Real Estate Journal — May 12 - 25, 2017 — 15A
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Be Part Of Our Annual Mid-Year Review!
We are inviting a select group of top executives to write an expert article about the current state of their respec- tive marketplace and where they see it progressing in 2017/2018. These experts will enlighten our readers on their industry and give a general overview of their mar- ketplace. This issue gives industry leaders the ability to inform our 25,000 readers (through print and online) on the current state of the market and business expec- tations for 2018 focusing on specific business verticals.
Requirements for participation Include: Half page ad with 550 word article and a headshot of the author. * Pictures of all authors will appear on the cover in addition to with their article* Publication Date: June 23, 2017 Deadline: June 16, 2017 Special advertising rates to all participating firms.
These rates are based on black and white (all ads will appear in color in our digital edition!)
Linda Christman Tel: 781-740-2900 Email:
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