It was Thomas who had demanded evidence before he would believe. Christ assured him, “Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed” (John 20:29). Pet er’s epistle is addressed to those in Asia Minor, who had not seen the Lord and yet, by faith, they had be come believers. The positive hope was that despite their trials of faith and many testings they, too, would receive the salvation of their souls which was what the prophets dili gently sought to understand. I Peter 1 :10 reminds us that this is the pre dominant subject of the Bible. The prophets, like the believers in the New Testament, had never seen with their own eyes the object of their faith. They had been searching. How slow to believe we are even as Christ predicted (Luke 24:25-26)! Not only does the Bible concern itself with one tremendous subject, but it also shows one Divine Author throughout. This is clearly defined for us in II Peter 1:19-21. Study this, and mark especially the words, “For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” This unity permeates the entire Bible, al though it’s made up of 66 books,writ ten over a period of more than 1500 years and by nearly 40 different writers. This is because of the mov ing of the Holy Spirit. The prophets and apostles weren’t merely tape re corders on which the divine Spirit impressed His message. Each one reveals much of his own character, personality, and background in his own writing. Sunlight will shine through a lovely stained-glass win dow to fall on the church floor in a multi-colored splash of light. It reveals the many components which make it up. Even so the light of God filters through the personalities and cultures of the writers, revealing va rious facets of His wonderful truth. This altogether makes up the whole 16
of God’s wonderful revelation. De spite differences in style and lan guage, all of the writers spoke the Word of God. They were the “win dows” of the Lord’s mind and heart. The Scripture is a “sure word” be cause there is One Divine Author, God the Holy Spirit, who directed the work of its many multiplied writ ers. How wonderful it is to consider the practical and convincing evi dences for the inspiration of the Word of God! C hapter T wo I s it important to realize the won derful Biblical evidences we have that verify the fact that all of Scrip ture is a wonderful unity, written by a number of men all under the di rection of the Holy Spirit. The one subject of redemption through Je sus Christ runs through the entire book. A verse very important for con sideration is II Timothy 3:16, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for in struction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, through ly furnished unto all good works.” Today’s young people come face-to- face with basic life decisions. School teachers may challenge them on a subject which would seek to under mine their Christian faith. Frequent ly students will ask me, “Can I ac cept the modern, materialistic phi losophy that explains the origins of life? Is the Bible, God’s explanation, sufficient?” The fact comes down to the point of either the whole Bible or none of it. Who is qualified to say that one verse is God’s Word while another is not? “All scripture is giv en by inspiration of God.” You see, all of the Bible is equally inspired. It’s the only reasonable position for one to accept. Neo-orthodoxy would have us believe that the Bible be comes the Word of God whenever it
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