King's Business - 1935-03

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W . L. Pettingill

ADDRE SSEE U N K N O W N Paul Hutchens C H U R C H T R O U B L E S W . B. R iley '


M O D E R N C R U C IF IX IO N Herbert Lockyer R ISEN W I T H C H R IS T Harvey Farmer E A S T E R and th e BIBLE B. B. Sutcliffe B E G G A R M A N (S to ry ) Grace Livingston Hill

“ Say among the nations, J e h o v a h reigneth : . . . then shall all the trees of the wood sing for joy.**

Keystone Photo Service


O ' i r s i G / u m m e r . . . Bible Conference Held under the Auspices of the B I B L E I N S T I T U T E O F L O S A N G E L E S Pacific Palisades Assembly Grounds (near Santa Monica, California) August IO to September 2, 1 935 hike o f a mile and a half down the canyon brings one to the ocean beach, where sea bathing may be en joyed un­ der the watchful supervision o f Los Angeles City life guards. Yet all this isolation is located within twenty- one miles o f busy Los Angeles, within easy reach o f the half-hundred cities and c om m u n it ie s o f Southern California. REASONABLE HOUSING ACCOMMODATIONS For a family o f two, a ten-day vacation in one of the floored tents, including light, water, gas, blankets, linen, and housekeeping equipment, means an outlay o f only $ 11.50. For twenty-one days, the rate would be $20.50. If three persons b e included for the ten-day period, the cost is only $ 14 .50 ; and for the twenty-one day period, $26.00. The only additional expenses would be the purchas­ ing o f the provisions, for the tents are fully equipped for housekeeping. If preferred, reasonable meals may be obtained at the. near-by assembly cafe or local restaurant. There are, o f course, more elaborate accomm oda­ tions, including rustic casitas, artistically furnished cabins, at slightly higher prices. If you desire that full information regarding reserva­ tions, program, and other features of the conference shall be sent to you, mail the accompanying coupon.

A p p roa ch to A u ditorium B uilding, P a cific P alisades A ssem bly G rounds.

W H Y not spend your v a c a t i o n this year in the healthful environment o f an o u t d o o r Bible conference ? Why not en joy the intimate contacts, the hearty singing, and the soul-stirring messages that only such a gathering can provide ? Will you not plan NOW to put worldly cares aside and devote your summer rest days to worship and the study o f the W ord— in one o f the most beautiful, rest­ ful, and fascinating spots on the Pacific Coast? Believing that Bible conferences present one o f the best possible means for the renewing o f both physical and spiritual strength, the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles has made arrangements to hold its first Summer Pro­ phetic Bible Conference at Pacific Palisades, near Santa Monica, California, August 10 to September 2 (Labor D a y ), 1935. A ll the members o f the great Bible Institute “ family” and their friends are invited to be present at this initial gathering— the first o f its kind in the Los Angeles area. THE SPEAKERS A n attractive list o f speakers may be expected. Watch for announcement to be made later. LOCATION OF THE CONFERENCE GROUNDS No more beautiful or convenient spot could have been selected than the parked and shaded grounds o f the Pacific Palisades Assembly. O ld oaks and syca­ mores spread lofty leafy arms over a tumbling moun­ tain stream that winds from the mountains to the sea, crossed and recrossed by numerous rustic bridges. On the left bank o f the stream, a great auditorium, half hidden by foliage, is located on a convenient hillside; while casitas, tent houses, cabins, rustic classrooms, a large restaurant building, and a gymnasium are spaced at intervals along the winding canyon floor. A brisk

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BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. D ear Friends :


P lease send fullin form ation a bou t the F irst 1 Sum m er B ible C on feren ce h eld u nder the au spices o f the B ible Institute o f L os A n geles. 1 Name__

One o f m any p ictu r­ esque trails that lead t o t h e m o u n t a i n s an d to the sea, near P a c i f i c P alisades.



Published Monthly by and Represent­ ing the Bible Institute of Los Angeles

“ Bu t W h a t Y o u Done f o r His H o u s e ? ” A dear child o f God sent us a letter so thought-provoking that we must pass it on to others o f His true children: Herewith I is check to be#used as the Lord directs among H is people “ according to the flesh.” I have been greatly concerned about “ m y house” and resting on Acts 16:31, I have been praying for the individual members. The other evening y o u r' advertisement caught m y attention and immediately it came to me— “ But what have you done fo r H is H ouse?” I trust it may be m y privilege to be greatly concerned about “ H is house” from this time forth “ until H e come.” Surely the Holy Spirit works today. How else can you explain His leading, one by one, just such saints of God to see the need and place o f Israel, “His House” in these last days of grace? And what about His House? It lies desolate, and Israel cannot see Him again until they shall say, “ Blessed is He that cometh in the Name o f the L ord!” Some day He will lead you, too, to ask yourself, “What have I done for His House?” Then remember that we are here, your servants in behalf o f that Jewish remnant, ac­ cording to the election of grace, that is to be saved into the Church before He comes. Our work merits your every con­ fidence. Our field is not only the 2,000,000 Jews o f New York but the 4,000,000 Jews o f America. And through co-operating missionaries we are represented, and our Yid­ dish publications are being distri­ buted, in all the important Jewish centers of the world. In America, Branches are being established in the larger cities as the Lord gives us the means and the workers. Your help and prayers are always needed. “The Chosen People,” loved by many Bible students for its helpful information on Proph­ ecy and the Jews, is sent to all con­ tributors. May we hear from you? American Board of Missions to the Jews Inc. 31 Throop Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Ask for our free booklet, “ Jewish Mission Annuity Bonds.** H a v e

©het&itoeTamily3ta$33ine Motto: “ Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood .”—R ev . 1 :5.

