Lord’s day. This is an important way of worshipping in true spirit. Q . Cranston, R.l. — “In John 21:9- 12, where did Jesus get the fish that were on the coals before His disciples brought in their full net of fish?” A. If you want to become really technical, there’s perhaps a bigger question concerning fish recorded in the 6th chapter of this Gospel. This concerns the feeding of the 5,000. I t was a tremendous miracle about which we can ask the disciples when we get our spiritual bodies. In the lig h t of th a t event, we find this problem rather small. Christ didn’t do things capriciously. When He had human means available, He used them. But when there was no human equipment available, He per formed miracles for His glory as well as for the benefit of those among whom He lived and ministered. Q . Clovis, Calif. — “Does the Bible tell us what the clean animals were which Noah was told to take with him into the ark?” A. While Genesis 7 :2 doesn’t indi cate what the clean animals were, Exodus does record seventy in all. There were beasts acceptable to sac rifice, while others weren’t. There was much God revealed which may not be specifically recorded in Scrip ture. Clean animals mean those which could be sacrificed. Doubtless God had given some idea of that to Abel because he knew that he was to bring a lamb. Q . Portland, Ore. — “What’s meant in I Corinthians 15:28-32 by being 'baptized for the dead?’ ” A. This is one of the most frequent ly asked questions, since there is a cult in our country which erroneous ly holds that a living person can be baptized for someone who had died
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