T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
March, 1935
TheBibleInstitute FAMILY CIRCLE
Alumni News R ecently while in Fresno on a Bible teaching campaign, Ethel Markley, ’20, was instrumental in organizing thé San Joaquin Valley Alumni Associa tion, with headquarters at Fresno, Calif. The meeting was held in the Y. W . C. A." building at Fresno, and after dinner had been served, a happy time o f fellowship was enjoyed, which included songs, testi monies, and prayer. Unfortunately, the weather was very stormy, and a number o f alumni from the surrounding towns were unable to attend. The following were present: Agavnie Boyajian, ’30, at tending Fresno State Teacher’s College and superintendent o f a Sunday-school in Fresno, Calif.; John ( ’28) and Mrs. Braun, working in a Japanese Sunday- school in Dinuba, Calif.; Mrs. Alfred Jef fery (Mildred Robb, ’27), wife o f the pastor of a community Presbyterian Church in Fresno, Calif.; Ethel L. Mark- fey, ’20, Monrovia, Calif., teaching a num ber of Bible classes for adults and college groups ; Henry and Mrs. Martens (Lydia Eitzen, -,’21), Reedley, Calif.; William ( ’24) and Mrs. Mueller, working in a Chinese mission, Fresno, Calif.; Emma Popp, ’28, teaching a week-day Bible class for children, Fresno, Calif.; Mrs. Otto B. Reimer (Agnes Eitzen, ’20), Reedley, Calif. ; Susie Richert, ’20, teacher in pub lic school, dealing especially with foreign children, near Visalia, Calif.; Jacob F. and Mrs. Wiens (Susie Willems, ’32),. Hanford, Calif.; and Abraham N. ( ’20) and Mrs. Willems (Matilda Heinrichs, ’21), in charge o f the Boyd Memorial Presbyterian Chapel in Fresno, Calif. At the business meeting, the following officers were elected: Abraham N. Willems— president; John Braun—vice-president; Emma Popp—secretary; and Agavnie Boyajian—treasurer. Herbert D. Peterson, ’32, called at the Institute some time ago. He expected to leave the pastorate he has had in Harper, Wash., to go to the Evangelical Free Church at Rapid City, S. Dak. In a bulletin recently received by the Alumni Association, Harold G. More house, ’23, was said to have accepted a call to the Eldorado County Federated Church, Placerville, Calif. He had ministered in Shively, Garberville, and Scotia, Calif. Mrs. H. Ross Shaffer (Lucife Camp- ton), Glendale, Calif., spoke at the'Stu dent Missionary Union some time ago, and told o f conditions and spiritual needs in Brazil, where she and Mr. Shaffer ( ’21) served at Mackenzie College, Sao Paulo, under the Presbyterian Board o f Foreign Missions. Mr. Shaffer is pastor of the Tropico Presbyterian Church in Glendale. Theron M. ( ’26) and Mrs. Chastain (Agnes Bridge, ’29) are at Louisville, Ky., where Mr. Chastain is in his second year at the Southern Baptist Theological Sem inary.- He is pastor o f three - country churches where he preaches every. Sunday. One church is in Indiana, about 65 miles from .Louisville,, .another,, in.., Kentucky about 45 miles away, and the third is near
Owensboro, a distance of 150 miles or more from the seminary. Along with the heavy class work, he is in charge o f the student FERA work (under the Federal government) of the seminary. Mrs. Chas tain is secretary to one. o f the professors in the seminary and has the privilege of attending som e: classes. Mr. and Mrs, Chastain have a four-year-old daughter, Carol Louise. Benard ( ’28) and Mrs. Mason, who have been touring the Pacific Coast as “ The Mason Bell Ringers,” have been in Bur lington, Wash., since September. Mr. Mason has been supplying the pulpit o f the United Presbyterian Church there and has been asked to continue as supply till the end o f the church year in March. The president of the congregation writes that the church has already taken on new life and activity. The church has voted to be A M ESSENG ER “A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born fo r ad versity” (Prov. 17:17). Into my life, like sunshine