Number 3

March, 1935

Volume XXV I

TABLE OF CONTENTS Around the King’s Table— Louis T. Talbot....................................... 83 / Managing Church Troubles—W . B. Riley ................................... ~,85 The Light of the Knowledge o f the Glory o f God —William L. Pettingill................................................................... 86 “ Addressee Unknown” !— Paul J Socialism, Communism, Fascism: “ Three Unclean Spirits like Frogs”— Louis S. Bauman................ - - .................................. 92 Our Literature Table........................................-....................................... 95 Bible Institute Family Circle...........—- ....................—-..................-....... 96 Junior King’s Business— Martha S. Hooker.......— .......................... 97 International Lesson Commentary'..;.....................-.............................. 100 Notes on Christian Endeavor—Mary G. Goodner.............................109 Daily Devotional Readings..............................................-......................H3 Helps for Preachers and Teachers— Paul Prichard...........................119




ADVERTISING: For information with reference to advertising in THE KINO'S BUSINESS, address the ADVERTISING MANAGER, 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIF., or our eastern representative. Religious Press Association, 825 North 13th Street, Philadelphia, Pa., or 838 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Entered as Second Class Matter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro­ vided for in Section 1103, Act of October 8, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. MANUSCRIPTS: THE KING’S BUSINESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration.

TERM8: Single Copies........ ....................................... 15c Annual Subscription. .. .. .. ............................................$1-50 Two-year subscription or two annual subscriptions. 2.50 Five annual subscriptions................................................ 5.00 Eleven annual subscriptions.......................................... 10.00 Subscriptions in countries outside of U. S. require 25c extra. REMITTANCE: Should be made by Bank Draft. Ex­ press or P. O. Money Order, payable to “ Bible Institute of Los Angeles.“ Receipts will not be sent for regular subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. CHANGE OF ADDRES8: Please send both old and new address at least one month previous to date of de­ sired change.

POLICY A8 DEFINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES (a) To atand for the infallible Word of God and ita great fundamental trutha. (b) To atrengthen the faith of all bellevera. (c) To atir young men and women to fit themaelvea for and engage in definite Christian work, (d) To make the Bible Institute of Los Angeles known, (e) To magnify God our Father and the person, work and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in our present practical life, (f) To emphasize in strong, constructive messages the great foundations of Christian faith.

558 So. Hope St., BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Lo* Angele», California


T H E * K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

March, 1935

"GOD waswiththe LAD"

M any months ago, there came to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles an unusual letter, with a pledge en­ closed. The letter told (what the reader might easily have guessed) that the correspondent was a boy in his teens— thirteen years old, to be exact, and a resident o f Skinner’s Eddy, Pa., a tiny village tucked away in the northeastern corner of the Keystone State. With the amounts written in pencil in a childish hand, the pledge read as follows: “ Desiring to

O f the boy in Skinner’s Eddy, as well as o f the youth who “ dwelt in the wilderness, and became an archer,” whose story is told in Genesis 21, it may truly be said: “ God was with the lad; and he grew” (Gen. 2 1 :20). How the Money Came With other avenues o f remuneration closed to the lad, the Lord was pleased to prosper the efforts o f the youthful woodsman in Pennsylvania who set his traps and sold his furs to the glory o f God. The boy made the commonplace events o f life a matter o f prayer; he set to work, and then praised God for His answer. Not long ago, sending a contribution to the Institute, he wrote naively: “ I am sorry I delayed my

have a part in the training o f t h e f o u r h u n d r e d students expect­ ed * at B ible In ­ s t it u t e o f L o s A n g e l e s , I am forw arding y o u herewith a con ­

'HinetyQnts and a L i f e for J e s u s " I nave not been idle during the passing months [writes the teen-age boy who is the Institute's loyal friend in Skinner's Eddy, Pa.]. I have been working for the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. "W e are having a study of the tabernacle, and during these meetings on Sunday night I asked the people for a donation, and we got $3.10. I had $.90 from my furs, so I thought I would send it for God 's work. I was thinking of buying three boxes of cartridges for my rifle. But when I read of the suffering and need of the people who do not know of G o d and His love, then I am willing to give not only $.90, but my life also for Jesus. "Some day I Will come out to your school and study to make myself worthy to do God 's work. I am praying for the Bible Institute and hope that you will pray for me, so that some day I may come and labor for my Saviour. Please pray for me. And may the Institute and those in it continue working for G od ."

