Real Estate Journal — Pennsylvania — May 12 - 25, 2017 — 5C
M id A tlantic
RegisteR today foR eaRly-BiRd Rate $109 | RegulaR Rate $129 (Walk-Ins WElCoME - $159 Day oF EvEnT)
Speakers Include:
BEnjAMIn j. BErgEr, ESq. BErgEr hArrIS, llP
DOuglAS M. hErShMAn, ESq. COOCh AnD TAylOr, P.A.
jAMIE V. VArI JoNes laNg lasalle
TED C. WIllIAMS, P.E. lAnDMArk SCIEnCE & eNgiNeeRiNg
MadisoN RogeRs CAPAnO MAnAgEMEnT CO.
PAul W. ChAnTlEr soveReigN PRoPeRty MAnAgEMEnT, llC
WIllS EllIMAn, SIOr, MCr, CCIM nEWMArk gruBB knIghT FrAnk
10:00 AM Evaluation of the Office Market & What Tenants require today • Vacancy Rates: Delaware office market update - State of the Industry • Leasing trends: what projects are leasing up and why • What are the factors driving demand in the Office Market • How has the needs of tenants affected what brokers need to know • What are the requirements of the tenants and what do terms look like today • Predictions on where the office market will be in the next two years 11:00 AM Delaware Apartment Market/Multifamily Overview: • Apartment and Multifamily Market State of the Industry • With vacancies at record lows how does Delaware stack up compared to the rest of the U.S. • What are the outside influences that are creating momentum in the Apartment Market • Investment Sales Update - How are apartment brokers getting deals done today • The changing fundamentals of Apartments and Multi Family • New Development vs. Existing: Where are the opportunities and why 12:00 PM adjourn & Networking
8:00 aM Retail update: opportunities and trends – state of the Market • Recap on the market from the past 12 months – Large Deals, New tenants & Trends • Mixed-use projects: Is it still the future or a thing of the past • How are retailers doing in today’s economy: who is still expanding in Delaware and why • What type of projects are leasing and what are the demands of retailers • What’s in store for development in 2017/2018 • Future Trends and Leasing predictions and what’s on tap for future Development 8:55 aM opportunities in the industrial Real estate Market & outlook for 2017/2018 • Industrial Market Update – State of the Industry and recap from the past 12 months • What types of industrial projects are in the pipeline • How much space will we need to add in the next 5 years: how much land will it take
• Urban vs. rural: where is the industrial development going • Future Forecast & Trends for Industrial Real Estate in Delaware 9:50 Break
For More Information on This Event Contact: Lea Christman at | 781-740-2900
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