Estates Services Estates Services is responsible for the management and strategic direction of Oxford University’s functional and commercial estate within Oxfordshire. This comprises some 450 buildings and the infrastructure associated with them.
Estates Services has a broad and diverse remit covering:
• Development of the University’s Estate Strategy
• Management of the University’s functional estate (which includes laboratory and teaching facilities, offices, museums, and libraries) and housing for graduate students and staff;
• Facilities Management for a growing number of University buildings
• Management of the University Parks and Wytham Woods
• Management of the University’s commercial, agricultural and residential land and property assets
• The development of all capital building projects, running at around £60m - £90m per annum
The University of Oxford estate ...comprises a significant portfolio of land and properties, with a wide range of asset types and uses:
• Repairs and maintenance of buildings and infrastructure (except IT and Telecoms)
• Programmes of refurbishment, replacement and minor works
• The University is responsible for the repair and upkeep of some of the finest buildings in the city of Oxford, including the Radcliffe Camera, Sheldonian Theatre and Old Bodleian Library of the University, including specialist research buildings, teaching laboratories and lecture halls, sports facilities, libraries and museums, administrative and ceremonial buildings • 235 buildings, providing some 590,000m2 of space, which accommodates the day-to-day activities
• A further 150 properties in and around Oxford which are managed commercially, including accommodation for graduate students, offices, warehouses and land • The estate has buildings dating from 1424. 25% of it is listed and 37% was built before 1840. It also includes a significant portfolio of state-of-theart research buildings developed over the last 10 years • The University has a series of masterplans that could provide up to an additional 250,000 m2 of space
• Reactive maintenance via the Helpdesk
• Environmental sustainability
• Space management and maintenance of space and property records
• Maintenance of a safe and secure physical environment for staff, students and visitors by Security Services.
• The estate has been growing at around 5% per annum for the last 15 years
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