letter, but I mislaid my money and envelope. A s you have said, God has increased my savings. I have earned my money by trapping. One of my prayers was answered in a wonderful way. I had just set a trap for a skunk. I had laid a log six inches in diameter, built a stone wall on each side and laid some stones over the top, and I prayed that God would put a skunk in my trap. When I went to look at my trap, the place was torn down and the trap was gone. But back be­ hind the log was my friend the skunk, caught in the trap. You see, God answers pray­ ers. I wish you would put that story in the K ing ’ s B usiness , for I hope it will show people that when they are in need they should pray that God will help them.” [Continued on page 84]

tribution o f 5c and w ill en­ deavor to send 5c monthly for 9 months thereafter, as G od may prosper me.” Many more than n i n e months— the term o f the pledge — have now passed; yet the giving o f this young friend has not only continued, but has increased as well. Five cents a month, to a boy of thirteen living in a remote country region, represents a greater test of faith and per­ severance than many a larger offering made by men and women of means. But how God delights to bless and use the gift— though it be obscure and inadequate in itself— that is made to Him in faith! *September, 1933. A t the opening o f the fall semester, 1934, 413 students were enrolled.

March, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


c Around the King’s ‘Tables By Louis T. T albot

(1 Are Premillenarians Pessimists?

he appear the second time” (Heb. 9 :28). T o such as these, , He shall appear in the midst o f the darkness that precedes the dawn, heralding that day when all the world shall be­ hold Him as the “ Sun o f righteousness” who shall “ arise with healing in his wings” (Mai. 4 :2 ). He shall arise with healing for the nations; with healing for the troubled in heart; with healing for a sinful, suffering, struggling race. No, the real pessimists must be those who in vain try to harmonize their postmillennial views with the present- day world conditions. The real optimists are the pre­ millenarians who are looking for the return o f the One who can cope with the situation, and who shall reign in righteousness, exercising judgment with wisdom. “ He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends o f the earth . . . Yea, all kings shall fall down before him : all nations shall serve him.” “ For the earth shall be full o f the knowledge o f the Lord, as the .-waters cover the sea” (Psa. 7 2 :8, 11 ; Isa. 11:9 ). y ) , ' ___T 7 t f L. T. T. Evangelistic Fervor in Communistic China W hen news reached America concerning the serious communistic uprisings that were taking place in deeply concerned, not only for the physical safety o f mis­ sionaries and native Christians in the affected areas, but also for the progress o f gospel work in these regions. Word of the capture and martyrdom o f some o f the Lord’s wit­ nesses in that land led to much prayer for China. Joining in this great volume of intercession, the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles eagerly awaited word from its China department, the Hunan Bible Institute, where Dr. and Mrs. Frank A . Keller, with a group o f associates, are working, and out from which numerous Biola Evangelistic Bands o f consecrated Chinese are continually being sent with the gospel to surrounding regions. As this issue o f the K ing ’ s B usiness goes to press, a letter is at hand from Dr. Keller, superintendent o f the Institute in China, dated January 11, and written from Changsha, Hunan. Intimating that both the work and workers at that center have suffered no injury, Dr. Keller refers, with praise to God, to the courage and perseverance o f the members o f the Evangelistic Bands and to the won­ derful blessing o f God that is resting on their faithful proclamation o f the Word. Just now [Dr. Keller writes], some parts of Hunan are badly upset by the recent communistic invasion. We have four refugee missionary families living here on our compound, and we expect two or three more families early next week. Three of our evangelistic bands have been obliged to retire from the fields where they were working, but fortunately they were heartily welcomed in other fields that are undisturbed and that had been longing for their help. Band No. 1 was obliged to retire for a few days . . . but as soon as conditions improved a little in that district, the men got right back on the job. . . . A letter has just come to hand from Mr. Hsiao, leader o f Band No. 1,

I A s touching the second coming o f the Lord Jesus Christ, I / a . the body o f Christians is divided into two classes: those who believe He will come before the millennium, and those who believe He will come after the millennium. By “ millennium” is meant the thousand years’ reign o f Christ mentioned in the twentieth chapter o f Revelation. Those who place His coming after the millennium expect this age o f peace and righteousness to be introduced and established by the church through the preaching o f the gospel, while those who believe He will come before the millennium hold that there can be no reign o f peace and righteousness until He does come. This second group finds in the Scrip­ tures the prophecy that during the absence o f the King, iniquity will abound, and that social disorder will charac­ terize this age, culminating in the rise o f the Antichrist. Those who hold this latter view are often described as pessimistic; but the premillennial coming o f Christ is the key to the right understanding o f God’s plan and p r o ^ gram, and can hardly be called pessimismJOn the contrary^ this interpretation holds out the “ blessed hope” that the King o f peace and righteousness will establish His own kingdom far more quickly than even the orthodox church could possibly do in thousands o f years. Is this pessimism— to look for the imminent setting up o f such a kingdom? Moreover,jthe premillennial view is the only solution to the world’s problems—and this truth is seen more and more clearly as the days go by. The war o f 1914-1918 was heralded as “a war to end war.” But, lo, we find more men under arms today than there were in 1914. And the atmosphere surrounding every nation is surcharged with hate, suspicion, and distrust such as the world has never known before. This situation has called for the rise o f dictators, ruling over millions o f Europe’s population who have less liberty today than they had in 1914, before the war was fought to “make the world safe for democ­ racy?] Not only is the political condition o f the world today very grave, but there is also in the professing church a state o f apostasy from which recovery is impossible, under the present order. In past centuries, the church was able to offset apostasy through conference and council, reaffirm­ ing with the voice of authority “ the faith . . . once for all delivered unto the saints.” Today such silencing o f heresy is impossible. Modernism holds the reins; and the influence o f this system, which, in its essence, is nothing but in­ fidelity, is widening as months extend into years,^ Are we who are known as premillenarians pessimistic ? In the midst o f the present-day darkness, with the eye of faith we see a star— the Morning Star—that heralds a new day! The voice o f the coming King speaks with authority, and His promise is sure: “ I am the root and the offspring o f David, and the bright and morning star.” “ Behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be” (Rev. 2 2 :1 6 ,12). The morning star appears in the sky shortly before the sun rises in his strength. And as the morning star heralds the coming day, even so, “ unto them that look for him shall

