March, I f 35
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
H A R O L D Evanaillitle
8ong Director — Soloist ★ Directed
Our L I T E R A T U R E Tabkj W H A T T O P U R C H A S E A T B I O L A B O O K R O O M
16 C A M P A IG N S with 5 EV AN G E LISTS for 6 D E N O M IN A T IO N S in past 12 M O N T H S ★
rior, a persistent soul-winner, but, most of all, a man who throughout the years of a long and busy life found time to walk, step by step, with the Christ of God. 255 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $2 00. The Boy from Telemark B y N. N. R onning From the vantage point o f maturity, a Norwegian author, editor o f The Friend, looks back upon boyhood experiences in his native Telemark and in America. Now sparkling with humor, now sighing with pathos, the brief chapters o f the book pre sent characters that live and scenes that fascinate. A passionate lover o f nature, the author brings into his book choice gems o f description. But even more satis fying than his pen pictures of nature, are the reflections o f his own relation to the Lord Jesus Christ. One of these personal glimpses, is in the chapter, “At the Uni versity.” Charmingly phrased, the book gives one a sense o f rest and peace. 150 pages. The Friend. Minneapolis. Cloth. Price $1.00. Stories and Sketches of Our Hymns and Their Writers B y D avid J. B eattie Beloved hymns and gospel songs will hold still greater blessing for those who know of the circumstances o f the lives of the authors—particularly the spiritual ex periences which issued in these songs of worship and testimony. With appreciation and enthusiasm, Mr. Beattie has presented such details as give to these sketches a definite devotional value. About eighty- five American and British writers and 275 hymns are referred to in the volume. A liberal use of portraits o f authors adds to the appeal o f the book. 212 pages. John Ritchie, Ltd. Qoth. Price $1.50. Evangelistic Notices Mr. and Mrs. Harold Alexander praise the Lord for blessing received during their first two meetings of the new year. From December 31 to January 13, they were at La Mesa, Calif., with Rev. D. G. Cowles. From January 20 to February 3, they took part in special services in the First Breth ren Church, Long Beach, Calif., with Dr. Louis Bauman, the pastor, and Evangelist William E. Pietsch. During the two weeks o f meetings in Long Beach, not one ser vice passed in which some one did not seek the Lord Jesus Christ. Mr..and Mrs. Alexander will fill future engagements as follows: March 31 to April 14—San Diego, Calif. April 14 to April 28—La Mesa, Calif. April 28 to May 12—Colton, Calif. Professor and Mrs. E. C. Mills, “ Vic tory Gospel Singers” o f Los Angeles, are engaged in fifteen evangelistic campaigns in the state o f Ohio this winter. Thou sands are being awakened to the claims o f Christ. There have been 15,000 young peo ple and children in attendance at the serv ices. The Mills singers expect to return to Los Angeles in June.
' God’s Unspeakable Gift By H. A. I ronside
Publisher of
“ New Singable Son gs” with— “ ISN’T IT GRAND TO BE A CHRISTIAN” Twenty-flv© cents, postpaid; 25 copies $3.25, net. “ New Singable Songs Leaflet” 3 Choruses with— “ SAVED TO TELL OTHERS” Ten eents, postpaid; 25 copies $1.25, net.
In tliis new book typical o f the pulpit ministry of the pastor o f the Moody Mem orial Church, Chicago, the publishers offer a compilation o f twelve sermons on evangelical subjects. With directness and evangelistic fervor, the messages exalt the Lord Jesus Christ, glory in His finished work, and bring the reader face to face with the truth o f God. Placed in the hands o f believers or the unsaved, this volume will bring God’s message in an appealing form. 192 pages. Pickering & Inglis (Lon don) and Loizeaux Bros. (New York). Cloth. Price $1.00. Helps to the Study of the Bible Whether one is in need of Biblical his tory or measurements, photographic plates o f embalmed Pharaohs, or a synthetic view o f any one of the Bible’s sixty-six books, this comprehensive work will yield valu able information. The book is id five logical divisions: The Bible; The Old Testament; The Apoc rypha; The New Testament; and Palestine, Its Inhabitants, Physical Geography, Cus toms, etc. There is a comparison of Egyptian and Greek alphabets, a complete catalogue of the animals, birds, and insects mentioned in the Scriptures, and a commentary on the precious stones and botanical specimens of the Bible—all alphabetically arranged. A good concordance and a harmony of the Gospels are included. The busy Bible student will find Helps to the Study o f the Bible to be a library in one volume. 5 x 7 j ^ x l % inches. Oxford University Press. Cloth. Price $3.00. Charles W . Abel o f Kwato was built on pioneer lines. His was the vision that sees the possibilities of an undeveloped field, the faith that dares to brush aside the curtains o f precedent, the persistence that holds on in the face o f seemingly insur mountable difficulty, and the practical holi ness necessary to convince heathen hearts o f the validity o f his message concerning a holy God—all this and more was his possession through matchless grace. Abel was given the privilege o f pioneer ing in a field where personal risk was taken for granted, where opposition was in the air, among a people who were so spiritually dwarfed that, humanly speaking, successful Christian work was an utter impossibility. And yet this amazing man from London succeeded, and did it so well that today, to those who knew him, the name of Charles Abel is a synonym for all that is Christlike and inspiring. The book is really well written. It has what many modern biographies lack, namely, a vital message, charmingly pre sented. Vividly, sympathetically, and with a sureness of touch born of thorough knowledge o f his field, Russell Abel has given us a picture of one who was at once a prodigious worker, a mighty prayer war Charles W . Abel of Kwato By R ussell W . A bel
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