s aggressions. For all practical purposes, diplomatic rela­ tions have been terminated with the Hit­ ler government. It was generally pre­ sumed that, following Russia’s invasion of Finland, a like procedure would be applied to Soviet Russia. Despite ur­ gent requests from American leaders of all political^parties, the ambassador to Soviet Russia has not been called home. The excuse has been that no good purpose would be served by severing re­ lations with Russia at this time. How­ ever, the argument loses force because of its lack of consistency. Either we should maintain full diplomatic relations with aggressor nations, or we should not. Either we should have an ambassa­ dor in both Berlin and Moscow, or we should have an ambassador in neither. Between equal evils, there can be no choice. It would clarify the thought and policy of America if our nation firmly decided to treat these twin isms equally. FIGHT TO THE FINISH: Day after day, the press headlines new “hopes” and “plans” for peace. They all seem to be variations of the same theme song: Hitler is going to “step down,” retire from office, give back a large share of Czechoslovakia and Poland, and permit a “conservative” regime to be estab­ lished in Germany. This writer receives many requests for an appraisal of the possibility that such a peace plan might be offered by Hitler and accepted by the Allies. Nat­ urally, this commentator’s opinion is only an opinion; but all evidence leads

Cartoon by Bruce Russell, . Courtesy, The Los Angeles Times America, Beware!

Uncle Sam, be careful! Babies, even baby bears, have a way of growing. The cruel, grisly bear of Russia is pro­ lific in her evil offspring. One of her unholy brood has been dumped on Amer­ ica’s knees. College professors, preach­ ers, politicians have the baby all dressed up in fancy frills. Beware, America! See that Communism, that child of hell, does not eat at your vitals. —HERBERT LOCKYER plunged into one of the most unprovoked wars of conquest in all history. Soviet spokesmen used to say, “Rus­ sia has all the land she can use and all the natural wealth she wants. Why should she go to war?” The answer is, greed. Nations, as well as men, will steal from others, not because they themselves are in need, but because of the depravities of human beings in control of national destinies. The Biblical explanation of. the cause of war still stands. Wars are produced by lusts and greed raging within the unregenerate hearts of men. There can be no hope for peace according to the plans and formulas of men. God’s Word alone supplies a key to the understand­ ing of the cause and cure of war. MAIL-ORDER CHEATING: A current magazine carries an account of a mail order “cribbing syndicate” operating from New York City. Some six hun­ dred university students from all parts of the nation are said to “subscribe” to the service. The syndicate undertakes, for a fixed fee, to write anything from a book report to a Ph. D. thesis for the “subscribing” student. The syndicate systematically solicits clients from universities throughout the land. So clever are the syndicate writ­ ers that, so far, it is claimed there has never developed a case which was de- \Continued on Page 77]


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