several provinces o f China, the Lord’s people were at once


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

March, 1935

telling about their enforced retirement from Shih-Pan- T ’an, the center in which they had been working, and of their joy in being able to return to that place to continue their work. Mr. Hsiao’s letter is most encouraging. He writes that the young converts there are full of enthusi­ asm, and that, of their own accord, they have fitted up one room as a chapel. Band No. 1 went to this field last Octo­ ber, and during these three months, in spite o f the Com­ munistic disturbances, God has done this gracious work through them, and a real living little church has been established in this place where Christ was previously un­ known. All glory and praise to our wonderful..God 1 “ A real living little church has been established . . . where Christ was previously unknown”—what depth o f meaning there is in that simple sentence! In the back­ ground o f the history of that new little group o f believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, there stand not only the faithful Chinese evangelists who faced peril in order to witness for Christ, but also a multitude o f praying and giving friends in America and in China who were, through grace, the evangelists’ unseen colaborers. We need to constantly remind ourselves [Dr. Keller declares] that Hunan is -a province o f thirty millions of people, more than half o f whom have never yet heard the gospel. The work still to be done is very great. An Explanation The Bible Institute o f Los Angeles founded its China department in Hunan, Changsha, China, and throughout the years has maintained the work there. Long ago, as a safety measure, it was decided to deposit the money for China work in a Los Angeles bank, rather than in China. This arrangement makes it possible for the Treasurer in China to draw the necessary money directly from Los An­ geles, and the hazard of keeping the funds in the war- stricken area is thus avoided. It will readily be seen that, in view o f such extremely unsettled political conditions as exist in China at the present time, contributions for the work of the Hunan Bible Institute should be given only through the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Prayer versus Work Thousands of Christian workers are heading for a nervous breakdown, and terrible depression, and some of them become spiritual wrecks, because they thought that what they did was o f more importance than what their Lord would do through them if they would only give Him the opportunity. . . When you think that incessant work can do more than prayer-prepared work, you are making the most common mistake o f the followers o f Christ. —L ionel B. F letcher .

GOD W AS WITH THE LAD [Continued from page 82] Older people may smile as they read that letter— smile and wonder. But who will not be stirred and challenged by the lad’s most recent word, in which he says, with noble enthusiasm: “ I am willing to give not only $.90 [the price of something he wanted very much] but my life also for Jesus” ! Surely “ God was with the lad”—-for through the co­ operation o f other friends, the amount o f his monthly pledge— five cents — was increased to $3.10 — multiplied manyfold. O f all such giving on which the blessing of God rests, reverently it may be said: “ God gave the in­ crease.” Following the Boy’s Example Are you, like the boy in Pennsylvania, practically without funds and cut off from most of the accustomed means of earning money? Does there bum in your heart, as in his, a great love for the Lord Jesus Christ as you “ read of the suffering and need of the people who do not know of God and His love,” and as you re­ member that the Bible Institute of Los Angeles exists for the purpose of training young people to carry the gospel to the whole world? Then— can you honestly refuse to do LESS than this boy has done— when you know in your heart that God is able to multiply for His glory the smallest gift? Through the regular giving o f small amounts—as THOUSANDS o f people unite in this fellowship— the needs o f the Institute for current expenses can be met. If every former student o f the Institute and every interested friend would merely give a small amount regularly— each week or each month— the Institute’s financial problems connected with student training in Los Angeles and the maintenance o f a great work in China would be solved. One o f the most natural and Scriptural methods for enabling friends to contribute to the work o f the Bible In­ stitute o f Los Angeles has been the Biola Honor Roll—a plan by which at least a small amount is sent to the In­ stitute each month, or each week. To become a member o f the Biola Honor Roll, one agrees TO PR A Y for God’s blessing upon the Bible In­ stitute o f Los Angeles, and TO GIVE—as regularly as possible— to its support. Will you not fill in the attached coupon and mail it today? A beautiful certificate o f membership in the Biola Honor Roll will be mailed to you. Remember: “ God was with the lad.” And likewise He is with all those who trust in Him.

