King's Business - 1935-03


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

March, 1935

How those words must have stung and cu t! How they must have stabbed their way to the very throne of Philip’s heart! Yes, dear reader, may they come pound­ ing at the door o f your conscience— pounding, pounding, until— if you are asleep to your lost condition—you are fully aroused, until you will arise from your bed o f false peace, throw aside the covers o f mock profession, and with glad and trembling soul rush to the door to bid Him enter who has so long stood outside—“ with you” in a sense, but not “ in you.” Yes, now, begin a lifelong acquaintance with Him. Take Him into your heart! Trust Him, love Him, serve Him. Allow His blood which was shed on Calvary to cleanse you from sin—all sin. “ Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will-come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me ” F acing the J udge You cannot he a Christian until you become a Christian. You cannot know Him until you have met Him. I beg o f you,: meet Him now—now while He can be your Saviour, for some day you must meet Him as your Judge, Dr. W . E. Biederwolf used to tell this story: A certain young man was attempting to cross the street in the path o f the swiftly moving wheels o f a truck. He seemed oblivious to the danger, when the strong arm o f a stranger at his side seized him and dragged him back to safety. The young man was duly appreciative and thanked the gentleman profusely. The day following, that same young man was brought into court on a charge o f stealing; The judge on the bench sentenced him according to the severity o f 'the lar­ ceny.

Looking at the judge, the young man said, plaintively, “ Don’t you know me, judge? You saved me from the wheels o f the truck yesterday. Don’t you know me?” But the judge’s face was sober. He must do his duty. A fter a moment o f tense silence, he said, sternly, and yet with a note o f sorrow in his voice: “ Yesterday I was your saviour; today I am your judge!” N ow ! N ow ! N ow !’ N ow ! Oh, dear reader, hear m e ! Do you know Jesus Christ ? Has He saved you, changed you? Truly the Great Judge knows all about you. Today He is the Saviour you need. Tomorrow He will be your Judge! If you know Him now, he will know you, then! You will not be tried then as a sinner, for you have trusted Him as your Saviour. The Judge Himself will be your Saviour because He has been your Saviour. He has reigned within, on the throne of your heart; and you shall reign with Him, on the throne o f His g lory! He is not the unknown and unknowable God. He is the altogether lovely One— lovely and de­ monstrable-—the Man whom every one may know. Oh, sin­ ner friend, make Him yours n ow ! Meet Him— I plead with you— n ow ! N ow ! For, “ These things have I written unto you that believe on the name o f the Son o f G od ; that ye may know that- ye have eternal life '. . .’’ (1 John 5 :13 ). The postal authorities o f heaven will never return your letters with “ Addressee Unknown,” stamped upon them, for you will address Him, not in writing, but with your own words and in His very presence ; and He whose literal throne may be millions o f miles away, will have another throne in your own heart! When you have come to know Him, you will say with Pau l::“ I count all things but loss for the excellency o f the knowledge o f Christ Tesus mv Lord” (Phil. 3 :8 ). ; A Fascinating Story by Q r a c e c J ^ iv ing s lon 9 f d l IN TH E A p r i l K I N G ’ S BU S INE S S T HERE is probably no more popular writer of Christian fiction' than Grace Livingston Hill. Readers of nearly two million copies of Mrs. Hill’s delightful novels are always asking for more. With appealing simplicity and naturalness, the author brings the Word of God into her writing— recognizing its supreme authority and urging its acceptance in the life. In the short story, “Beggarman,” to be published in the Easter Number of the KING’S BUSINESS, Mrs. Hill is at her best. Only a girl, a beggar, and a cane— yet each played a major part in the drama that resulted in changed lives. The story will not only be read and reread for personal pleasure, but will also be useful as an Easter dialogue in Sunday-school and young people’s groups.

Mrs. Hill at her desk. P la ce y o u r orders N O W fo r cop ies o f the E aster N um ber. C lub O ffer rate:

T o increase the num ber o f readers, su bscrip tion s are still being received a t the special




In Clubs of 10 or more, each................... 3 L / C

In Clubs of 3 to 6, each (A d d 25c fo r C anadian and foreign su b scrip tion s to co v e r c o s t o f extra p osta ge)

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


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