March, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
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) B y LOUIS S. BAUMAN Long Beach, California
past, whenever that noxious growth once laid hold, it never failed to destroy its victim, no matter how great or how powerful that victim may have been. Admittedly, the in iquities o f Abraham’s fleshly seed have been great and have continued long. It has been to the Jews’ own terrible sor row that they failed to recognize the face o f Jehovah when He came and tabernacled among them. And, still, their eyes see not. Yet, the incontrovertible fact remains that the Jew is God-saturated and tenaciously clings to a gen uine faith in the existence o f Jehovah. And thafs some thing! “ For he that cometh to God must believe that he is” (Heb. 11 :6 ). This prime requisite for pleasing God abides eternally in the breast o f the Jew, vagabond upon the face o f the earth though he be. This is true, all deformed Re formed Israelites, and spiritually hybrid, atheistic mon strosities known as “ Bolshevik Jews,” notwithstanding. Such “ Jews” are but slough off the great body o f Israel. The trail o f Israel through the centuries is lined with athe istic and bolshevistic exuviae. The orthodox Jew, the only Jew that God recognizes, is the Jew with whom the pro phetic testimony deals. It may be said that Jews lead the vanguards o f Social ism and Communism. Admit it. But remember that this but proves the Master’s prophecy: “ A man’s fo es shall be they o f his own household” (Matt. 10 :36). “ I t cannot be,” He said, “ that a prophet perish out o f Jerusalem” (Lk. 13: 33). Admit also that the legions o f Socialism, Commun ism, and Fascism are set to annihilate the spiritual heritage that abides in the soul o f Israel—undying faith, immutable covenants, the Messianic kingdom, eternal life, and God. “ Salvation,” with all that tremendous word implies, “ is o f the Jews r” (John 4 :22 ). That statement alone stirs up the venomous spleen o f all the forces o f hell. A s the hour comes on apace for the “ King o f the Jews” (Matt. 2 :2 ) to return and “ build again the taber nacle o f David, which is fallen down” (Acts 15:16)—as the hour comes on apace for the One who “ was despised, and rejected o f men” (Isa. 53:3, R .V .) “ to enter into his glory” (Lk. 2 4 :26)— as the hour comes on apace for “ the Lion o f the tribe o f Juda” (Rev. 5 :5 ) to take “ the gov ernment . . . upon his shoulder” (Isa. 9 :6) and rule all nations with “ a rod o f iron” (Psa. 2 :9 ), assuredly “ the prince o f this world” (John 14:30) may be expected to immediately mobolize every force at his command, demon iacal and human, in one last desperate attempt to nullify the “ salvation” that is “ o f the Jews,” and to thwart the reign o f their “ King.” Andjcan we be far astray from the truth when we believe thatSocialism, Communism, and Fascism— three “ spirits” that now sit enthroned in one form or another in practically every capital on earth—are none other than the “ unclean spirits” which will be used o f Satan to depopulate the nations in marshaling the grop- ing, groveling masses o f a Christless humanity to Arma geddon and to doom? God’s authority cannot forever be challenged and set aside by the rulers o f the earth. The final battle— the decisive battle— must com e! W e believe it is at hand! Judophobism w ill be its direct causé d It is written: “ For I [Jehovah] will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the I J
“Unclean Spirits” Carrying the Contagion of Sodom A s we have already set forth, Socialism, Communism, and Fascism are godless spirits; and, being godless, they carry with them as they go, the virus of godlessness— moral putrefaction.* Another illustration has just come to hand. As we write, the evening paper (January 18, 1935) informs us that the “ modern Voltaire” and famous Social ist, former Smith College professor, Dr. Harry Elmer Barnes, o f New York, and T . Somers Newman, a New York architect, have exercised their “ right to love” by a “ wife exchange act” (as Dr. Barnes himself calls it) legal ized at Reno four days ago. That any professedly decent society should recognize as legitimate such barnyard mo rality, is disconcerting. That a goodly number o f people in our own fair city o f Long Beach, following in the wake o f other cities, will go to our Municipal Auditorium tomorrow night to hear this “ unclean spirit” is distressing. That Cali fornia should present nearly 900,000 gubernatorial ballots to the Socialist who loudly proclaimed this sort o f a “ right to love” is disillusioning. Recalling the election to the bench last November, o f the notorious advocate o f “ companionate marriage,” we should judge that if Dr. Barnes will move to Los Angeles, we will forthwith elect him to the bench in our Superior Court and let him sit in judgment upon us, although, if our old-fashioned grandmothers could arise from their graves, they would ride him out o f town upon the proverbial rail. Verily, these “ unclean spirits like frogs” are creeping out o f their befouled nests, and as they go forth, strange doctrines appear, ideas utterly foreign to any decent civili zation o f the past. Black becomes white, smut becomes smart, nudity becomes modesty, sewerage becomes ambro sia, the demimonde becomes vestal, degenerates become stars, Phryne becomes Lucretia, pigsties become palaces, i hogwash becomes hors d’oeuvre, and attar o f skunks be comes attar o f roses! Godlessness is always accompanied by moral amaurosis. And when moral blindness such as this rests upon the world, the days o f Noah have come again, and the purifying judgments o f an indignant God are in the offing! The Spirit o f God will not be mocked: “ Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isa. 5 :20 ). Just re member, no civilization o f man has ever survived a great moral collapse! “ U nclean S pirits ” C arrying the C ontagion OF JUDQPHOBISM It is only to be expected that every godless and putres cent spirit in the universe should set itself to war forever against Judaism, for Judaism is forever God-consciousness, and its Ten Commandments were embedded upon rock! R ock? That’s permanence—unchangeableness! There is the reason, and the only reason, that Judophobism (hatred o f the Jew) has thrust its deadly tentacles, cancerlike, down into the bodies politic o f unregenerate men. And, in the *Once again, we except Fascism under Mussolini. But, as we shall see later, this exception is, o f itself, significant.
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