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March, »935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


^Managing CHURCH TROUBLES B y W . B. RILEY Minneapolis, Minn. W. B. Riley, pastor o f the First Bap­

It is the conviction o f this preacher that if a study can be had in the church, it is better to have it there. When I was a young man, I foolishly promised my wife once that I would put my study in the home. I did so, and for six weeks I lived in the midst o f sweeping, bed-mak­ ing, dish-washing, baby-crying. I got one sermon— rather a poor one—made in the six weeks, at the end of which time my wife had sense enough to see that it was a failure for both of us, and gently sug­ gested that I move back to my study again, a suggestion cordially received and instant­ ly acted upon. There are two classes o f preachers in every criticism— the man who is a failure, and the man who is an eminent success. The first is criticized because o f his failure, and the second because he has

tist Church, Minneapolis, Minn., and founder and President o f the Northwestern Bible and Missionary Training School, celebrated the fif­ tieth anniversary o f his ordination to the min­ istry on December 25, 1 9 3 0 jtf/ H e writes that in those fifty years, he has not had one minute o f time out o f the pastorate. It is fairly certain that in that half century he has faced church troubles in practically every form, and he makes the remarkable statement, to the praise o f God, that he has not failed in fifty years to find a solution fo r every one of them. A t present he is delivering a series of fifteen addresses on "Pastoral Problems” to the senior students o f Northwestern. The article to fol­ low is one o f those fifteen addresses. Later, Dr. Riley expects to put them in textbook form for use in Bible schools and theological seminaries. —E ditor .]

I t is a pathetic fact, but fact it is, that the greatest single problem facing the pastor is the problem of possible church troubles; in fact, we might say, of certain church troubles. The pastor who goes through any considerable number o f years without meeting these problems is the rare excep­ tion. In truth, in our somewhat extensive acquaintance, we have never met him. Church trouble is something like death; it may be escaped for a time, but sooner or later it will come. The rise o f church trouble is not necessarily menacing. However, the escape from evil results will depend in no small measure upon the way the situation is managed; and in a large degree that management is, and will always be, with the pastor. It is as impossible for a bank to go through troubles and leave the president undisturbed as it is for a church to pass through the same and leave the pastor untouched, or for a family to experience trouble without involving the parents. In advising upon this subject, we are going to depart from our usual custom and deal in “ Dont’s.” D on ’ t P rovoke T hem Do your work, and do it well. The majority o f complaints and criticisms launched against a pastor involves his methods o f work quite as often as the preparation and delivery o f his message. An indolent pastor is certain to come in for criticism. The moment hard-working people find that the preacher is rest­ ing on his oars, they become restless and critical, and justly so. Industry is a sine qua non o f success in the ministry. The chief business o f a preacher is to preach, and good preaching without careful preparation—hard study, in fact — is impossible. Too often young preachers become the men o f all work about the house. They run errands, take care o f babies, wash the dishes, buy the groceries, and do a dozen little jobs, and leave the essential work undone—and undo them­ selves in consequence.


jostled all the old comfortables out of their easy-going gait and changed the course o f the rut in which they had run for forty years. The man who gets by without criticism is a sort of hybrid, neither a failure nor a success. The most questionable compliment that ever is paid to a dead preacher is that he had not an enemy in the world; don’t covet that estimate. Do your work well, preach the Word, be a good pastor, acquire success, and take the criti­ cisms that come with it. Suppress your w ife’s ambition, and quiet her tongue. Mark what I say: “ Suppress her ambition and quiet her tongue.” I do not mean, “ Silence her tongue.” In many instances that would be impossible; but quiet it. The woman who is the preacher’s wife, who thinks she has to hold all the feminine high offices in the church, is just as certain to produce church troubles as she is determined to preside in the Ladies’ Aid, or Mission Circle, or to direct the choir. In small churches, the preacher’s wife can do an im­ portant work, provided she is destitute o f ambition to hold office, and provided she can hold her tongue. Other women can talk, and’ do talk; but what the pas­ tor’s wife says goes further, is more contorted, and can create more trouble than the tongues o f a dozen beside, for the people naturally identify husband and wife, and accord­ ing to Scripture, “ they are . . . one.” It is not the best f ortune when she is the “ one,” the whole one, which some­ times happens. If you will take my advice, you will seek the girl who would gladly serve Christ without official dis­ tinction, and who, while she was a student, was neither a backbiter nor a trouble-maker. Protestantism practically demands a married minister. Your wedding day will have more to do with your future ministry than any other human event. Don’t trust your own judgment, therefore! “ I f any o f you lack wisdom, let [Continued on page 91]

March, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


M o re m ysterious and p ow erfu l than th e flow o f electricity through cold and dar\ w ires is Tho LIGHT OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE_GLORY OF GOD B y W ILLIAM L. PETTINGILL* Wilmington* Delaware ¿ - W o CJU

