the day of Pentecost and it has grown to a tremendous size today. We’re not planting an organization in this world. Growth is inevitable. We must lose ourselves in others. The church needs therefore to get on with its business reconciling the world unto God. Ceasing to do that, we lose the charter of our existence. This then is a seven-fold formula for growth. Adopt these Scriptural principles and your church will grow. I would like to move the recommen dation. I wonder if you will second the motion? If we’re all in favor, let’s unanimously carry the proposi tion. May God bless you and help you to that end through the power of His Holy Spirit. C hapter T wo I t was Peter Taylor Forsythe who declared, “The Church will be what its ministers make it. If the Church is to be saved from the world, it is the ministers who must do it.” There’s no question in my mind but that the pastor is the key man in every area of the church’s operation. He holds that enviable position in the New Testament by virtue of the fact that he has been placed there by God and not by man. He cannot escape the leadership responsibility. He must know how to conduct its affairs. The starting point is in the area of preaching. In preaching, he is a prophet. In personal contact, he is a pastor. In prayer, he is a priest. And in practical leadership, he is a promoter. Preaching, however, must be his first love and calling. If he is weak in the pulpit, the people will be weak in the pew. In spite of the criticism that the church is irrele vant, with all the pressures of life and the competition of the world, we desperately need dedicated preach ers. We are definitely told to preach the Word. How sad to find ministers today preaching books and social
revival times the purse strings seem to be very loose indeed. God’s money should go to God’s house and to God’s cause. II Corinthians 9:7 indicates that the people gave willingly. This was illustrated in the case of Barna bas who gave without compulsion. The fifth principle is that of un ending praise. “They, con tinu ing daily with’ one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with glad ness and singleness of heart, prais ing God” (w . 46-47). There is a difference between joy and enthusi asm. There’s no problem rejoicing in the success of a new work. The real test will come when the adverse circumstances set in. In Acts 5:41 it is recorded that these apostles were beaten to a pulp for their wit ness for Jesus Christ. Yet we find that they returned to their own com pany, rejoicing that they were count ed worthy to suffer shame for His name. This is a good thing to re member when the devil is assaulting you. Exercise the privilege of joy and praise. The sixth principle is that of an unlimited influence. “Having favour with all the people” (v. 47). This is really more of a result, but it should be included. No Christian lives or dies unto himself. All of us possess some sphere of influence. Your wit ness in your community will be felt. It was written of these early disci ples that people took note of them that they had been with Jesus. That’s the secret! Influence is in direct ratio to our dependence upon the Holy Spirit, and our yieldedness to the Lord Jesus Christ. The last secret is also perhaps a result more than a principle. We find unparalleled growth. “And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved” (v. 47). Keep in mind that the church is an organ ism, not an organization. It is the Body of Christ, and bodies must grow or die. This Body was born on 4
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