UJ Alumni Impumelelo Magazine Edition 13

Citizen Leader Lab Annual Celebration (From Left to Right): Premier of the Western Cape, Alan Winde; CEO of Citizen Leader Lab, Komala Pillay; CEO of Woolworths, Pieter Twine and Marketing and Communications Manager of Citizen Leader Lab, Dorcas Dube

Dorcas Dube-Londt, national marketing and communications manager at Citizen Leader Lab, is a seasoned researcher and scholar dedicated to social justice, education and leadership. She is currently a UJ PhD Candidate in Strategic Communication and has earned numerous accolades and recognition over the years. She says she never takes her time at UJ for granted. “The theoretical knowledge attained through lectures, the practical experience obtained through practical lessons from industry experts, and the opportunity to work during integrated learning in one of our modules were life changing. “As a student, I worked for a marketing agency, where I experienced both the client and agency sides of the work. I was sure that I wanted to be in the development space. I wanted to serve, to care for people and make a difference in their lives. “I must add that living at the UJ residence Lebone and Student Town gave me a sense of belonging and community. In residence, you become one big family,” she says. Despite her achievements, a career in marketing and communications was never the goal. Dorcas knew she wanted to be in the development space but didn’t know what that would look like. “Development studies was the best possible route I could have taken, but my brother advised me to study strategic communications as I might have a wider variety of career choices even within the development sector. He was right, and after completing my honours degree, I was appointed as an intern at one of the renowned international non- governmental organisations, and I never looked back. I literally live the definition of when passion meets purpose!” Wanting to be of service with a long-lasting impact, caring for people, and creating a future where people thrive to reach their full potential drive her to achieve. Leadership table One of Dorcas’s career highlights was being appointed as the National Marketing and Communications Manager of an NGO at an early age. “I was granted the opportunity to sit at leadership tables with seasoned leaders. Over the years, being the youngest on the leadership team allowed me to enhance my leadership capabilities, gave me a voice of reason and a chance to represent the youth in many different spheres.”

However, her earliest inspiration to excel started with her parents. Her father, Josaya, a retired school principal who was in the education sector for 42 years, and her mother, Florence, a retired teacher who was in the profession for 30 years, instilled in her the importance of education and leadership and gave her an excellent education and foundation for leading. Dorcas says all she is today directly results from their teachings and support over the years. Citizen Leader Lab has impacted over 2 000 schools, 65 000 teachers and over 2 million learners across South Africa. In 2018, the organisation won the WISE* Awards, which recognise innovative projects addressing global educational challenges. In 2023, Citizen Leader Lab was announced as one of the top 100 educational innovations worldwide by HundrED.org Despite the successes, there were disappointments, like being unable to study medicine. “From a tender age, I always wanted to be of service, and being a doctor was the only profession I saw fit. Nonetheless, I ended up studying Strategic Communication. Little did I know I would be a servant leader within the social impact discipline without the title of Doctor. As a PhD Candidate at UJ, hopefully, one day I will earn the title of Doctor, and my dreams will have come full circle despite the different route. Life is certainly not linear.” Future vision Dorcas’s life mantra cements her vision for herself: “Go for it, regardless”. At times, she has disqualified herself from opportunities she thought she was not good enough to be considered, but this has turned out to be the opposite. Now, she wants to sit at more tables to influence policy and decision making and contribute towards positive, sustainable development in the social justice/impact sector. “I have learned that continuous learning and believing in yourself will set you up for predetermined success. Never doubt yourself or dim your light; go for it regardless, and don’t forget to lift others as you rise.” Dube-Londt attained a Master’s in Strategic Communication in 2022, an Honours in Strategic Communication in 2013, and a BA in Corporate Communication in 2012 from the University of Johannesburg.



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