He who is Light gave testimony, saying, “Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon y ou : for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth. While ye have light, believe in thfe light, that ye may be the chil­ dren o f light . . . I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness (John 12:35, 36 ,46 ). T he C onflict of L ight and D arkness There came a day when He who is the Light yielded Himself to the death of the cross, with the words, “ This is your hour, and the power o f darkness” (Lk. 22:53). He needed not to do this, and He said o f His life : “ No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down o f myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This com­ mandment have I received of my Father” (John 10:18). When He who is the Light laid down His life on Cal­ vary, “ from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour” (Matt. 2 7 :45). This looked like a great victory for the prince o f dark­ ness, but God was working out His wonderful plan to re­ deem men from the power o f darkness, “ to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power o f Satan unto God” (Acts 26:18). A fter three days, He who is the Light came forth out o f the grave, for Satan was not able to hold Him there. Through death, the Son o f God had overcome him that had the power o f death, that is, the devil, in order that He -might deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage (Heb. 2 :1 4 ,15). A truly titanic struggle is constantly going on between the kingdom of light and the power o f darkness. But there

“ But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost. “In whom the god o f this world hath blinded the minds o f them which believe not, lest the light o f the glorious gos­ pel o f Christ, who is the image o f God, should shine unto them. . . “ F or we preach n ot , ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake, _ “ F or God, who commanded the light to shine out o f darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light o f the knowledge o f the glory o f God in the face o f Jesus Christ. “ But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency o f the power may be o f God, and not o f us (2 Cor. 4 :3-7). OD is Light. And,H is first recorded word was: “ Let there be light” (1 John 1 :5 ; Gen. 1 :3 ). Satan, whose original name, Lucifer, signifies “ light-bearer” or “ morning-star” (c f. Isa. 14:12, R .V .), fell from his high estate through pride and became the prince o f darkness, plunging the whole world into the dark­ ness which had come upon him through his fall. When the fullness o f the time was come, the mighty God became incarnate in the virgin’s Son, a Light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of His people Israel (Gal. 4 :4 ; Lk. 2 :32 ). His herald came before him “ for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might be­ lieve. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world” (John 1 :6 -9 ). “ In him was life ; and the life was the light o f men. And the light shineth in the darkness ; and the darkness overcame it not” (John 1 :4, 5, R .V ., margin). *Author and*Bible Teacher.

March, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


is no doubt concerning the issue, for “ greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1 John 4 :4 ). The Prince o f life and light has come to grips with the prince o f darkness and death, and has defeated him. The world reached its crisis when He who is the Light was lifted up on the cross o f Calvary, and in due time “ shall the prince of this world be cast out” (John 12:31-33). The prince of darkness is under sentence, and in due time he will meet his doom in the lake o f fire (Rom. 16:20; Rev. 12:9; 20:10). In the meantime, all who take their place under the shel­ ter o f the shed blood o f Him who is the Light are imme­ diately born again and delivered forever from the power o f darkness and translated into the kingdom o f God’s dear Son (Col. 1 :13), and from that moment are appointed to show forth the praises o f Him who has thus called them out o f darkness into His marvelous light (1 Pet. 2 :9 ). _ T he N atural M an —B lind All this is set forth with clearness in the Word o f God, but it is hidden from the natural man. He cannot receive, nor perceive, “ the things o f the Spirit of G od : for they are foolishness unto him : neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judg- eth [“ discerneth” ] all things, yet he himself is judged [“ discerned” ] o f no man” (1 Cor. 2:14, 15). A young southern educator, himself a highly educated man, listened courteously to a friend who was repeating statements he had often made before, concerning these things. The young scholar was himself a professing Chris­ tian, but he was convinced that the world was to be saved by culture, while his friend was telling him again and again that the gospel was God’s power unto salvation, and that there was no other way. He declared also that, according to God’s plan as revealed in the Scriptures, the world was on the way to ruin, and that one day the Son o f God would come again to rescue the race and govern the world in person as King o f kings and Lord o f lords. The young man was really bored, though he listened attentively. Fi­ nally, however, he thought to close the interview by saying, “ Well, I can’t see it.” “ You can’t see it?” asked his friend. “ No,” he replied; “ I can’t see it.” “ Well,” said his friend, “ if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost.” “ L o st! Do you mean to say that I am lost ?” “ I f our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god o f this age hath blinded the minds o f them which believe not, lest the light o f the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image o f God, should shine unto them.” These words, quoted £q»m 2 Corinthians 4 :3 ,4, marked the turning point in the young educator’s life. He is still an educator, and is President o f a Christian college in a southern state, but he has a new program, the program o f God. B lindness R emoved The inability o f the natural man to understand the Word o f God is a fact but little comprehended, even among God’s dear children. They often wonder why it is that edu­ cated men, cultured men, even brilliant men, cannot see things set forth in the Bible so plainly that it would seem that “ the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err there­ in.” But it is a fact that the world by wisdom knows not God (1 Cor. 1 :21), and that, apart from the illumination brought only through regeneration, the wisest man in the world is utterly helpless to grasp the true meaning o f Scrip­ ture. The wisdom o f God is “ a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our