after rain, Bringing the bird-song and the breath - of flowers, Parting the clouds and earth-mist le gions gray, Letting the blue of heaven glimmer , through'— Into the dreary darkness and the storm and stress. Bringing sweet rest and song and vision new, Op'ning closed doors and touching se cret springs, Letting the light of heaven shimmer through— God chose to send a messenger of peace, His herald and His choice ambassador, To manifest His changeless love— to • banish fear. And in His tender wisdom He chose YOU. — I. S. L. known as the Calvary, Church o f Bur lington. Oscar T. Gillan, ’27, is engaged in a ministry to young people’s groups in Southern California, the movement being termed “The Young People’s Gospel League.” Adapting his methods to the specific need of the group which requests help, Mr. Gillan sometimes brings a team of young people from another church, or guides a group in the formation of a team o f its own, or conducts a three-day confer ence with the local society. Oscar E.iSanden, ’23, pastor o f the First Presbyterian Church, La Feria, Tex., writes: “ The other day;1while driving
through San Antonio, Tex., I noticed that a Dallas minister was conducting á revival meeting at the Beacon Hill Presbyterian Church. On further investigation, I dis covered the evangelist to be my former classmate at Biola, Manford George Gutzke, ’24. I therefore arranged to stop over, went to the meeting, walked quietly into the church, and took a back seat so that I would not be noticed. But in this I failed, for I soon found myself near the front, being called on to lead in prayer. From this point of vantage, I sat thrilled through the service, hearing Gutzke in a most gripping testimony of God’s saving and keeping power. It reminded me of the old days, when we used to meet at Biola Hall to preach together. As I later drove on up through the state, I was continually going over in my mind this happy expe rience. On this trip I received invitations to conduct three revivals in the near fu ture.” L. C. Robie, ’18, o f Union Springs, N.Y., is known as “America’s only flying pilot in the evangelistic field.” A pastor in John son City, N. Y., writes o f the ministry of the “ Sky Pilot,” telling o f crowded meet ings and o f revival blessing. Preston Sowell, ’31, in his pastorate at Hughson, Calif., has recently been assisted by Leonard J. Eilers, ’30, cowboy evangel ist, in a “Round-Up for God,” a series o f evangelistic services which resulted in consecrations and decisions for Christ. Concerning Mr. Sowell’s ministry, Mr. Eilers writes: “ The church which has now called Preston to be her pastor, was about to close the doors. But Preston, living here, saw an opportunity to serve God in this community and offered his services, which were accepted. Now almost a year has gone by, one of real blessing to the church and community.” Alumni Directory A s th e A lum ni A sso cia tio n is h opin g to pu blish another d irectory soon , it is u rgen t th at the record s be a ccu rate. A n y graduate w ho did n ot receive a c o p y o f th e B IO L A A L UM N U S, m ailed in D ecem ber, o r t o w hom th e A L UM N U S h ad to b e forw arded, is re quested to rep ort his present add ress to H elen W h ite, *20, A lum ni S ecretary. It is also desir able to h ave som e perm anent add ress fo r the A ssocia tion ’s files. Bom To Arthur and Mrs. Skoglund (Naomi J. Olson), a daughter, Grace Joan, Decem ber 8, Kingsburg, Calif. To G. B. and Mrs. Swier (Mrs. Mar tina Praetorius, ’32), a son, Dick William, May 30, Dayton, Wash. To Frederick B. and Mrs. Whale (Grace Feldges, ’28), a son, Frederick Gordon, January 17, Glasgow, Scotland. Married John G. Fee and Theodora Williamson, December 30, Shanghai, China: ■ Oscar Gillan^;;!27, and Phyllis’ Break, November 26, Glendale, Calif: James Laidlaw and Agnes Muir,: ’22, October 6, Long Beach, Calif.
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