
Real Estate Journal — NJAA Conference & Expo — May 12 - 25, 2017 — 15D


M id A tlantic

2017 NJAA C onference & E xpo By Bob Kilroy, Jewel Electric Supply The Power of the Surge


ower surges are an unavoidable yet com- mon occurrence of our

devise that is right for you? This is a case where bigger is better. Surge protection is measured in joules; think of the amount of joules like your bank of protection. Let’s say a product offers 5000 joules of protection that means it can take five 1000 joule hits. The more joules of protection the better the devise is. The downside is that once protected does not mean always protected. Once the joule rating is de- pleted the device needs to be replaced. The problem

here is that not all surge suppressors indicate when they need to be replaced so the rule of thumb is replace them every two years un- less you are in an area that experiences frequent spikes. Surges that are frequently over looked are those that come through the telephone lines or cable hook up. There are many devices that will offer the protection needed. Surge strips, multi-outlet products and wall outlets are just a few. However, for the best protection add-

ing surge protection to the panels and load centers is the best line of defense, es- pecially when coupled with strips offering phone and cable line protection. Many of the surge protectors offer a high dollar warranty to the consumer in case of failure. There is no good reason that your home and business should not be protected from those unwanted surges. We have drew the line for the need to protect your comput- ers and other sensitive equip- ment from surges caused

by atmospheric events but did you know some of those spikes can be caused by other appliances in your home? Appliances like refrigerators and central air conditioning units are likely suspects to throw spikes on your lines. For more information on surge suppression, lightning protection or uninterrupted power supply system contact one of the specialist at Jewel Electric Supply. Bob Kilroy is vice presi- dent at Jewel Electric Supply Co.

current elec- tr i cal sys - tem. Power surges are responsible for causing t housands o f d o l l a r s w o r t h o f damage to your electrical devices.

Bob Kilroy

It would seem like we have more surges today than we did fifty years ago but the truth is that we are not ex- periencing more surges, the damage is just more notice- able. Today, unlike in past years the devices we use in our homes and businesses re- quire more components and more sophisticated electron- ics. Electronics which are more susceptible to damage by surging voltage spikes. Many of the most common items found in our homes and businesses today require the correct voltage and steady current without major fluctu- ations. Computers, security cameras, LED drivers, dim- ming systems are just a few of the items we as consumers pay thousands of dollars to purchase and the very same items so venerable to the ef- fects of surges. The damaging effects of these surges can be min- imized if not completely eliminated by the use of a simple surge protection de- vice. These devices come in many shapes and sizes and range considerably in price, so how do you choose the

Markets we serve: Commercial Industrial Residential

Electrical Contractors State, Municipal & Government Hospital & Institutions Property Management & Hospitality Products we offer: Wire, Pipe, Fittings & Wiring Devices Switchgear, Panelboards, Motor Controls & Motors Lighting & replacement Lamps LED Retrofits, Fixtures and other Energy Efficient Products Sub-Metering Equipment Meters, Tools & Ladders Safety Devices & Equipment Fire Alarms, Smoke Detectors & Burglar Alarms Generators Services we offer: On time Deliveries to meet customer requirements 24/7 Emergency Response Inventory Management Project quotes Lighting & Energy Audits Customer Training

455 Third Street Jersey City, NJ 07302 Ph: 201-653-1613 Fx: 201-653-5470 Bob Kilroy bkilroy@Jewelelectric.com

NJAA Spotlight

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