glory; Which none o f the princes of this world knew : for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord o f glory. But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart o f man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him [that is, the things contained in the Scriptures, the things between the two lids o f the Book called the Bible]. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things o f God” (1 Cor. 2 :7-10). When the princes o f this world rejected Him who is the Light, He answered and said: “ I thank thee, O Fa­ ther, Lord o f heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes. Even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight” (Matt. 11 :25, 26). Babes do not come through edu­ cation or culture, but through birth. The most thoroughly educated, cultured, refined, intelligent man in the world must be born again if he would know the things o f the Spirit o f God. If you are a born-again one, a babe in Christ, a child o f God, you have abundant reason for thanksgiving. P aul and the L ight Saul o f Tarsus was a man of education, a man o f cul­ ture, and a devoutly religious man; but like that other edu­ cated, cultured, religious man, Nicodemus, Saul needed to be born again. And when he was born again, on the Da­ mascus highway, he was transformed into a babe, and he saw things which until that time had been hidden from him. He said: “ Lord, what wilt thou have me to do ?” His new Lord sent a man to lead him by the hand, and he was brought out o f darkness into light, and became the great apostle to the Gentiles, used o f God as no other man save the Man Christ Jesus, to change the face o f the world. Now, how was all this done? By what means was it brought about? Let Paul answer this. He says: “ We preach not ourselves, but . . . your servants [“ slaves” ] for Jesus’ sake” (2 Cor. 4 ;5 ). Saul o f Tarsus would never have said that. That proud Pharisee was nobody’s slave. What has changed him? Listen. “ God, who commanded [ Continued, on page 94]

The cuts on these two pages are used through the courtesy o f the Los An­ geles ‘Bureau o f Power and Light.


March, I93S

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


N ot long ago, according to Ripley, a letter addressed to the Lord was sent to Rome, Italy. A fter some time, it was returned, marked, “Addressee Unknown.” Addressee unknown ! Whether the postal au­ thorities at Rome understood that the writer had actually attempted to send a letter to God, I do not know. Nevertheless, these words, “ Addressee Unknown,” are more than significant. One o f America’s most popular religious journalists has written a book entitled, The Man Nobody Knows. This attractively written book, in spite o f its clarity o f diction, gives us merely a few dim snapshots of Jesus the Man, in “ poses” generally unfamiliar to the average in­ terpreter o f His life. The “ snaps” are not good. The camera must have had something radically wrong with it mechanically. Perhaps the camera­ man himself did not have sufficient light for the taking o f such pictures, or else thé light that he did have was not light, but darkness ! “ If there­ fore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!” (Matt. 6 :23 ). At any rate, I prefer the simple teachings o f the Bible, whose character delineations o f our Lord are always true, and which tell us in terms unmistakable o f the one Man whom every one may know ! T remendous I mportance of K nowing C hrist It is absolutely essential that every man become ac­ quainted with the Lord Jesus Christ. It means to him either eternal life or eternal death! If you know Him, you have eternal life. “ And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and JesUs Christ, whom thou hast sent” (John 17:3). But if, at His coming again you do not know Him, it will mean banishment forever from His presence: “ And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus

shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel o f our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence o f the Lord, and from the glory o f his power; When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe . . . in that day” (2 Thess. 1:7-10). Dear reader, do you see the awful truth as revealed in that verse? Do you see that it is to them that “ know not God” — and who, consequently, “ obey not the gospel”— that “ everlasting destruction” is to be meted out ? T ruth I s T ruth W e are living in a day when men are discounting the plain teachings o f the Scriptures on such vital subjects as the immortality o f the soul, the destiny o f the soul, and, especially, what it is that determines that destiny. But such skepticism and unbelief is not new. It has ever been true that those who believe the gospel to the saving o f the soul, have been compelled to breast the swift-moving cur­ rents o f a doubting world. But truth is truth, no matter who doubts it. “ For what if some did not believe?.shall their unbelief make the faith o f God without effect?” (Rom . 3 :3 ). Certainly not! “ For the preaching o f the cross is to them that perish, foolishness; but unto us which are saved, it is the power o f God.” “ But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost” (1 Cor. 1 :18; 2 Cor. 4 :3). God is looking for men who will dare to believe and serve Him, even amidst a world of agnosticism. When the Bible teaches that there is a heaven, we believe i t ; we must do the same concerning the Bible teaching about hell. It is true, o f course, that the righteous shall go away into life eternal; it is equally true that “ the wicked shall be turned into hell” (Psa. 9 :17 ). One o f the inconsistencies of modernism is that it preaches a hell-less eternity, yet wonders why so many are living hellish lives! You do not pass out o f existence at death—you merely pass out o f the body-Wjfor “ it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Heb. 9 :27 ). H ell , a V ital N ecessity P ’ell is a vital necessity in the great program o f the o f love, else what could He do with the scores of thousands o f criminals now at large in the world, when at last they come to die, provided, o f course, that they die ■ unsaved?] How safe would heaven be with that gang of ¡lO f cutthroats, murderers, adulterers, white slavers, kidnapers, foul-mouthed blasphemers, and sodomites all there ? When I get to heaven, I expect to have more security than I do

T h is I Know By E. M A RG A R E T C L A R K S O N I do not know what next may come Across my pilgrim way, I do not know tomorrow's road, Nor see beyond today; But this I know— my Saviour knows The path I cannot see, And I can trust His wounded hand To guide and care for me. I do not know what may befall O f sunshine or of rain, I do not know what may be mine O f pleasure and of pain; But this I know— my Saviour knows, And whatsoe'er it be, Still I can trust His love to give W hat will be best for me. I do not know what may await, O r what the morrow brings, But with the glad salute of faith I hail its opening wings! For this I know— that in my Lord Shall all my needs be met, And I can trust the heart of Him W ho has not failed me yet.


