and thereby make possible his salva tion. The actual truth of scripture is that when a person dies, his eter nal state and his destiny is fixed permanently. Luke 16 ce rta in ly teaches this. There is a great gulf fixed between believers and unbe lievers; no one passes over from one side to another. “It is appointed unto man once to die, and after this the judgment.” We must always con sider a verse within its context. In I Corinthians 15, Paul is dealing with the subject of the resurrection. Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, shows how ridiculous it is to think there won’t be a resur rection of human beings since Christ was in a human body and was raised. Our faith would be left absolutely shattered if Christ were not resur rected. It’s a foundation stone we can’t do without. Paul wants to show the moral value of the resurrection which is what he is saying in I Cor inthians 15:29. The New Scofield Reference Bible, page 149, has a good note on this. There is no au thority in the Bible for baptizing living believers in place of either be lievers or unbelievers who are dead. Such practice is meaningless. Bap tism is a public testimony that we have “put on our uniform” as it were, in the army of the Lord. It’s a testimony as we symbolize our con nection with Christ. This shows that the value of baptism is to be identi fied for Christ, filling up the ranks of those faithful saints who have gone on to their reward. Q . Santa Clara, Calif. — “Where is God’s true church? I don’t mean the professing or apostate church, but the manifestation of the vital, living church, which is the bride of Christ.’’ A. God’s true church is made up of all born-again believers who have placed their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is an organism, not an or ganization. It is made up of all those
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