The Beginner's Guide to a Career in Law 2025

CILEX Lawyers There are more than 17,000 CILEX members – 70% of which are employed at top 200 law firms. CILEX reports that 70% of its members attended a state school, while just 5% attended an independent/fee-paying school. People from ethnic minority backgrounds make up around 17% of all CILEX members.

Solicitors As of May 2024, there were 206,454 practising solicitors.


In 2023, there were 17,782 practising barristers. Of those, 14,158 were self-employed.

More than 60% of solicitors attended a state school, while 21% attended independent/ fee-paying schools.

In 2023, 19.4% of barristers attended an independent/fee- paying school in the UK, compared to just 6.5% of school children in England. People from ethnic minority backgrounds make up 16.9% of all practising barristers.

People from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds make up 19% of all solicitors, and 17% at partner level. Mostly employed in private law firms or in-house, so receive a regular monthly salary.

Mostly self-employed, so receive irregular (but often substantial) fees.

Mostly employed in private law firms or in-house, so receive a regular monthly salary.

Work mainly with individuals, companies and barristers.

Work mainly with solicitors and other barristers.

Work mainly with solicitors and individuals.

Office-based, although have some rights of audience (ie, can appear in court like barristers). Engage more in ongoing advisory and one-to-one client work. Some solicitors aspire to become partner – that is, part ownership of firm and entitlement to a percentage of its profits. Trainee salaries vary widely. A small firm could pay first-year trainees around £23,000. Trainees at regional firms earn around £27,000 while City firms pay from £35,000 to as much as £65,000 for second- year trainees.

Chambers and court-based. Engage more in one-off advocacy (ie, court cases).

Office-based, although have some of the same rights of audience as solicitors. Engage more in ongoing advisory and one-to-one client work.

Aspire to become KC – a top barrister, normally instructed in serious and complex cases.

Should they choose to do so, they can go on to become coroners, judges or partners.

As of 1 January 2024, all pupil barristers must be

Starting salaries are usually between £15,000 and £28,000 per year while qualifying, while qualified CILEX Lawyers can expect to earn between £35,000 and £55,000, and can earn much higher.

paid a minimum of £21,060 (outside London) or £23,078 (in London). Many earn much more – upwards of £50,000 in some cases.


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