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

March, 1935

You will find it easy to live a godly life, for, as you become better and better acquainted with Him, you will enjoy the marvelous unfoldings of the treasures that per­ tain to a holy life— “ all things that pertain unto . . . g o d l i n e s s Hqre is the secret o f victory over the world and over your many temptations and besetting sins: Be­ come intimately acquainted with the Lord Jesus Christ! Through knowing Him you receive life. And where there is new life, there naturally follows new living! Life and godliness! W arning Allow me to warn you o f a great danger which at this moment may be lulling you into an attitude o f indifference. You may be saying to yourself as you read this: “ Just an­ other sermon! Another writer who is overwrought with unnecessary fea r! I have been a Christian for years, a member o f the church and busy in the Master’s vineyard. Why all this fuss about my becoming a Christian, when I have been a Christian always, as far as I can remember? I ’ve always prayed and tried to live right, etc., etc.” How many times have I seen men glance restively at a message like this and then, with a sigh, lay it aside, as though they had laid aside with it the responsibility it revealed.



B y PAUL HUTCHENS* George, Iowa

today in the city o f Chicago! Heaven is, at least, a place o f rest. Just a moment, please! You do not have to believe in hell in order to be saved from it. I am not asking you to believe in it— first o f all. There are many who do believe in it and are still unsaved. lMv appeal to you is that you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, for if you do, you shall be saved (Acts 16:31). If you fully trust Him (fo r (a Do you recall those words o f Jesus to Philip? Sad words they were. But, barbed with the love o f the Saviour, they must have pierced deeply that day. I can almost hear the sob in His heart as He uttered them, see the wounds believe on Him means to trust in H im ), you shall be savedj] . ffis squ1 as j glimpse the light o f pain in H is eye. For Then some day when you shall have spent a few million/'^L tmur TM-iilir* Viorl Kppn urifll

a long time, almost three years now, Philip had been with the Lord, had sat under His matchless teachings, had basked in the sunlight o f history’s greatest environment, and, along with the other disciples, had actually gone forth to preach. And yet he was in ignorance as to the real Person o f our Lord. Now hear the words o f Jesus: “ Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip ?”

years (as the world counts time) in eternity with Him, where all is perfect satisfaction, you will praise Him from the depths of your heart that you have been saved from outer darkness. W onderful T hings Now, briefly, allow me to show some o f the wonderful things you will reap as a result o f knowing H im : “ Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge o f God, and of Jesus our Lord” (2 Pet. 1 :2 ). Grace always comes first, then peace. Do you long for peace? Oh, weary, warring, hating, restless, doubting, sinning, despairing world! Peace! The peace o f God is yours for the taking. But you cannot have it without first accepting His grace (H is favor and love bestowed upon ah unworthy one). And you get.both grace and peace, and multiplied at that, through the knowledge o f God and o f Jesus our Lord. Knowing Jesus Christ is a sure cure for worry. Have you tried it ? Listen once more. God has an abundant storehouse o f good things in which is kept everything that pertains to life and godliness. Everything! And to that storehouse He now hands you the key! “ According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge o f him that hath called us to glory and virtue” (2 Pet. 1 :3 ). Just what the “ all things” may mean, we cannot' now fully comprehend. But He has given them to us, nevertheless. W e might not fully understand nor grasp the meaning o f a million-dollar estate, should a kind friend leave it to us. But that lack o f knowledge should not keep us from accepting it and from drawing on its vast resources. LOh, reader, take the key, even though you as yet are scarcely able to believe, and by an act o f simple faith, insert it into the lock and open the door; and you shall have life and everything that pertains to it. You will instantly be­ come a new creature. “ Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold,

T r u s t s By ROBERT C R U M L Y

Far out at sea, at close of day, A lonely albatross flew by. W e watched him as he soared away— A speck against the glowing sky 1 Thought I: This lordly feathered one Is trusting in the faithfulness O f wind and tide, of star and sun; And shall I trust the Maker less?

O soul of mine, spread wide thy wings:

Mount up; push out with courage strong 1

And— like a bird which, soaring, sings— Let heaven vibrate with thy so n g ! SPREAD W ID E THY W IN G S , O SO U L O F M INE, For G o d will ever faithful be: His love shall guide thee; winds divine Shall waft thee o’er this troubled sea. Though dangers threaten in the night, Though tides of death below thee roll, Though storms attend thy homeward flight, Though shadows veil the verdant shore, And distant seems the hallowed dawn, Spread wide thy pinions— evermore Spread wide thy pinions, and press on. SPREAD W ID E TH Y P IN ION S , O M Y SO U L I

all things are become new” (2 Cor. 5 :17jTj * Evangelist and author o f “ Romance o f Fire.”

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